Contracting Process for Federal Agencies
Guidance for Government Sponsors seeking to Initiate a Project at Brookhaven Lab
Thank you for your interest in working with us. Brookhaven National Laboratory is a Government Owned/Contractor Operated (GOCO) laboratory under a management and operating (M&O) contract. Documents are processed by the M&O contractor before the approval action. The steps are outlined below.
Step 1
Federal sponsor requests services from Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC (BSA), the M&O Contractor for Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), in response to a formal proposal submission
Step 2
BSA follows internal process for reviews and concurrence, e.g., Risk Assessment and Proposal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) approval in the Proposal Information Management System (PIMS)
Step 3
Department of Energy (DOE) Brookhaven Site Office (BHSO) approves PIQ
Step 4
Federal sponsor initiates the Interagency Agreement (IAA). Same applies to MIPR or other appropriate funding document
Step 5
Federal sponsor transmits IAA to BSA Research Partnerships (RP) Office. Do not send IAA until this step.
Step 6
BSA RP Office reviews IAA and supporting documentation (e.g., Statement of Work (SOW) and appropriate funding in accordance with SPP). If anything is missing or incorrect, the IAA goes back to the federal sponsor for correction
Step 7
Federal sponsor resubmits & BSA RP Office performs reviews and provides concurrence
Step 8
BSA RP Office enters the IAA into BSA’s financial system.
BSA Budget Office reviews and concurs with the information
Step 9
BHSO SPP Subject Matter Expert (SME) reviews the package.
If there are any changes or discrepancies, BHSO SPP SME returns to the appropriate BSA Office.
BSA corrects the discrepancies and resubmits to BHSO SPP SME.
Step 10
BHSO SPP SME signs IAA as the Program Manager
Step 11
BHSO SPP SME transmits the IAA to the BHSO Contracting Officer for approval
Step 12
BHSO Contracting Officer reviews and approves as the official Contracting Officer
Step 13
BHSO Contracting Officer returns the approved IAA to the BHSO SPP SME
Step 14
BHSO SPP SME transmits to BHSO Financial Management Specialist and designated BSA offices
Step 15
BHSO Financial Management Specialist validates that the Contracting Officer has approved the IAA and assigns a financial modification number
Step 16
BSA designated office transmits the approved IAA to the federal sponsor
Step 17
BSA Budget Office requests obligation of funding to its DOE-BSA M&O Contract
Step 18
Once the contract is modified to add the funding, work can start