Radiological Response Programs
Region I Radiological Assistance Program
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s regional Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) is the nation’s premier first-response resource for advising federal, state, local and tribal decision-makers on steps to take to evaluate and minimize the hazards of a radiological or nuclear incident.
RAP’s support ranges from providing technical information or advice over the telephone to sending highly trained personnel with state-of-the-art equipment to the incident site. Working with the regional partners, team members help to identify, characterize, and provide technical assessment of radiological or nuclear hazards.
This asset is a regionally-based capability covering New England and the mid-Atlantic states to facilitate a rapid, flexible, and efficient response. In addition to supporting the program’s response missions, RAP develops and conducts classroom training and drills tailored to meet the needs of our first responder partners.
RAP 60 from Running Bull Productions on Vimeo.
R&D and International Response Programs
Emergency Response Research and Development
Brookhaven Lab provides scientific support to U.S. government agencies that conduct programs that develop and update radiological and nuclear response planning guidance. Brookhaven Lab has supported the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate National Urban Security Technology Laboratory to develop tactical response guidance for the first 100 minutes after the detonation of a radiological dispersal device and participating in a multi-laboratory effort to develop similar guidance for the response in the first 72 hours after a nuclear detonation.
Support to the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Brookhaven Lab manages a multilaboratory-staffed team of personnel and the radiological equipment pool for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance in the event that a humanitarian response mission is complicated by radiation. Brookhaven Lab is the lead for program management and readiness.

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