General Lab Information

College Faculty

image of faculty training

Opportunities for college faculty are available to collaborate on research projects with scientists utilizing unique capabilities that are generally not available at academic institutions.  This experience allows faculty to maintain research competitiveness for themselves, their students and the research institutions.


  • Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Predominately Undergraduate Institutions (AGEP-PUI)

    The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is a collaboration between Stony Brook University (lead Institution), Brookhaven National Laboratory, Farmingdale State College, and Suffolk County Community College. Partners in the AGEP Predominately Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Alliance work toward developing, implementing, studying, institutionalizing, evaluating and disseminating a model for training and support for STEM doctoral dissertators interested in faculty careers.

  • Champions Program

    College officials and professors are invited to expand your impact with opportunities for faculty and students to colaborate with scientific staff throughout the Department of Energy complex.


  • Visiting Faculty Program (VFP)

    Faculty members are provided an opportunity to increase their research competitiveness at emerging research institutions by collaborating with  Brookhaven Lab research staff on a project of mutual interest.