General Employee Radiological Training (GERT) for Facility Users
General Employee Radiological Training (GERT) is one of the minimum training requirements for any person who requires unescorted access to radiological controlled areas in the NSLS-II complex. BNL's General Employee Radiological Training course (TQ-GERT) is online.
GERT Reciprocal Credit
GERT Reciprocity may be requested by NSLS-II facility users (who have guest appointments) for GERT completed at another DOE light source. The user must complete the pre-requisite course NSLS-II User Safety Module online before requesting reciprocal credit and the course must be currently in status. Credit for facility users can be requested by completing the GERT Training Reciprocity Form and emailing it to the NSLS-II User Office. If granted, reciprocity is valid until the expiration date at the reciprocal facility GERT and for use only at NSLS-II. Reciprocity will not be granted if training qualifications are due to expire within three months.
GERT Remedial Training
GERT Remedial Training is available for those who are unable to successfully pass the GERT exam. This section applies only to NSLS-II facility users (who have guest appointments). All other trainees must contact the BNL Training Office for assistance.
After the third attempt to pass the exam, the user must follow the procedures below for remediation:
- User's training requirements for the NSLS-II User Safety Modulemust be in status before requesting remediation.
- User reviews the GERT study guide.
- User requests a proctor by contacting the BNL Training Office.
- An interpreter may be enlisted to review the subject matter with the trainee. Discussing exam questions during this review is not permitted.
- After remediation, the study guide is removed from the exam location.
- The proctor contacts the BNL Training Office to re-open the course for one additional attempt to pass the exam.
If the user is unable to pass the exam on the fourth attempt, the requirements below must be followed:
- User may be issued a BNL badge, but the badge cannot be encoded for access to any radiological controlled area.
- User is not to be issued an access card to any radiological controlled area.
- The Lead Beamline Scientist at the beamline where the user is assigned must be informed of user's restrictions.
- NSLS-II Trainingis to be notified to remove the JTA for user access and apply a JTA for guests.
- User must follow all of the requirements for Visitors to Controlled Areas and must be escorted at all times while in the controlled area.
- The user is not permitted to perform experiments at any beamline but is permitted to observe ongoing experiments.