Industry Partnerships
Advance your research with state-of-the-art capabilities
From batteries and microelectronics to quantum materials and pharmaceuticals, your industrial research fuels the future. To stay competitive, your researchers are constantly looking for ways to advance their projects.
We, at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), push the boundaries of state-of-the-art materials science and life science by investigating samples under working conditions with high resolution. Together with visiting researchers, we solve research and development problems for a wide range of industrial applications by combining an interdisciplinary approach with professional expertise and advanced synchrotron tools. For a personalized discussion on how NSLS-II can help elevate your research to the next level, please contact Jun Wang, Industrial Liaison Officer.
The Advantages of a Light Source
A synchrotron light source, such as NSLS-II, offers a non-destructive way to investigate the most important properties of natural, biological, and synthetic materials. The instruments at NSLS-II can study the chemical, elemental, and structural details within small and large samples with high resolution. These highly automated experimental stations, also called beamlines, offer key techniques such as x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption fine structure, small/wide-angle scattering, and macromolecular crystallography.
Beyond these highly advanced research capabilities, we also have staff subject matter experts who can assist with your research needs by providing their valuable expertise and experience.