General Lab Information

About CAMS

Accurate measurements of atmospheric aerosol properties are needed for progress in Earth systems predictability, field measurements, instrument calibrations, and targeted laboratory measurements. Accurate measurements of atmospheric aerosol properties require a thorough understanding of the science behind the measurement, consistent instrument operations, and well-defined instrument calibration procedures.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is developing the Center for Aerosol Measurement Science (CAMS) — a dedicated facility for data quality assurance in atmospheric aerosol measurements. CAMS is envisioned as a nation-wide calibration and measurement science center for aerosol instruments, coordinating the development and application of best practices in instrument operation and calibration, and providing traceable measurement services to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility, its users, research organizations, and any other interested parties, to facilitate high-quality and internally consistent measurement networks.

CAMS Objectives

Three main objectives support our mission to reduce the uncertainty of aerosol measurements.

Provide a research facility for characterization of aerosol properties using cutting-edge instrumentation

The CAMS research facility will include:

  • Reference instruments for measurements of common properties of aerosol particles such as size, number concentration, hygroscopicity, and optical properties
  • Equipment for generating aerosol particles with well-defined properties in a wide size range and with a variety of compositions
  • Inlet and sampling system for sampling indoor and outdoor aerosols for instrument intercomparison
  • Accommodation for guest instruments, including an outdoor area for hosting larger integrated measurement platforms such as the ARM Aerosol Observing System

Provide a method for connecting ARM aerosol measurements and calibrations to international standards

Metrological traceability is crucial to ensure that measurements made at different times, by different analysts, and in different places are comparable. To achieve such traceability, an unbroken chain of calibrations to internationally accepted reference measurement standards is required. CAMS will facilitate this through intercomparison of its reference instruments with other similar instruments in the world and by establishing calibration procedures common or compatible with those accepted internationally.

Establish and maintain reference instrumentation for key aerosol measurements

A dedicated set of well-characterized reference instruments ensure accuracy in field instrument calibrations and establishes a traceable common point of reference enabling direct comparison between similar measurements and closure between different types of measurements. The reference instruments are always available and not affected by performance issues arising from shipping or use in ambient sampling, resulting in increased data quality and transparency in measurements.