A Note From Steve Dierker

Steve Dierker

The weather in the Northeast this past winter was so balmy that summer seems to be just around the corner.

This summer, the Photon Sciences Directorate will be having our annual open house of our facilities on Sunday, July 22. If you are coming to Brookhaven around that time, please join us for a fun day.

Our open house is part of Brookhaven Lab’s Summer Sundays tour program, which will start on July 15 and run through August 12. It is a good way to get inside Brookhaven’s major facilities. Summer Sundays coordinator Nora Detweiler, in the Lab’s Community Relations Office, always plans great activities for the whole family.

Last year, we hosted over 900 visitors, who enjoyed interactive displays, tours, and talks in and around NSLS and NSLS-II. Fortunately, we had lots of volunteers to handle the crowds. If you are an NSLS user and enjoy talking to the public, please consider volunteering. I find the day a good way to connect with the American taxpayer, who ultimately foots the bill for what we do here.

Some of our Long Island neighbors return for tours every year. They will be amazed to see the quick progress we are making in constructing NSLS-II. In February, we took beneficial occupancy of the last section of the ring building from Torcon, Inc., who has served as the general contractor for construction of the accelerator ring, the largest component of the facility.

E.W. Howell is general contractor for the lab-office buildings (LOBs). As you can see from the construction cameras pointed at NSLS-II, particularly the highest-mounted camera 4, Howell is moving right along on the LOBs, attached at intervals around the ring. To find the cameras, go to the Photon Sciences homepage and click on the camera icon below the Department of Energy logo.

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