Vietnamese Delegation Visits BNL To Discuss Potential Future Collaborations
June 11, 2012
On May 25th, Brookhaven National Laboratory hosted a delegation of Vietnamese scientists and diplomats seeking to learn about BNL’s laboratory operations, technology transfer programs and to explore potential future scientific collaborations. The group, on its second visit to Brookhaven, represented the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST). The delegation included VAST Vice President Duong Ngoc Hai and Phan Tien Dung, Vice Director of VAST’s Department of Application and Department of Technology.
Meeting at BNL are (front row, from left) Nguyen Gia Lap, Lab Director Sam Aronson, and VAST Vice President Duong Ngoc Hai, and (back row, from left) Bihn Thanh Le, Erik Johnson, Phan Tien Dung, and Walter Copan.
The group toured RHIC, NSLS and CFN, and participated in discussions of lab operations, research collaborations and technology deployment, and of managing light sources and other user facilities. They were also given a brief tour of NSLS-II to discuss potential future work there. The Vietnamese scientists are keenly interested in agricultural technologies and were particularly intrigued by Brookhaven’s plant research, which could provide pathways to improve crop yields and also present opportunities for biofuel production.
VAST recently received a global grant from the World Bank to support development of technology transfer efforts and to advance the Academy’s research operations through adoption of best practices of other organizations in the United States and around the world. The goal is to improve the productivity of research in Vietnam and to build partnerships with other scientific institutions.
Battelle-Japan supported the U.S. visit, which also included stops at Battelle headquarters and Ohio State University. VAST was founded in 1975 as the Vietnam Academy of Science, and renamed the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in 2008.
2012-3122 | INT/EXT | Newsroom