General Lab Information

Fernando Camino

Staff Scientist, Electron Microscopy, Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Fernando Camino

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-7606

My Ph.D. work centered in electronic transport in semiconductor heterostructures (Advisor: Prof. E. Mendez). During my postodoctioral  stage I focused on the fabrication and study of quantum interferometers in the integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes. (Advisor: Prof. V. Goldman). At the CFN, my research interest is the study of quantum effects in the electronic transport of low-dimensional electron systems and nanostructures, which may give opportunities for novel technological applications, and for which unconventional device nanofabrication techniques are usually required.

Expertise | Research | Education | Appointments | Publications | Highlights | Video


  • Electrical characterization at low temperatures and under magnetic fields
  • In-situ electrical characterization in the SEM and TEM
  • Electronic device fabrication, including all-inclusive device fabrication in the SEM/FIB system
  • Aberration-corrected e-beam lithography
  • Operation of liquid helium and biasing TEM holders
  • Fabrication of electrical contacts to TEM samples for biasing experiments

Research Activities

“I am experienced in electrical characterization of nanostructured materials subjected to light, temperature and magnetic fields stimuli. These studies usually demand the development of novel nanofabrication techniques. For example, I am currently working in the use of an aberration-corrected STEM to perform e-beam lithography, pushing the limits of conventional lithography processes towards the fabrication of devices with 1 nm features.”


National Engineering University (Peru) B.S. 1995 Physics

National Engineering University (Peru) Licentiate 1996 Physics

Stony Brook University M.A. 1998 Physics

Stony Brook University Ph.D. 2003 Physics

Professional Appointments

2007–present   Scientist, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory

2005–2007      Research Scientist, Quantum Transport Laboratory, Stony Brook University

2003–2005      Postdoctoral Research Associate, Quantum Transport Laboratory, Stony Brook University

2021–       Member of the DEI Council of the EPS Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Synergistic Activities

2020–       Member of the Reviewer Board for the journal Nanomaterials.   

2022         Organizer, Workshop on Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) Tutorial: Fundamentals, Basic Data Acquisition and Analysis, 2022 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting, Upton, NY.

2020         Organizer, Workshop on 2D and Quantum Materials: Emerging Phenomena, Device Fabrication and Applications, 2020 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting, Upton, NY.

2017         Organizer, Workshop on Bringing Big Science into the Classroom, 2017 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting, Upton, NY.

Selected Publications

  • Camino FE, Tiwale N, Hwang S, et al (2023) Mitigating challenges in aberration-corrected electron-beam lithography on electron-opaque substrates. Nanotechnology 35:065301.
  • Han M-G, Camino F, Vorobyev PA, et al (2023) Hysteretic Responses of Skyrmion Lattices to Electric Fields in Magnetoelectric Cu2OSeO3. Nano Letters 23:7143–7149.
  • Du Q, Hu Z, Han M-G, et al (2022) Topological Hall Effect Anisotropy in Kagome Bilayer Metal Fe3Sn2. Physical Review Letters 129:.
  • Li Y, Zaki N, Garlea VO, et al (2021) Electronic properties of the bulk and surface states of Fe1+yTe1−xSex. Nature Materials 20:1221–1227.
  • Mizuno N, Camino F, Du X (2020) In Situ Study of the Impact of Aberration-Corrected Electron-Beam Lithography on the Electronic Transport of Suspended Graphene Devices. Nanomaterials 10:666.
  • Manfrinato VR, Camino FE, Stein A, et al (2019) Patterning Si at the 1 nm Length Scale with Aberration-Corrected Electron-Beam Lithography: Tuning of Plasmonic Properties by Design. Advanced Functional Materials 29:.
  • Camino FE, Manfrinato VR, Stein A, et al (2018) Single-Digit Nanometer Electron-Beam Lithography with an Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope. Journal of Visualized Experiments.
  • Shi NN, Tsai C-C, Camino F, et al (2015) Keeping cool: Enhanced optical reflection and radiative heat dissipation in Saharan silver ants. Science 349:298–301.
  • Camino FE, Nam C-Y, Pang YT, et al (2014) Characterization of plasmonic hole arrays as transparent electrical contacts for organic photovoltaics using high-brightness Fourier transform methods. Journal of Modern Optics 61:1735–1742.
  • Camino FE, Zhou W, Goldman VJ (2007) Quantum transport in electron Fabry-Perot interferometers. Physical Review B 76:.

Research Highlights

Study of the Impact of Aberration-Corrected Electron-Beam Lithography on the Electronic Transport of Suspended Graphene Devices

New Dual-Beam Microscope Installed at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Facilities for Novel Device Fabrication in the Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Single-Digit Nanometer Electron-Beam Lithography with an Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

Featured Video

  • Workshop: Applications of Electron-Beam Induced Current (EBIC) Imaging in the SEM and TEM

    September 24, 2024

    Recorded talks of the workshop "Applications of Electron-Beam Induced Current (EBIC) Imaging in the SEM and TEM," part of the 2024 NSLS-II & CFN Users' Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
