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Templates, Forms, and Tutorials
GU Proposal
General User (GU) proposals are for access to both screening and high-end EMs at LBMS. These proposals are peer-reviewed by the LBMS Proposal Review Panel. Each project needs to be completed over the 2-year lifetime of the proposal.
RA Proposal
Rapid Access (RA) proposals are only for rapid access to the LBMS high-end EM for “hot topics” or straightforward experiments with a fast turnaround time. Rapid Access proposals are valid for one LBMS EM time cycle and typically request a very small amount of EM time (e.g. one or two days).
BAG Proposal
Block Allocation Group (BAG) proposals are for a group of PIs to access both screening and high-end EMs at LBMS over the 2-year lifetime. These proposals are peer-reviewed by the LBMS Proposal Review Panel.
PR Proposal
Proprietary proposals are for proprietary research conducted at LBMS, which is performed at a full-cost recovery rate for microscope use. Proprietary work requires the submission of a Proprietary Proposal, which must contain a functional non-proprietary description of the work.
Sample Shipping and Imaging Form
A completed sample shipping and imaging form documenting the number of grid boxes and grids, the information of the samples, the shipment tracking number and imaging parameters must be submitted to lbms-em@bnl.gov before sending samples to LBMS.
Dry Shipper Information
To ensure a timely handling of the shipment, please use the shipping address shown in this form, put a copy of the completed form and a FedEx return label inside the dry shipper, and email “FedEx Incoming” tracking numbers to your LBMS contact.
Globus Tutorial
Tutorial for installing the Globus Research Data Management Cloud client on OS X. (Windows and Linux platforms are also supported).