Leadership Development Experts to Deliver BWIS Lecture Thursday, 11/29: 'The Science of Success: Accelerating Women in STEM Leadership for Better Results'
November 20, 2018
Jazmine Boatman and Nick Razzette
Leadership development consultants Jazmine Boatman and Nick Razzette will speak on “The Science of Success: Accelerating Women in STEM Leadership for Better Results” at Brookhaven National Laboratory, in the Physics Large Seminar Room (Bldg. 510), Thursday, Nov. 29, at 4 p.m. as part of the Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS) lecture series. Coffee and refreshments will be provided at 3:45 p.m.
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The lecture is free and open to the public. Visitors age 16 and over must bring a photo ID.
According to Boatman and Razzette, less than 30 percent of the world’s researchers are women, an imbalance that is gradually growing smaller as more women are pursuing degrees in science. But while more women are entering the field, men still hold the vast majority of leadership roles, a gender gap that gets wider at each progressive level of leadership and has shown little change over the years.
This disparity is not just an issue for aspirational women in science, but threatens the success of projects and research advancements. In this lecture, Boatman and Razzette will discuss the business benefits of gender diversity in leadership and address how bias creates wasted potential, keeping women on the sidelines when their talents, knowledge, and perspectives could be triggering breakthrough success. In addition, they will present actionable steps to help women amplify their impact as leaders, and offer specific steps men can take to support gender equity in the workplace.
Jazmine Boatman is general manager of global leadership company DDI’s New York Metro Operations where she leads a team of sales, marketing, consulting, and project management professionals. A top research expert in leadership, she led DDI’s Center for Analytics and Behavioral Research for several years. She has also served as a team leader for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Nick Razzette is a strategic leadership consultant at DDI. With experience working in a broad range of functions and industries, Nick helps his clients identify and develop strong, empathetic, and effective leaders who can tackle the business challenges of tomorrow. He is also a champion for diversity in leadership, and works closely with organizations to help them develop diversity and inclusion leadership strategies that deliver tangible business benefits.
2018-13234 | INT/EXT | Newsroom