General Lab Information



  1. No publications.


  1. Mukim, P. (2024). Cryogenic Front-End ASICs for Low-Noise Readout of Charge Signals. Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers
  2. Yvaine, M. & Bolotnikov, A. (2024). Overcoming photobleaching in imaging of single barium atoms in a solid xenon matrix. Physical Review Research, 6(4), Article 043193
  3. Bolotnikov, A. (2024). Electro-physical properties of surface-barrier diodes on low-resistance n-Cd0.96Mn0.04Te0.96Se0.04 crystals. Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXVI
  4. Aune, S. & Kotov, I. (2024). The sPHENIX Micromegas Outer Tracker. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1066, 169615
  5. PINAROLI, G. (2024). Test and characterization of finely segmented pixel CZT detectors for future hard X-ray missions. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet To Gamma Ray, Pt 1
  6. Tamura, E. (2024). Development and Characterization of the Flight Model Spectrometer Onboard LuSEE-Night. Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation For Astronomy Xii, Pt 1
  7. St. John, N. (2024). Testing of a Line Driver With Configurable Pre-Emphasis on Lossy Transmission Lines. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 71(9), 2180-2188
  8. Horace-Herron, K. & Mandal, S. (2024). Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance for Substance Detection. IEEE Access, 12, 111709-111722
  9. Giacomini, G. (2024). Spectroscopic performance of Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes for different types of radiation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 169605
  10. Boukhicha, M. (2024). UV hybrid photon detector based on GaN photocathodes and Si low gain avalanche diode. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(07), P07020
  11. Bolotnikov, A. (2024). 3x3 array module of 8×8×32 mm3 position-sensitive virtual frisch-grid CdZnTe detectors for imaging and spectroscopy of cosmic gamma-rays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1064, Article 169328
  12. Xiang, X. & Yang, G. (2024). Design, construction, and operation of a 1-ton Water-based Liquid scintillator detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Journal of Instrumentation
  13. Smirnov, M. & Yang, G. (2024). Direct WIMP detection rates for transitions in isomeric nuclei. Nuclear Physics B, 1005, 116594
  14. Gorni, D. (2024). Integration of EDWARD readout architecture in full-field fluorescence imaging detector. Journal of Instrumentation
  15. Matakias, D. (2024). Characterization of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Front-End ASIC ALFE2 for the HL-LHC upgrade. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(04), C04019
  16. Huan, J. & Mandal, S. (2024). PRISTINE: An Emulation Platform for PCB-Level Hardware Trojans. IEEE Access, 12, 49291-49305
  17. Bolotnikov, A. (2024). Using 3D position sensitivity to reveal response non-uniformities in CdZnTe, TlBr, and CsPbBr3 detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1057, 168785
  18. Szydagis, M. & Bolotnikov, A. (2024). A Simple Model of the Energy Threshold for Snowball Chambers. Universe, 10(2), 81
  19. Kim, K. & Bolotnikov, A. (2024). Improving CdMnTe Detector Performance by Adding 2% of Selenium. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 71(2), 234-237
  20. Kim, K. & Bolotnikov, A. (2024). Photoluminescence of CdTe and CdZnTe compounds doped with 2% selenium. Journal of Crystal Growth, 626, 127478


  1. Crawford, J. & Keach, M. (2023). Towards quantum telescopes: demonstration of a two-photon interferometer for precision astrometry. Optics Express, 31(26), 44246
  2. Betušiak, M. & Bolotnikov, A. (2023). Large-volume CdZnTe bar detectors characterized by laser-induced transient currents. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(22)
  3. Gruner, S. & Carini, G. (2023). Considerations about future hard x-ray area detectors. Frontiers in Physics, 11
  4. Kim, K. & Bolotnikov, A. (2023). Evaluation of electron lifetime for Te inclusions free CdZnTe. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1055, 168487
  5. Tsang, R. & Bolotnikov, A. (2023). An integrated online radioassay data storage and analytics tool for nEXO. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1055, 168477
  6. Mukim, P. (2023). Characterization of Noise in CMOS Ring Oscillators at Cryogenic Temperatures. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 44(9), 1547-1550
  7. Dehghanzadeh, P. & Mandal, S. (2023). On-Chip Batteries as Distributed Energy Sources in Heterogeneous 2.5D/3D Integrated Circuits. IEEE Access, 11, 89896-89906
  8. Biswas, J. & Cultrera, L. (2023). Record quantum efficiency from strain compensated superlattice GaAs/GaAsP photocathode for spin polarized electron source. AIP Advances, 13(8)
  9. Huan, J. & Mandal, S. (2023). Contact-Less Integrity Verification of Microelectronics Using Near-Field EM Analysis. IEEE Access, 11, 80588-80599
  10. Giacomini, G. (2023). Diffused trenches for high fill-factor Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Article 168497
  11. Palm, K. & Englund, D. (2023). Modular chip-integrated photonic control of artificial atoms in diamond nanostructures. Optica, 10(5), 634
  12. Dong, M. & Englund, D. (2023). Programmable photonic integrated meshes for modular generation of optical entanglement links. npj Quantum Information, 9(1), Article 42
  13. St. John, N. (2023). A Low-Power 1 Gb/s Line Driver with Configurable Pre-Emphasis for Lossy Transmission Lines. Journal of Instrumentation, 18
  14. Ariando, D. & Mandal, S. (2023). A pulsed current-mode class-D low-voltage high-bandwidth power amplifier for portable NMR systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 348, 107367
  15. Giacomini, G. (2023). LGAD-based silicon sensors for 4D detectors. Sensors, 23(4)
  16. Tsang, T. (2023). Studies of event burst phenomenon with SiPMs in liquid nitrogen. Journal Of Instrumentation, 18
  17. Chen, Z. & Stankus, P. (2023). Astrometry in two-photon interferometry using an Earth rotation fringe scan. Physical Review D, 107(2), Article 023015
  18. Kotov, I. (2023). Charge sharing in pixelated semiconductor sensors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1046, 167718
  19. Ott, J. & Chen, W. (2023). Investigation of signal characteristics and charge sharing in AC-LGADs with laser and test beam measurements. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment


  1. St. John, N. (2023). A Low-Power 1 Gb/s Line Driver with Configurable Pre-Emphasis for Lossy Transmission Lines. Journal of Instrumentation, 18
  2. Bae, J. & Cultrera, L. (2022). Operation of Cs-Sb-O activated GaAs in a high voltage DC electron gun at high average current. Aip Advances, 12(9)
  3. Lenardo, B. & Bolotnikov, A. (2022). Development of a Xe-127 calibration source for nEXO. Journal Of Instrumentation, 17(7)
  4. Bolotnikov, A. (2022). Development of a 127Xe calibration source for nEXO. Journal Of Instrumentation, 17(7)
  5. Miryala, S. & Deptuch, G. (2022). Design and Challenges of Edge Computing ASICs on Front-End Electronics. Proceedings Of the Twenty Third International Symposium On Quality Electronic Design (Isqed 2022)
  6. Bolotnikov, A. (2022). Radiation effects induced by the energetic protons in 8x8x32 mm3 CdZnTe detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods
  7. Park, B. & Bolotnikov, A. (2022). Bandgap engineering of Cd1−xZnxTe1−ySey ( 0 < x < 0.27, 0 < y < 0.026 ). Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
  8. Wei, S. & Fried, J. (2022). PET Imaging of Leg Arteries for Determining the Input Function in PET/MRI Brain Studies Using a Compact, MRI-Compatible PET System. Ieee Transactions On Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 6(5), 583-591
  9. Heller, R. & Chen, W. (2022). Characterization of BNL and HPK AC-LGAD sensors with a 120 GeV proton beam. Journal Of Instrumentation, 17(5), Article P05001
  10. Gorni, D. (2022). Event driven readout architecture with non-priority arbitration for radiation detectors. Jinst, 17
  11. PINAROLI, G. (2022). Multi-channel front-end ASIC for a 3D position-sensitive detector. Jinst
  12. Adhikari, G. & Bolotnikov, A. (2022). nEXO: neutrinoless double beta decay search beyond 10(28) year half-life sensitivity. Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics, 49(1), Article 15104