Past Workshops
RIKEN BNL Research Center 25th Anniversary Meeting
June 22, 2023
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Predictions for sPHENIX
July 20–22, 2022
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Physics Opportunities from the RHIC Isobar Run
January 25-28, 2022
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Small-x Physics in the EIC Era
December 15-17, 2021
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Jet Observables at the Electron-Ion Collider
April 15–17, 2020
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Streaming Readout V
November 13-15, 2019
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
QCD Spin Physics: A Symposium to Honor Jacques Soffer
October 3-4, 2019
Joint CFNS & RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Physics and Detector Requirements at Zero-Degree of Colliders
September 24-26, 2019
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
The Definition of Jets in a Large Background
June 25-27, 2018
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Synergies of pp and pA Collisions with an Electron-Ion Collider
June 26-28, 2017
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Saturation: Recent Developments, New Ideas and Measurements
April 26–28, 2017
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
QCD in Finite Temperature and Heavy-Ion Collisions
February 13-15, 2017
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
High pT Physics in the RHIC-LHC
April 12-15, 2016
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
RBRC Workshop on Lattice Gauge Theories 2016
March 9-11, 2016
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Emerging Spin and Transverse
Momentum Effects in pp and p+A Collision
February 8-10, 2016
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Opportunities for Exploring
Longitudinal Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC
January 20-22, 2016
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Collectivity in Small Colliding Systems with High Multiplicity
March 4 - 6, 2015
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Theory and Modeling for the Beam Energy Scan: from Exploration to Discovery
February 26 - 27, 2015
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Multi-Hadron and Nonlocal Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD
February 5 - 6, 2015
HET-RBRC Symposium
CreutzFest 2014
A Celebration of the Career and Accomplishments of Michael Creutz
September 3 - 5, 2014
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Thermal Photons and Dileptons in
Heavy-Ion Collisisons
August 20-22, 2014
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Approach to Equilibrium in Strongly Interacting Matter
April 2-4, 2014
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Lattice Meets Experiment 2013:
Beyond the Standard Model
December 5-6, 2013
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Jet Quenching at RHIC vs LHC in
Light of Recent dAu vs pPb Controls (2013)
April 15-17, 2013
The Physics of p+A Collisions at RHIC
January 7-9, 2013
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Thermal Radiation Workshop
December 5-7, 2012
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Forward Physics at RHIC (2012)
July 30 - August 1, 2012
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and
Dense Matter (2012)
June 25-27, 2012
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
New Horizons for Lattice Gauge
Theory Computations
May 14-18, 2012
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions and
Searches for Exotic Di-Hyperons in Nuclear Collisions
February 29 - March 2, 2012
RIKEN/RBRC Workshop, Waco, Japan
Future Directions in High Energy QCD
October 20-22, 2011
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Fluctuations, Correlations and
RHIC Low Energy Runs
October 3-5, 2011
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Workshop on Opportunities for Polarized He-3 in RHIC and EIC
September 28-30, 2011
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Brookhaven Summer Program on
Quarkonium Production in Elementary and Heavy Ion Collisions
June 6-17, 2011
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Opportunities for Drell-Yan
Physics at RHIC
May 11-13, 2011
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Initial State Fluctuations and
Final-State Particle Correlations
February 2-4, 2011
RIKEN BNL Summer Program
Summer Program
on Nucleon Spin Physics
July 14-27, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
The Physics of W and Z
June 24-25, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Saturation, the Color Glass
Condensate and Glasma: What Have we Learned from RHIC?
May 10-12, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and
Dense Matter
April 26-30, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Progress in High-pT Physics at
March 17-19, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop EIC Meeting at Stony Brook
January 10-12, 2010
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
PHENIX Spinfest School 2009 at BNL
July 1 - 31, 2009
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Berkeley Summer Program on Nucleon Spin Physics
June 1-12, 2009
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
PHENIX Spinfest School 2008 at BNL
August 4 - 8, 2008
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
PKU-RBRC Workshop on Transverse Spin Physics
June 30 - July 4, 2008
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Understanding QGP through
Spectral Functions
April 23-25, 2008
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Hydrodynamics in Heavy Ion
Collisions and QCD Equation of State
April 21-22, 2008
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Global Analysis of
Polarized Parton Distributions in the RHIC Era
October 8, 2007
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Parity-Violating Spin
Asymmetries at RHIC
April 26-27, 2007
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop & Symposium
Domain Wall Fermions at Ten
March 15-17, 2007
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
QCD in Extreme Conditions
July 31-August 2, 2006
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
RHIC Physics in the Context
of the Standard Model: A Workshop and Symposium
June 18-23, 2006
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Can We Discover the QCD
Critical Point at RHIC?
March 9-10, 2006
Joint RBRC / Univ. of New Mexico Workshop
Parton Orbital
Angular Momentum
Albuquerque, New Mexico
February 24-26, 2006
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Strangeness in Collisions
February 16-17, 2006
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Heavy Flavor
Productions and Hot/dense Quark Matter
December 12-14, 2005
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Odderon Searches at RHIC
September 27-29, 2005
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Single Spin Asymmetries
June 1-3, 2005
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
RBRC QCDOC Computer Dedication and Symposium
Thursday, May 26, 2005
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Classical and Quantum Aspects of the Color Glass Condensate
March 7-11, 2005
RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
Jet Correlations at RHIC
March 10-11, 2005