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- Surface Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis
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Surface Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis
BNL Collaborators
- Y. Zhu, CFN
- E. Sutter, CFN
- O. Gang, CFN
- S. Wong, BNL/SBU
- P. Kalifah, BNL/SBU
External Collaborators
- M. Mavrikakis, U. Wisconsin
- A. Kowal, Ins. Surf. Chem. Catalysis, Krakow
- A. Frenkel, SCC
- N. Marinkovic, SCC
- K. Moore, ORNL
- Y. Shao-Horn, MIT
- C. Murray, U. Penn.
- B. Koel, U. PrincetonP. Zelenay, LANL