Brookhaven National Lab is pleased to offer a Workplace Lactation Program to support Mothers returning to work.
Lactation rooms have been established to further support the needs of women who may wish to continue breastfeeding after they return to work from maternity leave. This is one avenue to support the Lab's commitment to the attraction and retention of a diverse workforce.
We currently have four rooms. Room one is in building 490, Rm. 8-13, rooms 2 and 3 are located in the NSLS-II buildings 741 and 745, Rooms 160, and room 4 is in the Physics Department, Bldg. 510, Room 1-103.
We value your contributions to the Lab and we recognize that continuing to breastfeed after you return to work can be somewhat challenging. It is our hope that availability of the lactation rooms will help to make your transition back to work less challenging.
For more information please refer to Brookhaven Lab's Workplace Lactation Support Program Policy.
Ivan Rodriguez
(631) 344-7265,