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Domain-Specific Language for Quantum Computing

Partners: Brookhaven, Princeton, Stony Brook

Implementing a DSL and compiler that allows for simplifying the expression of quantum programs that use gates as their main operation.

Effective Hamiltonians for Metalloenzyme Catalysis and Photosynthesis

Partners: Brookhaven, Harvard, Tufts, MIT

Applying a range of effective Hamiltonians on current and near-term quantum computers to study metalloenzyme catalysis. Developing a computational protocol based on multireference ab initio and constrained density functional theory  to compute the rates of nonadiabatic transitions accurately for concerted electron proton transfer reactions.

NISQ-era Quantum Algorithms and Compiling


Optimizing high-level algorithms to reduce the number of gate counts for potential high energy physics applications. Translating the optimized quantum circuit to low-level pulse sequences guided by physics and qubit topology.

I/O Efficient Quantum Machine Learning

Partners: Brookhaven, Stony Brook, Carnegie Mellon, MIT

Investigating error patterns of quantum computer, improving quantum input/output, and developing more effective quantum machine learning algorithms.

Foundations of Quantum Computing for Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity

Partners: Brookhaven, MIT (led by Iowa State)

Developing fundamental building blocks of quantum computing for problems in high energy physics that are beyond the reach of classical computing methods.

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing on DGX-2

Partners: Brookhaven, Harvard

Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms with new qubit allocation strategies and calculations of novel quantum defects with electron-phonon interactions using GPU-optimized code.

Quantum Networking Testbed

Partners: Brookhaven, Stony Brook, Yale, ESnet

Incorporating new and existing technologies and utilizing existing infrastructures to interconnect several quantum technology laboratories at Brookhaven Lab, Stony Brook University, and Yale University. Building a network capable of transporting quantum information and conducting a number of critical experiments to study and explore quantum networking principles, devices, and connectivity.

Quantum Test System

Partners: Brookhaven, Raytheon, NIST

Optimal Design of Quantum Simulators Partners: Brookhaven, Harvard, MIT Designing quantum simulators based on integration of effective field theories and simulations of quantum many-body systems.