General Lab Information

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Workshops, Training, and Workbenches

As a user facility, NSLS-II provides access to highly specialized and advanced research methods that are not readily available at many other institutions or universities. NSLS-II offers researchers opportunities to learn from experts about the available capabilities and research methods that are unique to this facility. These learning opportunities include specialized workshops that target a specific area of research as well as dedicated workbenches, which focus on one measurement technique.

Please reach out to Jun Wang, Industrial Liaison officer, to inquire about more options for training.

Ongoing Workshop Series

NSLS-II is holding a series of workbenches, which are focused on a set of techniques so that users can gain hands-on experience with the instruments and techniques. The following courses are held three times a year.

LiX Solution Scattering Workbench

This workbench is a three half-day virtual training class that provides an introduction to data collection for new or future users at the Life Science X-ray Scattering (LiX) beamline. Learn more about future and past workbenches on the Lix Workbench Website.

Notable Past Workshop for Industry Researchers

Workshop for Industry Researchers

Hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory
December 14–17, 2020
Visit the workshop website for more information
Read the workshop report (PDF)


Industrial Additive Manufacturing Workshop on Metals and Ceramics

Hosted at Brookhaven National Laboratory
April 25, 2019
Visit the workshop website for more information
Read the workshop report (PDF)


Industrial Research at NSLS-II

Hosted at the National Synchrotron Light Source II
April 8-9, 2014
Read the workshop report (PDF)