Virtual RHIC/AGS Users' Mtg. Thursday, 10/22; Friday, 10/23

By Ron Belmont, RHIC/AGS Users' Executive Committee Chair

RHIC 20th banner
Photo of Ron Belmont

Ron Belmont

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) Users' Executive Committee will host its annual users’ meeting online Thursday, Oct. 22, and Friday, Oct. 23. During the 20-year anniversary of the first particle collisions at RHIC, you are invited join us virtually with participants from across the country and around the world.

RHIC is a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility for the study of nuclear physics. RHIC and the AGS are located at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory.

This users' meeting is free to attend and open to all. Brookhaven Lab employees, guests, users, and visitors are specifically welcome to the plenary session the second day of the program.

If you can join us, please register as soon as possible. And please encourage your colleagues and collaborators to do the same. We need a reasonably accurate gauge for expected attendance, despite the meeting being online, instead of in person.

Registration, the agenda, and information about how to connect are available on the 2020 RHIC/AGS Annual Users’ Meeting website.

Note that registration will remain open throughout the meeting. You can sign up to join us any time before the event wraps up. We will post links for each virtual session in advance in the agenda online.

Day One: Workshops and Poster Session

We will host six workshops and a poster session the first day of the program. Both the workshops and poster session will incorporate a mix of theory and experiment to explore quantum chromodynamics (QCD) as thoroughly and rigorously as possible. QCD is the theory of strong interactions between subatomic quarks and gluons. Workshop topics include the beam energy scan, small systems, heavy flavor production, jets, strong field effects, and cold QCD.

Day Two: Plenary Presentations on RHIC and the Electron-Ion Collider

The Friday plenary session begins at 9 a.m. We will hear about prospects for RHIC's future and the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) from Berndt Mueller, Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics. Yulia Furletova of Jefferson Lab will present on physics goals for the EIC. We will also hear presentations and status reports from the STAR, PHENIX, and sPHENIX collaborations, as well as detector and accelerator operations representatives.

Again, registration, the agenda, and more are available on the 2020 RHIC/AGS Annual Users’ Meeting website.

I hope to “see" you at the meeting!

Ron Belmont
RHIC/AGS Users' Executive Committee Chair

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