Soft X-ray Scattering & Spectroscopy
Understanding and controlling the physics of emergent phenomena and catalysis at the nanoscale
The Soft X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy Program at Brookhaven Lab’s National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) offers cutting-edge capabilities for investigating and controlling the complex interplay of emergent phenomena and catalysis at the nanoscale. The program provides specialized scattering and spectroscopy tools in the infrared and soft x-ray energy range. These techniques can be combined with diverse experimental environments and operando conditions. The program’s scientific focus is the characterization of electronic structures and behaviors in novel materials, including quantum devices and catalysts, under diverse and realistic conditions.
Program Beamlines
Soft Inelastic X-ray Scattering
The SIX beamline enables researchers to study electron correlation and structure in complex materials with ultrahigh energy resolution and sensitivity. Researchers use SIX to investigate high-temperature superconductors, topological insulators, and emergent phenomena in novel materials, and to understand the underlying physics of these materials and their potential applications in energy science.
Magnetospectroscopy, Ellipsometry and Time-resolved Optical Spectroscopies
The MET beamline is a dedicated and versatile spectroscopy tool for studies on condensed matter under diverse experimental conditions, including low temperatures and high magnetic fields. Using the beamline’s advanced capabilities, researchers can study the electronic structures and emergent phenomena of novel materials, including multiferroics, topological insulators, and high-temperature and conventional superconductors.
Electron Spectro-Microscopy 1, 2
The ESM beamlines offer two versatile experimental stations for spectroscopic and microscopic investigations of novel materials. Using ESM’s high energy resolution, small spot size, and wide range of photon energies, researchers can uncover the fundamental physics and chemistry of newly synthesized materials and incredibly small crystals with high precision.
Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering
The CSX beamline offers researchers state-of-the-art soft x-ray scattering and imaging tools with world- leading, coherent, and high photon flux for investigating the electronic texture and dynamics of composite materials. This unique combination of spectroscopic, microscopic, and imaging tools enables researchers to explore the correlation between electronic behavior and emergent phenomena in novel materials.
Frontier Synchrotron Infrared Spectroscopy
Researchers can use the FIS beamline to understand the structure and behavior of materials under extreme conditions. FIS offers researchers the possibility to mimic the temperature and pressure found deep inside of planets, and to investigate the properties and reactions of materials and condensed matter in these special environments using infrared electronic and vibrational spectroscopy.
In situ and Operando Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
The IOS beamline offers researchers specialized tools for in situ and operando spectroscopy on heterogeneous catalysis and other energy systems. Researchers can study complex chemistry and energy conversion under ambient and elevated pressure of various gases. By offering this new capability, IOS bridges the long-standing pressure gap problem in catalysis between ideal surface science experiments and industrial catalytic processes.
Spectroscopy Soft and Tender 1, 2
Beamlines SST-1 and SST-2 offer x-ray spectroscopy, imaging, and scattering techniques for studying the behavior and properties of soft matter, hard matter, and compound materials that can be used for energy storage, energy conversion, and electronics. SST-1 and SST-2 provide a wide range of x-ray absorption and spectroscopy experimental techniques and detectors, combined with two beams of soft and tender x-rays.
Soft X-ray Scattering News
Peeling Back the Layers: Exploring Capping Effects on Nickelate Superconductivity
Brookhaven's Top 10 Discoveries of 2024
Studying Excitons in a Novel Magnetic Material
Decoding Imperfections in Hexagonal Boron Nitride for Quantum Applications
Studying "Excitons" in a Novel Magnetic Material
Physicists Report New Insights Into Exotic Particles Key to Magnetism
Our Partners
NSLS-II partners with Yale University to operate and develop the ESM Molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) capabilities.
NSLS-II partners with the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop and operate the SST beamlines.
NSLS-II partners with Brookhaven Lab’s
Condensed Matter
Physics & Materials Science Department to develop
and operate the CSX beamline.
NSLS-II partners with Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) to develop and operate the ESM X-ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy (XPEEM) endstation.