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Membership in the BVA is open to all veterans and friends of veterans in the Brookhaven Lab community.
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Community Outreach
Our team provides care packages to a support group made up of troops from the Army, Air Force and Marines that are deployed overseas. We will be supporting them throughout their deployment and need your help in providing some of the items they need. We also send care packages to family members of Brookhaven Lab employees.
BVA Adopt-a-Platoon Team
We always need supplies to send, especially prepared meals, snacks, sunscreen with high SPF, hygiene kits for both genders, board games, microwavable foods, individual drinks, and warm weather items. In addition, we are always in need of funds for postage. If you can help, please send your monetary donations to:
Brookhaven Veterans
P.O. Box 671
Upton, NY 11973
(Note: In memo section on
checks write "support troops")
Donation boxes are located in the following buildings: 400 Lobby, 510 Room 1-113, 452 outside main office.