A Message from Nathalie Bouet
April 21, 2016
Nathalie Bouet
Dear fellow CFN users:
Spring is an exciting time that often brings new prospects, and spring at CFN this year is no different! As you know, CFN Director Emilio Mendez is moving into a different position at BNL, and Chuck Black has been named the new CFN Director. Over the past nine years, Emilio has given constant attention to the users and their needs. His efforts have contributed to making the CFN a great facility for conducting research. The CFN Users’ Association looks forward to working with Chuck Black and wishes all the best to Emilio in his new function as the Director of the Energy Science and Technology Department at BNL. Spring also means that our Annual NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting is just around the corner.
2016 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting
The CFN Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) and NSLS-II UEC will be hosting the Annual NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users’ Meeting from May 23–25, 2016, with the theme “Illuminating the Future.” Invited talks, workshops, a poster session, and exhibits highlighting new technology and instrumentation will provide opportunities to learn about the latest developments in synchrotron and nanoscience experimentation that can impact your own research. The meeting will be a great opportunity for users to interact with scientists from diverse disciplines who use the CFN and NSLS-II facilities.
On Monday, May 23, and Wednesday, May 25, scientific workshops will be held on topics proposed and organized by members of the NSLS-II and CFN user communities. I want to bring your attention to four workshops that are directed toward CFN users:
- The Two-Dimensional van der Waals Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Applications workshop will explore the research frontier of utilizing new types of rapidly emerging nanomaterials with unique electronic and optical properties for solar energy conversion applications and identify potential synergistic experiments between CFN and NSLS-II that can lead to transformative advances in the field.
- The Operando Structural Characterization of Polymer Processing workshop will bring together world leaders in materials processing and in situ synchrotron techniques.
- The 3D Metrology Using a Conventional SEM: A Total Hands-on Workshop will introduce CFN users to the capabilities of the MeX surface metrology software installed in CFN’s analytical scanning electron microscope (JEOL 7600F) to perform several types of 3D measurements, such as 3D profile, step height, roughness, and volume analysis.
- The Renewable Energies: Where Applied and Basic Sciences Meet workshop will focus on how applied and basic investigations can be combined to solve reliability problems in renewable energy technologies.
For the plenary session on Tuesday, May 24, the keynote speaker will be Chi-Chang Kao, Director of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and the plenary speakers will be Arthur Nozik, Senior Research Fellow Emeritus of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Professor in the Chemistry Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Henry Chapman, Division Director of the Coherent Imaging Team at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science at DESY and Professor of Physics at the University of Hamburg.
Your involvement is key to the success of the meeting. I encourage all CFN users to attend the meeting, participate in the workshops, and present their research at the poster sessions. This event is a great opportunity for all of us, including students, to gather as a community and share our research.
UEC Nominations
The CFN Users’ Association is seeking nominations for new members of the CFN UEC to serve the 2016–2019 term of office. Elections will take place this spring, and the elected members will be announced during the Users’ Meeting.
Nominees must be registered CFN users. Self-nominations are welcome.
For information about the CFN Users’ Association and the UEC, visit http://www.cfnuec.org/.
Current committee members (listed below) are available to answer any questions you may have about serving.
- Nathalie Bouet (Chair)
- Stanislaus Wong (Vice-chair)
- Abram Ledbetter (Secretary)
- Balaji Raghothamachar (Past Chair)
- Latha Venkataraman
- Elena Polyakova
- Amirhossein Goldan
- Zhigang Xiao
- Huizhong Xu
- Yizhi Meng
- Erik Muller
- Vinod Menon
- Jason Trelewicz
- Joseph Garlow (Graduate Student Representative)
Your Voice Matters
As always, I encourage every CFN facility user to interact with the UEC and communicate any concerns so the UEC can be effective in improving the user experience. You can contact me or other UEC members by phone or email. Check our website for contact information and the latest updates.
I look forward to meeting everyone at the Users’ Meeting in May.
Wishing you all a successful cycle at the CFN.
—Nathalie Bouet
2015–16 UEC Chair
2016-6336 | INT/EXT | Newsroom