A Message from Joseph Garlow
information from the Users' Executive Committee
August 27, 2019
Joseph Garlow
Hello fellow CFN users! I am honored to introduce myself as the new chair of the CFN Users’ Executive Committee (UEC), and am truly grateful to represent the users’ community at this vibrant center for cutting-edge research. I would like to thank the previous chair, Donald DiMarzio, for his leadership and continued support to improve the user experience.
On behalf of the CFN Users’ Executive Committee (UEC), I am pleased to update you on the exciting things happening at the CFN.
First, the UEC would like to thank everyone who helped organize, attended, and supported the 2019 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting. It was a great event with many lively sessions and workshops that were well received. Specifically, I would like to commend the users who participated in the poster session. It was clear that they put a lot of effort into their poster presentations; the judges’ job was not easy! We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.
Recently, the CFN has added several new staff members:
- Xiaohui Qu, a quantum chemist from Kristin Persson’s group at the University of California at Berkeley, has joined the Theory and Computation Group and will focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Sooyeon Hwang, a former postdoc in the Electron Microscopy Group, has been promoted to staff.
- Young Jae Shin, previously of Phillip Kim’s group at Harvard University, will help assemble a 2-D Quantum Material Press. More information on this “QPress” is included below.
We have some exciting news on facilities:
- Assembly of the QPress is in progress. This instrument will contain several characterization tools and robotic arms to identify and stack 2-D heterostructures with high precision. The ultimate goal is for the system to contain a catalog of a variety of 2-D materials with different stacking orientations for rapid device implementation and characterization.
- The installation of an additional focused ion-beam microscope is planned for this fall.
The UEC is always interested in hearing from you, and we sincerely hope you can join us in our efforts to improve the user experience at the CFN. Please feel free to send me any thoughts on how the UEC can help make such improvements.
— Joseph Garlow
2019–20 CFN UEC Chair (chair@cfnuec.org)
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