Wolfram Fischer
Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Accelerators, Department Chair, Collider Accelerator Department

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Collider Accelerator Department
Bldg. 911B
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-5452
(631) 703-0896
Wolfram Fischer is the Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Accelerators in Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Chair of the Collider-Accelerator Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The mission of the C-A Department is to develop, improve and operate the suite of particle / heavy ion accelerators used to carry out the program of accelerator-based experiments at BNL; to support the experimental program including design, construction and operation of the beam transports to the experiments plus support of detector and research needs of the experiments; to design and construct new accelerator facilities in support of the BNL and national missions. The C-A Department supports an international user community of over 1,500 scientists. The department performs all these functions in an environmentally responsible and safe manner under a rigorous conduct of operations approach.
Fischer earned his PhD from the University of Hamburg in 1995 with experimental accelerator physics work at CERN and DESY, and joined Brookhaven in the same year. He moved through the ranks to his present position in 2021.
Fischer serves regularly on accelerator advisory committees in the US and abroad. He is an Associate Editor for Physical Review Accelerator and Beams.
Awards & Recognition
Fischer is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and a Senior Member of IEEE. He received the APS Outstanding Referee Award in 2016 and the Brookhaven Science and Technology Award in 2017.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Collider Accelerator Department
Bldg. 911B
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-5452
(631) 703-0896