Meet the 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award Honorees
December 6, 2023
By Hailey Hamilton
The Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff Awards recognize key contributors who demonstrate leadership qualities that exemplify the ideals of inclusion, diversity, and equity into practical action. The 2022 recipients are:
Kenneth Evans-Lutterodt, National Synchrotron Light Source II
Kenneth Evans-Lutterodt is a highly respected member of the scientific staff at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II). Evans-Lutterodt is also a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) council in the Energy and Photon Sciences (EPS) Directorate.
Evans-Lutterodt is a thoughtful, passionate, and caring advocate for issues surrounding DEI at NSLS-II, at Brookhaven, and beyond. He uses his voice to promote inclusive, welcoming environments and has helped EPS increase diversity among new hires.
Evans-Lutterodt was a driving force for the Interdisciplinary Consortium for Research and Educational Access in Science and Engineering (InCREASE), which promotes research and education in minority serving institutions, connecting them with Brookhaven and other institutions. More recently, he joined a group working to promote DEI activities at the five U.S. Department of Energy light sources.
Evans-Lutterodt serves as a peer counselor for colleagues, mentor in the African American Advancement Group's mentorship program, and on a number of hiring committees.
Shari Lindner, Human Resources Directorate
Shari Lindner has led exceptional efforts that underpin Brookhaven National Laboratory's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through initiatives that support the Lab and the nation's veterans.
Lindner was front and center in the launch of a veterans hiring initiative to increase awareness of the Laboratory as an employer of choice for veterans and to increase the number of veterans who seek career opportunities at Brookhaven.
Lindner created a veteran services team within Human Resources' Talent Management group. She led development of the Veterans in Service to Science webpage—an online resource for veterans that offers résumé tips, support services, and more. She holds information sessions for external veteran job candidates and developed recruiter trainings for translating military occupational specialties to civilian skills.
Lindner is sincere, compassionate, and engaging in her outreach activities to support veterans. Her work is benefiting veterans as the Laboratory makes good on its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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