General Lab Information

Tech Transfer Ombuds

The role of the Tech Transfer Ombuds is to assist in mediating disputes and is for those who may experience uncertainties or questions regarding technology partnerships, patents, licenses, and other technology transfer concerns with Brookhaven National Laboratory.

The Technology Transfer Ombuds is authorized to receive confidential concerns or complaints. It is in general very difficult to resolve issues without involvement of all parties and the Technology Transfer Ombuds ability to address problems might be limited by the degree of confidentiality requested. The Technology Transfer Ombuds may withdraw from investigation of a complaint, which in his or her opinion, cannot be addressed if confidentiality is maintained at the level requested by the constituent.

The Tech Transfer Ombuds also does not replace, override, or influence formal review or appeal mechanisms, or serve as an intermediary when legal action is involved or when legal counsel represents a party. Any instances of fraud, waste, abuse, or financial misconduct must be directed to the appropriate reporting venues.
