Call for Proposals: User proposals for ATF beam time are now being accepted for an April–July 2024 run. After this time, our plans, based on circumstances from last year, will be to shut down as we prepare for the ATF Internal Readiness Review and the Accelerator Readiness Review. To ensure full evaluation, interested researchers should submit their proposals by Friday, March 1, 2024, 5:00 pm, EST. For detailed information regarding proposal submission, proposal categories, and the beam time request process, please visit the ATF User Access Page.
Please note that the UED Facility is no longer part of DOE-SC User Facility operations and proposals are no longer being accepted for that facility as part of the ATF proposal call. If you have an interest in beam time at the UED facility, please email the UED Access Team directly.
We are encouraging all potential users to attend this meeting in-person. However, the meeting will support hybrid access via ZOOM for registered attendees.
The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) is a DOE Office of Science User Facility that provides users with high-brightness electron- and laser-beams, and ultrafast electron diffraction capabilities. The Accelerator Facilities Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory has provided a facility for users to study the properties of modern accelerators and new techniques of particle acceleration and radiation generation for over 30 years. It is the designated user facility for the Accelerator Stewardship Program.
- For questions about the Call for Proposals or Preliminary Agenda, contact Mark Palmer
- For questions about the logistics or an invitation letter, contact Mary Jane Ilardi
- For technical questions about Proposal Submission System, contact Mary Jane Ilardi
Meeting Objectives
- The ATF Program Advisory Committee (APAC) will review the progress of the ongoing user experiments and approve new experimental proposals that are synergistic with the mission of the DOE Office of Science Accelerator Stewardship Program. They will also review the facility’s science goals and planning.
- The meeting will serve as a forum for collaboration and a platform for users to report their work to APAC and the research community.
- The current status, performance, and future plans for the ATF will be presented.
Program Advisory Committee
- Sandra Biedron (Chair), University of New Mexico
- Felicie Albert, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Manuel Hegelich, TAU Systems
- John Power, Argonne National Lab
- Craig Siders, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Evgenya Simakov, Los Alamos National Lab
- Ronald Williams, FAMU
This event has reserved a hotel room block. When booking your reservation, you may need to guarantee your room with a credit card. Details >>
Local Organizing Committee
Past Events
View information from previous events.
Important Dates
December 13, 2023 | General registration opens |
March 5, 2024 | Additional non-U.S. citizens registration deadline for all participants who do not have an active appointment with Brookhaven Lab. You will be directed to the appropriate form once you have completed the event registration. |
March 28, 2024 | General registration closes |