News and Research Highlights
interactions within the CFN community
January 25, 2023

Scanning-electron microscopy images depict novel nanostructures discovered by artificial intelligence. Researchers describe the patterns as skew (left), alternating lines (center), and ladder (right). Scale bars are 200 nanometers. Read more.
News Stories
- AI Discovers New Nanostructures
- Study Identifies New Levers for Controlling Plant Biochemistry
- Light Accelerates Conductivity in Nature's 'Electric Grid'
- Scientists Build Nanoscale Parapets, Aqueducts, and Other Shapes
- Rethinking the Computer Chip in the Age of AI
- Brookhaven Lab Celebrates National Nanotechnology Day on October 9
- Cobalt-free Cathode Could Lead to Safer, Longer-lasting Batteries for Electric Vehicles
- Hollen Receives $350,000 NSF Grant to Create New Two-Dimensional Materials
Research Highlights
- A New Quantum Algorithm for Quantum Chemistry
- Unexpected Kinetics in Clean Energy Catalysts
- More Hydrogen from “Hot” Water Splitting
Awards and Honors
2022 Brookhaven Science and Technology Award
- Anibal Boscoboinik, for “…establishing in situ methods for surface characterization, advancing these techniques using infrared and ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and for research advances to understand confinement effects within ultrathin-film porous silicate materials.”
- Brookhaven’s highest scientific award distinction
2022 Brookhaven Award
- Wai-Lin Ng, for “…longstanding contributions to the success of the CFN through leadership and dedication to ensuring safe operations.”
- Recognizes key contributors in support functions whose performance and achievements represent outstanding service to BNL
Service Awards
- Mircea Cotlet – 15 years (Oct 1, 2022)
- Grace Webster – 35 years (Oct 5, 2022)
- Aaron Stein – 20 years (Dec 16, 2022)
2022 BNL Spotlight Awards
- James Buddenhagen, Leadership on new work planning & control processes
- Fernando Comino, Engagement with early career students from minority serving institutions
- Lizette Chinga, CFN publications tracking
- Suzanne Forestiero, Support for CFN Group Leader & recruitments
- Kim Kisslinger, Remote engagements
- Ryan McFadden, Reviews of User Safety Approval Forms
- Chang-Yong Nam, Engagement in developing CFN & BNL microelectronics strategy
- Dmytro Nykypanchuk, Engagement with industry users
- Jurek Sadowski, Engagement with industry users
- Yugang Zhang, Rapid development/assembly of unique system for particle synthesis
Comings and Goings
New Arrivals
- Abdullah Al-Mahboob, Interface Science and Catalysis group
- Sebastian Russell, postdoc – Environmental Nanomaterials (ENM) group
- Kirby Schmidt, research scientific associate – ENM group
- Zhu Liang, postdoc – Theory and Computation group
2023-21063 | INT/EXT | Newsroom