Michael Venegoni Named Manager of Brookhaven Lab's Laboratory Protection Division
February 11, 2019
UPTON, NY — Michael Venegoni has been named manager of the Laboratory Protection Division at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, effective January 31. Venegoni will take over from Len Butera, who has retired after 32 years at Brookhaven.
The Laboratory Protection Division at Brookhaven consists of the Security Operations, Fire Rescue, Police, Fire Protection Engineering, and Emergency Management groups. Venegoni, who has been with the Laboratory since 2009, will oversee emergency and medical response, site security, and emergency planning for the 5,300-acre Laboratory complex staffed by approximately 2,550 scientists, engineers, and support personnel. The Lab site has over 314 buildings and a large inventory of scientific, technical, and office equipment, and hosts more than 4,000 visiting scientists and thousands of community visitors each year.
"It’s an honor to lead the Laboratory Protection Division and its hardworking and dedicated staff," Venegoni said. "Our job is enabling Brookhaven Lab to pursue its science mission on behalf of the nation, while ensuring that all Lab staff and users, property, buildings, and scientific capabilities are safe and secure, and providing mutual aid efforts for our neighbors."
Venegoni most recently served as manager of Brookhaven’s Emergency Services Division. Prior to that, he was manager of the Lab’s Office of Emergency Management. Before coming to Brookhaven, he spent several years as a contractor to the U.S. Marine Corps and retired after 20 years in the U.S. Army working in various emergency management assignments.
Venegoni earned his BS in behavioral sciences from the University of Maryland University College.
2019-14377 | INT/EXT | Newsroom