- A Personal History of EXAFS
Steve Heald (ANL–retired) - Perfecting the Theory of XAFS
J. J. Rehr (University of Washington) - Perspectives on XAFS
Grant Bunker (Illinois Institute of Technology) - Development of EXAFS Analysis Software
Matthew Newville (U. Chicago/APS/ANL) - Solving EXAFS Puzzle Using Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations
Alexei Kuzmin (U. Latvia) - Lab-based XAFS
Gerald Seidler (University of Washington) - Advanced Spectroscopies: XAS and XES
Shelly Kelly (Argonne/APS) - EXAFS vs Other Techniques for Structural Studies
Daniel Haskel (ANL) - Application of EXAFS to Nanomaterials
Anatoly Frenkel (Stony Brook/BNL) - Some of our recent contributions to 50 years of XAFS
Joseph Woicik (NIST) - Machine Learning Methods
Janis Timoshenko (Fritz Haber Instit) - EXAFS by Itself and in Good Company
Victor Krayzman (NIST)