Launched in 2018, the Northeast Quantum Systems center, known as NEQsys, is a hub for next-generation quantum information science (QIS) research in the northeastern United States. Building on decades of scientific discoveries, quantum research leadership, and outstanding experimental facilities, NEQsys will provide the standard for creative, dynamic approaches to solve Grand Challenge problems in quantum sciences, seeking transformative breakthroughs to strengthen U.S. global competitiveness and impact international science. NEQsys partners will conduct research in the areas of quantum materials, devices, sensors, networking, and algorithms.
NEQsys partners also will tap into the resources and specific strengths of each organization then work together to solve challenging problems in QIS. The goal is to be more flexible and responsive to the challenges associated with building quantum systems more effectively and/or efficiently than any one institution could on its own.
NEQsys pairs university faculty with Brookhaven Lab via staff appointments and a visiting faculty program, as well as student/postdoctoral exchanges. In addition to collaborative projects and user facilities, NEQsys hosts workshops, colloquia, and summer schools, while partner institutions offer various training programs for early-career quantum scientists.
In combining leading quantum research expertise, from quantum materials to algorithms, and enabling scientific user facilities, NEQsys brings together the initial founding members:
Many NEQsys partners have held long-standing collaborations, including some with Brookhaven Lab since 1946.