Scan Probe Microscopy Group
A custom designed Spectroscopic Imaging Scanning Tunneling Microscope (SI-STM designated as MIRAGE) resides in an ultra-low vibration lab in the basement of Bldg. 734. The MIARGE system consists of a STM main chamber, a prep chamber, a load lock and a unique UMBILICUS module. The UMBILICUS module bridges the SI-STM main chamber to the UHV chamber on the first floor, where Oxide MBE (OMBE) and ARPES are located, enabling us to transfer thin films synthesized by the OMBE without breaking UHV. MIRAGE is a STM module in OASIS (OMBE-ARPES-SISTM) complex.
A second scan probe instrument (Unisoku) is in the process of installation in a second ultra-low vibration lab in the basement of Bldg. 734. This instrument will feature both STM and non-contact AFM modes of operation, with a base temperature of <350 mK and a solenoid field of 11 T.