Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Superconducting Oxides Group
Research Collaborations and Outreach
Below is the list of PIs of groups that we supported by providing samples, characterization, and/or training.
Collaborations Within BNL
Groups at BNL we synthesized and characterized samples for:
- Adzic, Ratko (Chemistry): SrRuO3 films for catalysis
- Billinge, Simon; Bozin, Emil; Milinda, Abeykoon (CMPMS XRS): PDF crystallography
- Bisogni, Valentina (NSL-II): nanoscale X-ray scattering
- Carr, Larry (NSLS-II): THz pump-probe experiments
- Dean, Mark (CMPMS XRS): RIXS studies of LSCO films
- Fujita, Kazhiro, Pasupathy, Abhay (CMPMS SPM): cuprates films for STM studies
- Gozar, Adrian (CMPMS ES, now at Yale): optical-AFM nano-imaging
- Hill, John; Tobey, Raanan; Wilkins, Stuart; Garcia Fernandez, Miriam, Cheng, Xiao (CMPMS XRS): X-ray scattering
- Pindak, Ron; Zhou, Hua (NSLS-II): COBRA crystallography
- Robinson, Ian (CMPMS XRS): high-resolution XRD
- Zhu, Yimei; Han, Myung-Geun; (CMPMS EM): high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
- Valla, Tonica; Johnson, Peter D. (CMPMS EM): cuprates films for ARPES studies
Other collaborations at BNL
- Black, Charles (CFN): HTS nanowires, transport measurements of silicide thin films and devices
- Conley, Ray (NSLS--II): shared sputtering equipment
- Davis, Seamus (CMPMS SPM): construction of the OASIS system
- Gu, Genda (CMPMS NS): angle-resolved transport in underdoped LSCO
- Lin, Beth (Biology): TMV preparation and imaging
- Misewich, James (BNL): XRD from nanotubes; HTS field-effect transistors
- Petrovic, Cedomir (CMPMS NS): electrolyte gating of bulk FeSe1-xSx crystals
- Sadowski, Jerzy (CFN): LEEM and ARPES study of borophene and cuprates
- Valla, Tonica (CMPMS EM): construction of the OASIS system
- Yilmaz, Turgut (NSLS-II): study of VSe2 films by inductance and transport
Experiments we conducted at user facilities at BNL
- CFN: Electron-beam and focused ion beam (FIB) lithography
- CFN: low-temperature STM and AFM
- CFN: low-temperature Hall Effect measurements
- NSLS-II: Resonant elastic and inelastic soft X-ray scattering
- CFN and NSLS-II: LEEM, PEEM, and LEED imaging
Collaborations Outside BNL
Senior scientists that we hosted for research:
- Clayhold, Jeffrey (Miami University, Oxford, OH)
- Deville-Cavelin, Catherine (Universite Paris 12, France)
- Gasparov, Vitaly (Institute of Solid State Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia)
- Kulic, Miodrag (Max-Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany)
- Radovic, Zoran (Belgrade University, Serbia)
- Turhan, Ibrahim (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
- Vanevic, Mihajlo (Belgrade University, Serbia)
Postdocs we hosted for research and/or training:
- He, Xi (Yale University)
- Lu, Li (MIT)
- Pereiro, Juan (National Technical University, Singapore)
- Perello, David (Univ. Manchester, UK)
- Shim, Heejae (IBM Yorktown Heights, NY)
- Strle, Jure (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
- Sun, Yujie (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China)
- Zhang, Xiao (Nankai University, China)
Students whom we hosted for research and/or training:
- Cooper, Brian (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
- Dubuis, Guy (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Hong, Taeyoon (Seoul University, Korea)
- Howald, Ludovic (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Kang, Zhixin (Tsinghua University, China)
- Kemper, Jon (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL)
- Litombe, Nicholas (Harvard University)
- Lowder, Dale (Rice University).
- Ma, Jun (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China)
- Methan, Xavier (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Riggs, Scott (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL)
- Seo, Jiwon (Cambridge University, UK)
- Shi, Xiaoyan (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL)
- Sochnikov, Ilya (Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel)
- Stegen, Zac (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL)
- Xu, Xiaotao (University of Texas, Dallas)
- Zhang, Jinsong (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
- Zhang, Zhixin (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
- Zhou, Panpan (Rice University).
Experiments we conducted at user facilities outside BNL
- ANL: COBRA crystallography
- LANL: magneto-transport in 60 T and 80 T pulsed magnets
- NHFML, Tallahassee, FL: magneto-transport using the 31 T dc magnet
- HMFL, Toulouse, France: magneto-transport using the 70 T and 90 T pulsed magnets
- ORNL: polarized neutron reflectometry
Groups in the US outside BNL that we synthesized and characterized samples for:
- Abbamonte, Peter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): resonant soft X-ray scattering
- Armitage, Peter (Johns Hopkins University): THz spectroscopy
- Ashoori, Raymond; Lu, Li (MIT): time-domain capacitance spectroscopy
- Aziz, Michael (Harvard University): SrRuO3 films for battery electrodes
- Balakirev, Fedor; Migliori, Albert (LANL): transport in ultrahigh magnetic fields up to 90 T
- Bandurin, Denis (MIT): HTS nanowires
- Berggren K. K. (MIT) HTS nanowires for single-photon detection
- Birgeneau, Robert; Freelon, Byron (LBL): X-ray Raman scattering
- Boebinger, Gregory (NHMFL and FSU-Tallahassee): transport in high magnetic fields
- Cerne, John (SUNY Buffalo): Faraday effect in LSCO films
- Chu, C. W. Paul (University of Houston): high-pressure transport measurements
- Clayhold, Jeffrey (Miami University, Oxford, OH): combinatorial transport measurements of resistivity and Hall effect
- Conradson, Steven (LANL): Extended X-Ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies
- Cybart, Shane (UC-Berkeley): ion-implanted Josephson junctions
- Demsar, Jure (University of Konstanz, Germany): ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- Djordjevic, Sasha (Akron University, OH): infrared transmittance in 33 T magnetic field
- Dynes Robert (UC-San Diego): Ion-implanted Josephson junctions
- Fisher, Ian (Stanford): nematic susceptibility
- Freeland, John (Argonne National Laboratory): polarized soft X-ray scattering
- Gedik, Nuh (MIT): ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- Gozar A., (Yale University) HTS films for AFM-SNOM studies
- Hafezi, Mohammad (Univ. Maryland): Mott exciton spectroscopy of LCO
- Hoffman, Jenny (Harvard University): HTS nanowires
- Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): HTS nanowires
- Kapitulnik, Aharon (Stanford University): Sagnac interferrometry
- Lauter, Valeria (ORNL): neutron reflectometry
- Luepke, Gunther (College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA): ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- Mahmood, Fahad (University of Illinois, Urbana): THz spectroscopy
- Muller, David; Kourkoutis, Lena (Cornell University): high-resolution electron microscopy
- Natelson, Doug (Rice University): shot-noise measurements
- Onellion, Marshall (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI): ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- Pennycook, Steven (ORNL): high-resolution electron microscopy of Ba2LaBi3O9
- Popovic Dragana (FSU, Tallahassee): low-temperature broadband noise measurements
- Schlom Darrell (Cornell University): HTS epitaxy on SrTiO3 grown epitaxially on Si
- Sergeev, Alexander (SUNY at Buffalo, NY): HTS bolometers
- Shekhter, Arkady (NHMFL): high-field magnetoresistance in LSCO films
- Shi, Xiaoyan (the University of Texas at Dallas): remote epitaxy of HTS films
- Smadici, Serban (University of Louisville, KY): resonant soft X-ray scattering
- Sochnikov, Ilya (University of Connecticut, Storrs CT): SQUID microscopy
- Taylor, Antoinette (LANL): ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- Vitkalov, Sergey; Byrnes, S; Dietrich, S. (City College, CUNY): nonlinear microwave absorption
- Zewail, Ahmed (Caltech): ultrafast electron diffraction
- Zhou, Hua (Argonne National Laboratory): COBRA crystallography
Groups outside the US that we synthesized and characterized samples for:
- Demsar, Jure (University Konstanz, Germany): ultrafast optical pump-probe experiments
- Dodge, Steven (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada): optical pump-probe experiments
- Gasparov, Vitaly (Institute for Solid State Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia): high-frequency inductance measurements
- Geim, Andre; Perello, David (University of Manchester, UK): electronic viscosity
- Ghiringhelli G. (University of Milano, Italy) RIXS study of cuprates
- Keller, Hugo; Stilp E. (University of Zurich, Switzerland): muon spin resonance spectroscopy
- Kim, Jae Hoon (University of Seoul, Korea): Terahertz, infrared and ellipsometric spectroscopy
- Kleiner, Reinhardt; Koelle, Deitrich (University Tubingen, Germany): LSCO Josephson junctions
- Morenzoni, Elvezio; Suter, A. (PSI Zurich, Switzerland): low-energy mSR spectroscopy
- Panagopoulos, Christos; Pereiro, Juan (National Technical University, Singapore): interface superconductivity
- Pavuna, Davor (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland): electrolyte field effect
- Petrovic, Alex (National Technical University, Singapore): HTS nanowires
- Sochnikov, Ilya (University of Connecticut, Storrs): HTS films and heterostructures
- Yeshurun, Yoshi; Shaulov, Andrei (Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel): magneto-resistance oscillations in HTS nanorings
- Wang, Yayu; Zhang, Jinsong (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China): Nernst effect in LSCO
- Yeshurun, Yoseph (Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel): vortex dynamics in LSCO
- Yacobi, Yitzak (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel): COBRA crystallography
- Zeldov, Eli (Technion, Haifa, Israel): Hall Probe Array measurements of magnetic susceptibility
Groups for whom we performed experiments (processing, measurements, and characterization)
- Ahn, Charles; Walker, Fred (Yale University): complex-oxide heterostructures
- Altman, Eric (Yale University): magnetic susceptibility measurements
- Conradson, Steven (LANL): UO2-cuprate heterostructures
- Eckstein, James (University of Illinois, Urbana): electrolyte field effect on FeTe films
- Keimer, Bernhard (Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany) study of electronic spectra of cuprate films
- Kyle, Shen; Schlom, Darrell (Cornell University): annealing LaNiO3 films
- Logvenov, Gennady (Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany) study of electronic spectra of cuprate films
- Shwarz, Udo (Yale University): magnetic susceptibility measurements
Theory and interpretation
- Bozovic, Natasha (SJSU): numerical simulations
- Diamantini, Maria Christina (University of Perugia, Italy): a study of dyons in HTS cuprates
- Geballe, Theodore (Stanford University): a study of HTS in Sr2CuO4-δ
- Granath, Mats (University of Gothenburg, Sweden): modelling nematicity
- Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab (Yale University): DFT studies of borophenes
- Kresin, Vladimir (LBL): modeling plasmons in cuprates
- Levy, Jeremy (University of Pittsburgh): preformed pairs in cuprates and titatnates
- Morawitz, Hans (IMB Almaden) modeling plasmons in cuprates
- Radovic, Zoran (Serbian Academy of Science, Belgrade): ionic models of cuprates
- Trugenberger, Carlo A. (Swiss Scientific Technologies, Geneva, Switzerland): dyons in HTS cuprates
- Vanevic, Mihajlo (Belgrade University, Serbia): a study of interface superconductivity
- Vinokur, Valery (Terra Quantum): a study of dyons in HTS cuprates
- Wardh, Jonatan (University of Gothenburg, Sweden): modelling nematicity
- Wu, Jie (Westlake University, China): nematicity in cuprates and Fe(Te,Se).