General Lab Information


Properties of Nano

program image

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The program provides an introduction to cutting edge nanoscience and nanotechnology. Students gain an understanding of the size of a nanometer and conduct several experiments to test the macroscale properties of various nanomaterials.

Vocabulary: Nanometer, nanoscale, nanotechnology, macroscale, observation, properties, lotus effect, hydrophobic, hydrophillic, nitinol wire 

Session Information: This activity is available in-person only.

In-Person Session Information
  • 1-hour session, times are flexible
  • One class per session, maximum 30 students per class
  • Can book multiple activities in one day
  • $445 (BOCES-aidable) per session

To request field trip dates, visit

New York State Standards

New York State Science Learning Standards

Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Science and Engineering Practices

PS1.A: Structure and Function


Structure and Function

Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards

Measurement and Data

Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards

Speaking and Listening Language

Comprehension and Collaboration
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Intermediate Science Core

Process Skills

Major Understandings

Standard 4, 1 Follow safety procedures in the classroom and laboratory.

Standard 4, 2 Safely and accurately use the following measurement tools: metric ruler, graduated cylinder.

Standard 1, S2.1a Demonstrate appropriate safety techniques.

Standard 1, S2.1b Conduct an experiment design by others.

Standard 1, S2.1d Use appropriate and conventional techniques to solve problems about the natural world, including: measuring, observing, and describing.

Standard 1, T1.1a Identify a scientific or human need that is subject to a technological solution which applies scientific principles.

Standard 6, 3.1 Cite examples of how different aspects of natural and designed systems change at different rates with changes in scale.

3.1a Substances have characteristic properties. Some of these properties include color, odor, phase at room temperature, density, solubility, heat and electrical conductivity, hardness, and boiling and freezing points.

3.1b Solubility can be affected by the nature of the solute and solvent, temperature, and pressure. The rate of solution can be affected by the size of the particles, stirring, temperature, and the amount of solute already dissolved.