Newsday Names Brookhaven Lab a ‘GreenLeader’
December 1, 2009

Each month, Newsday profiles a Long Island company that has an outstanding commitment to both sharing and promoting a “collective responsibility” for Long Island’s well-being by using eco-friendly practices and policies.
For December, Brookhaven Lab has been chosen as Long Island’s “GreenLeader.” The Laboratory’s Peter Pohlot and Mark Toscano assisted the Media and Communications Office in providing information on the Lab’s pollution prevention and energy savings programs for an extensive application, required to be considered for Greenleader status.
Toscano (left) and Pohlot are pictured climbing the steps of Brookhaven Lab’s chilled water storage tank, which allows the Laboratory to produce and store chilled water at night, reducing electricity demand by 2,000 kilowatts during peak daytime periods, saving energy and money.
Newsday’s December 1 edition features the GreenLeader article about the Laboratory (.pdf).
2009-1514 | INT/EXT | Newsroom