BERA Activity Forms
Sports Fitness Medical Clearance
The clearance policy and procedure is described in the enclosed BERA Sports Fitness Medical Clearance Policy and Procedure. The first step in the procedure requires you to complete and sign the BERA Sports Fitness Clearance Questionnaire*. After completing and signing the questionnaire, mail it in a privacy envelope to OMC, Bldg. 490, ATTN: BERA Sports Clearance.
*Non-employees are not required to fill out the Clearance form, but must show proof of current health insurance and sign an attestation. The Recreation Office or the team captain will keep this on file.
Verification of Insurance
Any contractor or family member (including spouse/partner, adult children, or guests/contractors) wishing to use the Weight Room must present a copy of their medical insurance card and initial a receipt that states they have valid insurance in place in order to participate in any fitness activities or the weight room. The Recreation Office will keep this receipt on file.
Permission to Serve Alcohol
Serving or drinking alcoholic beverages on site is prohibited during normal work hours. Permission to serve alcoholic beverages on site after normal working hours in a recreational or social setting requires documented approval from senior management. If related to a sporting event, alcohol cannot be consumed until after games are over. Employees and guests must comply with New York State laws at all times and consumption of alcohol may not be excessive.
Safety is a core value at Brookhaven National Laboratory but if an injury happens, it must be reported to the Occupational Medicine Clinic (Ext. 3670) immediately and a completed Injury Report Form (PDF) must be sent to BERA Supervisor Adam Merone within 24 hours.