General Lab Information

Cost-Free Experts

Available Positions

Status Application Deadline Request No. Position Title Task Monitor
Sunday, August 11, 2024 22/TCS-001 Senior Surveillance Systems Engineer (P-5) Steven Amundson
Sunday, August 11, 2024 23/IFC-005 Statistical and Probabilistic Methodologies Expert (P-5) Steven Amundson
Closed 22/TME-002 Equipment Data Management Engineer (P-4) Steven Amundson
Closed 24/TVT-001 Senior Project Engineer (P-5) Steven Amundson
Closed 23/SPC-002 Safeguards Technical Specialist (Asset Management) (P-4) Steven Amundson
Closed 21/TUS-002 Nuclear Instrumentation Systems Engineer (P-3) Steven Amundson
ISPO receiving applications
Pre-evaluation underway by ISPO
Approved candidates submitted to IAEA for evaluation
IAEA interviews complete and candidate selected
IAEA preparing offer
IAEA offer letter received by selected candidate

How to Apply

If you wish to apply for a Cost Free Expert position, please complete the CFE Application Checklist and submit it along with a current resume or curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter - both in PDF format - to the assigned Task Monitor. File names should be formatted according to the following convention:

Last Name, First Name, Request Number, CV or cover letter (e.g. Doe_John-16-TUS-001-CV; Doe_John-16-TUS-001-cover_letter)

Please refer to the eligibility requirements on this web page when applying. Please do not indicate any reference to a security clearance in any of your documents. If you need assistance or additional information, contact the listed Task Monitor.

For general inquiries about CFE positions, contact:

Steve Amundson
Brookhaven National Laboratory
30 Bell Avenue
Building 490C
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 740-0105

About Cost-Free Expert Positions

A Cost-Free Expert (CFE) is an individual who has a specialized skill that is not readily available among the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) professional staff and who works on a defined task that cannot be financed under the current IAEA budget. Such tasks are usually performed for the support divisions of the Department of Safeguards. CFE contracts are generally for two years.

CFEs are "cost-free" only to the IAEA. There are three types of CFE arrangements. Type A is the most frequent arrangement, whereby the expert receives a fixed-term contract and the U.S. Support Program (USSP) reimburses the IAEA for the total cost of the expert's services. For a Type B arrangement, the CFE‘s services are paid directly by a Member State or organization within a Member State. For a Type C expert, there is a shared arrangement between the IAEA and the Member State. Typically, the USSP sponsors a Type A CFE who receives a contract entitling them to practically all of the benefits, privileges, and immunities accorded IAEA officials. A CFE with less than a 2-year contact may also qualify for many of these benefits.

A CFE adheres to a detailed work plan, which is agreed upon with the supervisor soon after arrival at the IAEA. Progress is monitored through the use of quarterly reports, which the expert submits to their supervisor, who then forwards these to the IAEA Safeguards Support Program Administration. A final report is usually prepared at the end of the task and administered similarly.