Thank You to our CFN Collaborators and Guest Researchers (Users)
January 25, 2023

In the 2023 CFN Calendar, we are delighted to spotlight the broad range of research projects and celebrate the images that won the annual CFN Image Contest or were selected as journal covers. Congratulations to winners Feiyue Teng (CFN postdoc) and Sayantani Sikder (CFN user, Stony Brook University), and to runner-up Kevin Yager (CFN group leader). You can see their entries below. The partnership with the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) to celebrate #NanoDay (10/9) was particularly successful this year. An improved strategy helped us almost triple the engagement of our #NanoDay posts on LinkedIn, with 100% of ten posts receiving over 900 views (up from 44% of nine posts in 2021). We thank all who engaged in the NNI Nano Day campaign by submitting images, stories, and sharing our LinkedIn posts. (The images from Nano Day were then entered in the CFN Image Contest.)
We are also very thankful to the many of you that have submitted workshop proposals and are working very hard on organizing the upcoming National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-ll), CFN, & Laboratory for BioMolecular Structure (LBMS) User’s Meeting from April 24–28, 2023. This year's meeting will be held virtually. Andreas Liapis and other CFN Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) members are working alongside their NSLS-II and LBMS UEC counterparts to bring you an exciting and engaging meeting, which will offer scientists from diverse disciplines the opportunity to share their research in synchrotron radiation, nanoscale, materials, and biological sciences. During the meeting you will also be able to interact with vendors and elect new UEC members. We hope to see you all there!
And finally, we are seeking nominations for the CFN UEC. The CFN UEC is a body that serves and represents the user interests of the CFN users’ community and contributes to the planning and execution of the annual users’ meeting. We are very grateful to our current UEC members: Andreas Liapis (chair), Nathalie Bouet, Trishelle Copeland-Johnson, Karen Chen-Wiegart, Nataniel Medina Berrios, Yunlong Zhang, Sayantani Sikder, and Don DiMarzio.
Self-nominations can be made by emailing your concise bio by April 1st to The bios will be made available on the CFN UEC website for users to view and evaluate when voting opens. Bios should include the following:
- Your institution / department
- Your degrees (and/or your current degree program)
- A brief description of your project and its goals
- Length of time as a CFN user
- How the CFN facility/tools/staff have aided your work
- What you believe you can contribute as a member of the UEC
Thank you all for your continued dedication to advancing science and maximizing our impact by working together. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns (
— Priscilla D. Antunez PhD
CFN Assistant Director for Strategic Partnerships
2023-21061 | INT/EXT | Newsroom