General Lab Information

Andrei Fluerasu

CHX Lead Beamline Scientist, Complex scattering, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Andrei Fluerasu

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 744
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4645
(631) 569-0008

I am a Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lead Beamline Scientist of the Coherent X-ray Scattering group in the Photon Sciences Directorate (NSLS-II). My research interest focus on novel applications of X-ray scattering methods.  I have 20+ yer experience in developing coherent X-ray scattering methods, to study "mesoscale" dynamics of materials. More recently I have become interested in "quantum scattering" applications of bright Synchrotron beams where we create pairs of correlated photons to extract the maximum information from a scattering or imaging experiment while minimizing beam-induced artifacts. 

Expertise | Education | Appointments | Publications | Highlights


X-ray Scattering; Coherent X-ray Scattering; X-ray Photon Corrlation Spectroscopy
Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion; Ghost Imaging; 
Dynamics of Materials; Colloids; Microrheology; Microfluidics


Ph.D. Physics, McGill University, Montreal Canada, 2003
M.Sc. Applied Physics, NJIT/Rutgers, 1996
B.Sc. Physics, University of Bucharest, 1994

Professional Appointments

Lead Beamline Scientist, NSLS-II, BNL 2009 - present
Beamline Scientist, ESRF, 2007 - 2009
Post-doctoral Researcher, ESRF, 2003-2007
Research Staff, Syprotech Inc. Montreal, Canada 1996-1998
Analysist Programmer, Val Infonet S.R.L., Bucharest, Romania, 1994-1995

Selected Publications

  • Liu R, Gura A, Sauyet T, et al (2025) Dynamics of Thermally Driven Domain Transformation in Ferroelectric Thin Films. Physical Review Letters 134:.
  • Tian J, Motezakker AR, Wang R, et al (2025) Probing the Self-Assembly dynamics of cellulose nanocrystals by X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 683:1077–1086.
  • Goodrich JC, Mahon R, Hanrahan J, et al (2024) Quantum Imaging with X-rays
  • Porter Z, Shen L, Plumley R, et al (2024) Understanding the superconductivity and charge density wave interaction through quasi-static lattice fluctuations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:.
  • Hurley MJ, Tanner CPN, Portner J, et al (2024) In situ coherent x-ray scattering reveals polycrystalline structure and discrete annealing events in strongly coupled nanocrystal superlattices. Physical Review Research 6:.
  • Myint P, Woodward JM, Wang C, et al (2024) Coherent X-ray Spectroscopy Elucidates Nanoscale Dynamics of Plasma-Enhanced Thin-Film Growth. ACS Nano 18:1982–1994.
  • Myint P, Ludwig KF, Wiegart L, et al (2021) de Gennes Narrowing and Relationship between Structure and Dynamics in Self-Organized Ion-Beam Nanopatterning. Physical Review Letters 126:.
  • Hill J, Campbell S, Carini G, et al (2020) Future trends in synchrotron science at NSLS-II. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32:374008.
  • Madsen A, Fluerasu A, Ruta B (2020) Structural Dynamics of Materials Probed by X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers 1989–2018.
  • Headrick RL, Ulbrandt JG, Myint P, et al (2019) Coherent X-ray measurement of step-flow propagation during growth on polycrystalline thin film surfaces. Nature Communications 10:.
  • Nogales A, Fluerasu A (2016) X Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for the study of polymer dynamics. European Polymer Journal 81:494–504.
  • Li L, Kwasniewski P, Orsi D, et al (2014) Photon statistics and speckle visibility spectroscopy with partially coherent X-rays. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21:1288–1295.
  • Kwasniewski P, Fluerasu A, Madsen A (2014) Anomalous dynamics at the hard-sphere glass transition. Soft Matter 10:8698–8704.
  • Orsi D, Fluerasu A, Moussaïd A, et al (2012) Dynamics in dense hard-sphere colloidal suspensions. Physical Review E 85:.
  • Fluerasu A, Kwasniewski P, Caronna C, et al (2010) Dynamics and rheology under continuous shear flow studied by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. New Journal of Physics 12:035023.
  • Fluerasu A, Moussaïd A, Madsen A, Schofield A (2007) Slow dynamics and aging in colloidal gels studied by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. Physical Review E 76:.
  • Fluerasu A, Sutton M, Dufresne EM (2005) X-Ray Intensity Fluctuation Spectroscopy Studies on Phase-Ordering Systems. Physical Review Letters 94:.

Research Highlights

Slow Atomic Movements Shed New Light on Unconventional Superconductivity (Dec. 2024)

Quantum X-ray Microscope Underway at Brookhaven Lab (Nov. 2020)

Creating 'Movies' of Thin Film Growth at NSLS-II (July 2019)

CHX Beamline Taking Shape at NSLS-II (Nov. 2013)

Andrei Fluerasu

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 744
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4645
(631) 569-0008

Andrei's Links