Directions to Seminar & Meeting Rooms at Brookhaven
Below is a list of some of the Seminar & Meeting Rooms at Brookhaven. If you would like your Seminar & Meeting Room added to this list, please send your request to ITD's Web Services.
- Berkner Hall (Building 488)
- Biology Department (Building 463/463B - Conference Facilities)
- Brookhaven Center (Building 30)
- Center for Functional Nanomaterials (Building 735)
- Chemistry Department (Building 555)
- Collider-Accelerator Department (Building 911)
- Computational Science Initiative (Building 725)
- EBNN, NASA, OMC (Building 490)
- Environmental & Climate Sciences Department (Building 815)
- Information Technology Division (Building 515)
- Instrumentation Department (Building 535)
- Interdisciplinary Science Building (Building 734)
- Isotope Research and Production Department (Bldg. 801)
- NSLS-II Lab Office Building 1 (Building 741)
- NSLS-II Lab Office Building 3 (Building 743)
- NSLS-II Lab Office Building 4 (Building 744)
- NSLS-II Lab Office Building 5 (Building 745)
- NSLS-II Main Lobby (Building 740)
- Physics Department (Building 510)
- Recreation Hall (Building 317)
- Research Support Building (Building 400)
- Science Education Center (Building 438)
- Science Learning Center (Building 935)
- Tandem Library (Building 901A)