A Note from Steve Dierker

Steve Dierker

Steve Dierker

The Users’ Executive Committee is meeting on Friday, August 12, and also holding a Town Meeting from 1 to 3 p.m. in the NSLS Seminar Room. The agenda includes reports on safety, NSLS operations, and NSLS-II construction progress.

The newly elected UEC Chair, Dan Fischer, will host the Town meeting. Dan is a long-time NSLS user from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and works on beamlines U7A, X23A2 and X24A, the three NIST beamlines at NSLS. Dan is leading the effort to build two NIST beamlines at NSLS-II: Spectroscopy Soft and Tender (SST) and Beamline for Materials Measurements (BMM). We welcome continuing collaboration with NIST.

About a year ago, the NSLS-II Project took delivery of the first magnet destined for the main electron storage ring. Now, over 140 magnets have been delivered. We have more than 840 magnets on order, and all seven magnet vendors in six different countries have shipped to us a portion of magnets under their contracts. Soon, we will be overflowing with magnets.

Multipole magnets are assembled onto girders in Bldg. 902, and we will start dipole-magnet assembly on the floor space of pentant 2 in Bldg. 740. That is the new numerical designation for the NSLS-II ring building, and it allows us to number the five lab-office buildings sequentially -- from 741 through 745.

Summer Sunday visitors at our NSLS/NSLS-II open house on July 24 saw the first multipole magnet girder in the ring. This week, we will install the second multipole girder. Precision alignment is under way on the third, and so on.

At next year’s Summer Sunday, we will certainly have a lot more to show and tell.

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