Chang-Yong Nam
Senior Scientist, Electronic Nanomaterials, Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7066
Dr. Chang-Yong Nam is a Senior Scientist (Research Staff 6) at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). He is also an Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University, where he teaches a graduate course and advises graduate and undergraduate students. As a member of Electronic Nanomaterials Group of CFN, he leads a research program focused on developing atomic layer deposition techniques towards microelectronics and energy applications. He also oversees a part of Materials Synthesis and Characterization Facility of CFN. He is currently the lead PI of DOE Accelerate Initiative Award titled "Angstrom Era Semiconductor Patterning Material Development Accelerator", an $8M project aiming to accelerate the development of next-generation EUV photoresists via vapor-phase materials synthesis and machine learning correlation between proxy variables and ultiamte EUV patterning performance.
Research | Education | Appointments | Publications | Highlights | Awards
Research Activities
- Development and application of atomic layer deposition (ALD) techniques, including vapor-phase infiltration (VPI) / sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS), towards microelectronics (e.g., EUV lithography, 3D integration), nanopatterning, energy conversion, catalysis, and membranes
- Materials processing and device physics in organic, hybrid, and low-dimensional semiconductors for electronic devices and photovoltaics
- Application of self-assembled block copolymer (BCP) thin films
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, 2007
- Materials Science and Engineering; Dissertation Title: "Gallium Nitride Nanowires: Synthesis, Resonant Electromechanical Properties, Ion Beam Disorder Effect on Contact Conduction, and Heterojunction Fabrication"; Advisor: John E. Fischer
- M.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea, 2001
- Materials Science and Engineering; Thesis Title: "Microstructure and Toughness of Nitrogen-Doped TiAl Alloys"; Advisor: Dang-Moon Wee
- B.E., Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1999
- Metallurgical Engineering; Leave of Absence for Military Service in Republic of Korea Army (1995 – 1997)
Professional Appointments
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Senior Scientist, 2019 – Present (w/ Continuing Appointment)
Scientist, 2016 – 2019
Associate Scientist, 2013 – 2016
Assistant Scientist, 2010 – 2013
Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow, 2007 – 2010 - University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Adjunct Professor, 2023 – Present - Stony Brook University, Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Adjunct Professor, 2014 – Present - Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Materials Research Division
Commissioned Researcher, 2001 – 2002
Selected Publications
- Michelson A, Subramanian A, Kisslinger K, et al (2024) Three-dimensional nanoscale metal, metal oxide, and semiconductor frameworks through DNA-programmable assembly and templating. Science Advances 10:.
- Hu L, Lee W-I, Subramanian A, et al (2024) Few-cycle atomic layer deposition to nanoengineer polybenzimidazole for H2/CO2 separation. Chemical Engineering Journal 479:147401.
- Subramanian A, Tiwale N, Lee W, et al (2023) Vapor-Phase Infiltrated Organic–Inorganic Positive-Tone Hybrid Photoresist for Extreme UV Lithography. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
- Yin Y, Zhou Y, Fu S, et al (2023) Enhancing Crystallization in Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Using Thermally Conductive 2D Boron Nitride Nanosheet Additive. Small 2207092.
- Subramanian A, Tiwale N, Kisslinger K, Nam C (2022) Reduced Stochastic Resistive Switching in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Memristors by Vapor-Phase Infiltration. Advanced Electronic Materials 2200172.
- Russell ST, Bae S, Subramanian A, et al (2022) Priming self-assembly pathways by stacking block copolymers. Nature Communications 13:.
- Zhou Y, Yin Y, Zuo X, et al (2021) Improving Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells by Suppressing Ion Migration Using Copolymer Grain Encapsulation. Chemistry of Materials 33:6120–6135.
- Yalin B, Liapis AC, Eisaman MD, et al (2021) Optical simulation of ultimate performance enhancement in ultrathin Si solar cells by semiconductor nanocrystal energy transfer sensitization. Nanoscale Advances 3:991–996.
- Tiwale N, Subramanian A, Dai Z, et al (2020) Large mobility modulation in ultrathin amorphous titanium oxide transistors. Communications Materials 1:.
- Liapis AC, Subramanian A, Cho S, et al (2020) Conformal Coating of Freestanding Particles by Vapor-Phase Infiltration. Advanced Materials Interfaces 7:2001323.
- Tiwale N, Subramanian A, Kisslinger K, et al (2019) Advancing next generation nanolithography with infiltration synthesis of hybrid nanocomposite resists. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7:8803–8812.
- Subramanian A, Doerk G, Kisslinger K, et al (2019) Three-dimensional electroactive ZnO nanomesh directly derived from hierarchically self-assembled block copolymer thin films. Nanoscale 11:9533–9546.
- Wang L, Yan D, Shaffer DW, et al (2018) Improved Stability and Performance of Visible Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting on Solution-Processed Organic Semiconductor Thin Films by Ultrathin Metal Oxide Passivation. Chemistry of Materials 30:324–335.
- Li M, Chen J, Routh PK, et al (2018) Distinct Optoelectronic Signatures for Charge Transfer and Energy Transfer in Quantum Dot–MoS 2 Hybrid Photodetectors Revealed by Photocurrent Imaging Microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials 28:1707558.
- Dusoe KJ, Ye X, Kisslinger K, et al (2017) Ultrahigh Elastic Strain Energy Storage in Metal-Oxide-Infiltrated Patterned Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposites. Nano Letters 17:7416–7423.
- Ye X, Kestell J, Kisslinger K, et al (2017) Effects of Residual Solvent Molecules Facilitating the Infiltration Synthesis of ZnO in a Nonreactive Polymer. Chemistry of Materials 29:4535–4545.
Research Highlights
- Media Coverage
- Meet the 2024 Science & Technology Award Recipients
- Hacking DNA to Make Next-Gen Materials
- A Bright Future for Extreme UV Lithography at Brookhaven Lab
- Department of Energy Announces $73 Million for Basic Research to Accelerate the Transition from Discovery to Commercialization
- Scientists Build Nanoscale Parapets, Aqueducts, and Other Shapes
- Brookhaven Lab's Chang-Yong Nam Named a Battelle 'Inventor of the Year'
- Top-10 Areas of Amazing Science at Brookhaven Lab in 2021
- "Next-Gen Semiconductor Manufacturing Tech Wins DOE National Pitch Competition"
- Layered Graphene with a Twist Displays Unique Quantum Confinement in 2-D
- "Synthesis Method Expands Material Possibilities"
- "Understanding the Generation of Light-Induced Electrical Current in Atomically Thin Nanomaterials"
- Research Highlights
- Nanosheets Increase Perovskite Solar Cell Efficiency and Stability
- Transforming Polymer Membranes for Better Hydrogen and CO2 Separation
- Storing Electronic Data in Nanostructured Hybrids
- Resisting Moore's Law Limits with Hybrid Materials
- Tracking Electrons on the Move in Twisted Graphene
- Coatings Choose All Sides for a Biomedical Imaging Win
- Using Nanoparticles to Reveal Polymer Nanoarchitectures
- Patching Cracks in Perovskite Solar Cells for Better Performance
- Catching Light with 3D Hybrid Nanostructures
- Catching Light with Zinc Oxide Nanomesh Sensors
- Arrays of Nanowires See the (Ultraviolet) Light
- Thicker, efficient polymer-based solar cells
- Drawing at the One-Nanometer Length Scale
- Bi-functional Nanocrystal Coatings Enhance the Performance of Silicon Solar Cells
- Swapping Tellurium for Sulfur Improves Light Absorption in Organic Solar Cells
Awards & Recognition
- Brookhaven Science & Technology Award, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2024
- DOE Accelerate Initiative Award, Lead PI, "Angstrom Era Semiconductor Patterning Material Development Accelerator", US DOE, 2023
- Battelle Inventor of the Year, Battelle Memorial Institute / Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2022
- Work included in the Top-10 Areas of Amazing Science at Brookhaven Lab, 2021
- Winner, DOE National Labs Accelerator Pitch Event, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory / UC Davis, 2021
- Spotlight Award, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2022, 2018, 2011
- Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2007 – 2010
- Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2002 – 2007
- Brain Korea (BK) 21, Financial Award for Abroad Research, KAIST, 2001
- Korean Government Scholarship, KAIST, 1999 – 2001
- Merit-based Scholarship, Korea University, 1999

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7066