Updates for the User Community
inputs from the CFN User Office
January 25, 2019
Hello CFN user community! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday and a happy and safe new year! We at the CFN are looking forward to more exciting science in 2019!
Upcoming Deadlines
- The next submission deadline for new proposals and requests for additional time for the May–August 2019 cycle is January 31. Please send your submissions through the online CFN User Proposal System.
- After-hours access at the CFN is authorized on a cycle-by-cycle basis. If you would like to apply for after-hours access or extend your current access, please complete the request form. Please remember that working with hydrofluoric acid and exchanging pyrophoric, flammable, or toxic gas cylinders are not authorized during after hours.
Upcoming Events
- The CFN will participate in a conference booth at the American Physical Society March Meeting 2019 in Boston, MA, from March 4–8, and the 2019 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Phoenix, Arizona, from April 22–26. If you are giving a talk or presenting a poster at these conferences, please notify us so that we can encourage meeting participants to attend.
- The annual NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting will be held from May 20–22. The planning committee is currently working on the agenda for the meeting and will inform the user community when detailed information is made available on the meeting website.
- Applications are now being accepted (deadline is January 30) for the 2019 Renate W. Chasman Scholarship for Women, awarded by Brookhaven Women in Science to encourage women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This year, the award is $2,500, which includes generous contributions of $1,000 by the Long Island Section of the American Nuclear Society and $500 by NSLS-II. The award honors the memory and scientific contributions of Renate Chasman (1932–1977), a noted physicist at Brookhaven Lab. Her work influenced the design of particle accelerators around the world, including Brookhaven’s NSLS and its successor, NSLS-II. The award ceremony and talk by the recipient will be part of the Joint Users’ Meeting.
User Science Publications and Highlights
- We encourage you to continue sending us high-resolution copies of publication covers that feature your papers or articles. Keep us informed of your awards, honors, and publications. Publicizing your discoveries and professional achievements helps us raise the profile of the CFN, attract top scientists from around the world, and secure ongoing funding, especially during this time of budget uncertainty.
General Reminders
- Send us an email if you have completed or refreshed a training so that we can update your badge access.
- Do not forget to complete a user satisfaction survey after your visit to the CFN. We provide your feedback to the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences, our funding agency. Your survey responses also allow the CFN to identify areas for improvement.
- The following acknowledgement must be used when referencing work performed in whole or in part at the CFN: “This research used resources of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, which is a U.S. DOE Office of Science Facility, at Brookhaven National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-SC0012704.”
Safety Reminders
- Access to CFN laboratories is through authorized badge access only. Piggybacking onto someone else’s access is a violation of CFN rules. If you lose access, contact the CFN User Office.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the CFN User Office or any of the CFN staff. We are here to help and to ensure you are safe when conducting your work.
On behalf of the entire CFN family, we thank you for your continued support of and engagement with the CFN.
—Grace Webster
User Program Administrator and Outreach Coordinator
2019-14356 | INT/EXT | Newsroom