General Lab Information

Leading-edge research into quantum algorithms, programming models, and optimization schemes

The Quantum Computing Group at CSI is part of the wider Quantum Information Science research initiative at Brookhaven Lab, which includes the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA). CSI’s Quantum Computing Group also closely collaborates with the Lab’s High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, and Instrumentation areas.

Current research within CSI’s Quantum Computing Group focuses on interrelations between quantum information theory and other areas of physics. Specific research themes include quantum algorithms inspired by high energy and condensed matter physics; quantum error correcting codes; long-range entanglement and its complexity classification, characterization, and measurement strategies; and artificial intelligence applications involving the development of quantum computer hardware and software.


Hybrid Digital-Analog Quantum Algorithms

This work aims at combining the notions of discrete (digital) and continuous (analog) quantum processing to design and analyze new and more efficient quantum protocols that can enhance and expand the applications of current and emerging quantum devices.

Quantum Algorithms Across Topological and Quantum Circuit Models

This work involves the study of quantum algorithms and conversion strategies across two universal models of quantum computation: the gate-based circuit model and topological model.

Novel Quantum Algorithms

This work involves a systematic search for novel quantum primitives over the known fast classical transforms

Quantum Telescope

This project for DOE High Energy Physics is focused on the development of next-generation telescopes based on exploiting quantum information science and quantum optics by leveraging quantum interferometric techniques.

Spin Chain Bootstrap for Quantum Computation

This DOE Basic Energy Sciences project is exploring recent ideas that center on designing efficient quantum circuits to generate general classes of states with long-range entanglement.