Check-in Procedures
All guests and users are provided with check-in procedures via e-mail when they submit a registration form to come to Brookhaven National Laboratory. Guests can check their appointment and training status and what identification documents are on file at Brookhaven Lab when they visit Guest Central.
All guests, users, and visitors must check-in at the Guest, User, Visitor Center, Building 400E prior to visiting their department and/or user facility. Check-in hours are 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Guests should make every attempt to arrive during these hours.
Commitments and Expectations Statement
Guests coming to Brookhaven will be required to sign a Commitments and Expectations Statement (PDF) before they receive a BNL ID card.
Guest Intellectual Property Agreement
If you are not accessing one of Brookhaven's DOE Designated User Facilities, you will be asked to sign a Guest Intellectual Property Agreement upon checking in at BNL (or for remote users, as part of your registration). Please review the Guest Intellectual Property Agreement (PDF).
Proper Identification
Guests and visitors working at Brookhaven need to have proper identification documentation with them upon check-in at BNL. A Brookhaven photo ID badge cannot be issued without the appropriate identification.
Legal Agreements
Guests and users conducting hands-on research at BNL require an agreement be in place before conducting research. The type of agreement that is applicable depends on the work being conducted, where the work is being done, and who is sponsoring the research. See details on the different types of agreements.