General Lab Information

X-Ray Scattering Group


  1. Orr, Kieran W. P.; Diao, Jiecheng; Dey, Krishanu; Hameed, Madsar; Dubajic, Milos; Gilbert, Hayley L.; Selby, Thomas A.; Zelewski, Szymon J.; Han, Yutong; Fitzsimmons, Melissa R.; Roose, Bart; Li, Peng; Fan, Jiadong; Jiang, Huaidong; Briscoe, Joe; Robinson, Ian K.; Stranks, Samuel D. (2024). Strain Heterogeneity and Extended Defects in Halide Perovskite Devices. ACS Energy Letters, 9(6), 3001-3011
  2. Orr, Kieran W.P; Diao, Jiecheng; Lintangpradipto, Muhammad Naufal; Batey, Darren J.; Iqbal, Affan N.; Kahmann, Simon; Frohna, Kyle; Dubajic, Milos; Zelewski, Szymon J.; Dearle, Alice E.; Selby, Thomas A.; Li, Peng; Doherty, Tiarnan A. S.; Hofmann, Stephan; Bakr, Osman M.; Robinson, Ian K; et al. (2024). Correction to: Imaging Light‐Induced Migration of Dislocations in Halide Perovskites with 3D Nanoscale Strain Mapping. Advanced Materials
  3. Robinson, Ian K. (2024). Bragg Coherent Imaging of Fluctuating Domains. Synchrotron Radiation News, 1-6
  4. Song, Kay; Sheyfer, Dina; Mizohata, Kenichiro; Zhang, Minyi; Liu, Wenjun; Gursoy, Doga; Yang, David; Tolkachev, Ivan; Yu, Hongbing; Armstrong, David E. J.; Hofmann, Felix (2024). Dose and compositional dependence of irradiation-induced property change in FeCr. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 594, 154998
  5. Griffiths, Jack; Suzana, Ana Flavia; Wu, Longlong; Marks, Samuel D.; Esposito, Vincent; Boutet Sebastien; Evans, Paul G.; Mitchell, J.F.; Dean, Mark P.M.; Keen, David A.; Robinson, Ian; Billinge, Simon J.L.; Bozin, Emil S. (2024). Resolving Length Scale Dependent Transient Disorder Through an Ultrafast Phase Transition. Nature Materials
  6. Wu, Longlong; Yoo, Shinjae; Chu, Yong S.; Huang, Xiaojing; Robinson, Ian K. (2024). Dose-efficient Automatic Differentiation for Ptychographic Reconstruction. Optica
  7. He, W; Shen, Y; Wohlfeld, K; Sears, J; Li, J; Pelliciari, J; Walicki, M; Johnston, S; Baldini, E; Bisogni, V; Mitrano, M; Dean, M.P.M. (2024). Magnetically propagating Hund's exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3. Nature Communications
  8. Diao, Jiecheng; Wu, Longlong; Suzana, Ana F.; Bozin, Emil S.; Zatterin, Edoardo M.; Leake, Steven J.; Harder, Ross J.; Cha, Wonsuk; Abeykoon, Milinda; Fan, Jiadong; Jiang, Huaidong; Robinson, Ian K. (2024). Behavior of strain stripe networks in barium titanate nanocrystals on crossing its ferroelectric phase transition. Physical Review Materials, 8(1), Article 016002
  9. Li, X. T.; Tu, S. J.; Chaix, L.; Fawaz, C.; d'Astuto, M.; Li, X.; Yakhou-Harris, F.; Kummer, K.; Brookes, N. B.; Garcia-Fernandez, M.; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Lin, Z. F.; Yuan, J.; Jin, K.; Dean, M. P. M.; Liu, X. (2024). Evolution of the Magnetic Excitations in Electron-Doped La2−xCexCuO4. Physical Review Letters, 132(5), Article 056002
  10. Yu, Xi; Wu, Longlong; Lin, Yuewei; Diao, Jiecheng; Liu, Jialun; Hallmann, Jörg; Boesenberg, Ulrike; Lu, Wei; Möller, Johannes; Scholz, Markus; Zozulya, Alexey; Madsen, Anders; Assefa, Tadesse; Bozin, Emil S.; Cao, Yue; You, Hoydoo; Sheyfer, Dina; Rosenkranz, Stephan; Marks, Samuel D.; et. al (2024). Ultrafast Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of epitaxial thin films using deep complex-valued neural networks. npj Computational Materials, 10(1), Article 24


  1. Yang, Junyi; Suwa, Hidemaro; Meyers, Derek; Zhang, Han; Horak, Lukas; Zhang, Zhan; Karapetrova, Evguenia; Kim, Jong-Woo; Ryan, Philip J; Dean, Mark P.M; Hao, Lin; Liu, Jian (2023). Extraordinary magnetic response of an anisotropic 2D antiferromagnet via site-dilution. Nano Letters
  2. E.S. Bozin, M. Abeykoon, S. Conradson, G. Baldinozzi, P. Sutar and D. Mihailovic (2023). Crystallization of polarons through charge and spin ordering transitions in 1T-TaS2. Nature Communications, 14, Article 7055
  3. Robinson, Ian K; Griffiths, Jack P; Koch, Robert; Assefa, Tadesse A; Suzana, Ana F; Cao, Yue; Kim, Sungwon; Kim, Dongjin; Lee, Heemin; Kim, Sunam; Lee, Jae Hyuk; Park, Sang-Youn; Eom, Intae; Park, JaeHyun; Nam, Daewoong; Kim, Sangsoo; Chun, Sae Hwan; Hyun, Hyojung; Kim, Kyung-Sook; Lu, Ming; et. al (2023). Emergence of liquid following laser melting of gold thin films. International Union of Crystallography Journal
  4. Sears, J; Shen, Y; Krogstad, M.J; Miao, H; Yan, Jiaqiang; Kim, Subin; He, W; Bozin, E.S; Robinson, I.K; Osborn, R; Rosenkranz, S; Kim, Young-June; Dean, M.P.M (2023). Stacking disorder in α-RuCl3 via x-ray three-dimensional difference pair distribution function analysis. Physical Review B
  5. Orr, K.W.P; Diao, J; Naufal, Lintangpradipto, M; Batey, D. J; Iqbal, A.N; Kahmann, S; Frohna, K; Dubajic, M; Zelewski, S.J; Dearle, A.E; Selby, T.A; Li, P; Doherty, T.A.S; Hofmann, S; Bakr, O.M; Robinson, I.K; Stranks, S.D. (2023). Imaging Light-Induced Migration of Dislocations in Halide Perovskites with 3D Nanoscale Strain Mapping. Advanced Materials
  6. Guillaume, Marcaud; Taekyung Lee, Alex; Hauser, Adam J.; Yang, F. Y.; Lee, Sangjae; Casa, Diego; Upton, Mary; Gog, Thomas; Saritas, Kayahan; Wang, Yilin; Dean, Mark P. M.; Zhou, Hua; Zhang, Zhan; Walker, F. J.; Jarrige, Ignace; Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab; Ahn, Charles (2023). Low-energy electronic interactions in ferrimagnetic Sr2CrReO6 thin films. Physical Review B, 108(7), Article 075132
  7. Kovyakh, Anton; Banerjee, Soham; Liu, Chia-Hao; Wright, Christopher J.; Li, Yuguang C.; Mallouk, Thomas E.; Feidenhans'l, Robert; Billinge, Simon J. L. (2023). Towards scanning nanostructure X-ray microscopy. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(4), 1221-1228
  8. Murooka, Yoshie; Bryan, William; Clarke, James; Ellis, Michael; Kirkland, Angus I ;Maskell, Simon ;McKenzie, Julian; Layla Mehdi, B; Dwayne Miller, R J; Noakes, Timothy C Q; Robinson, Ian; Schroeder, Sven L M; van Thor, Jasper; Welsch, Carsten; Browning, Nigel D (2023). The Design of Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) Facility for Materials in Extremes. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29(Supplement_1), 1487-1488
  9. Bozin, E.S.; Xie, H; Abeykoon, A.M.M.; Everett, S.M.; Tucker, M.G.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Billinge, S.J.L. (2023). Local Sn Dipolar-Character Displacements behind the Low Thermal Conductivity in SnSe Thermoelectric. Physical Review Letters, 131(3), Article 036101
  10. Wu, Longlong; Wang, Wei; Assefa, Tadesse A.; Suzana, Ana F.; Diao, Jiecheng; Zhao, Hengdi; Cao, Gang; Harder, Ross J.; Cha, Wonsuk; Kisslinger, Kim; Dean, Mark P. M.; Robinson, Ian K. (2023). Anisotropy of antiferromagnetic domains in a spin-orbit Mott insulator. Physical Review B, 108(2), Article L020403
  11. Lebert, Blair W; Bacq-Labreuil, Benjamin; Dean, Mark P. M.; Ruotsalainen, Kari; Nicolaou, Alessandro; Huotari, Simo; Yamada, Ikuya; Yamamoto, Hajime; Azuma, Masaki; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Yakhou, Flora; Miao, Hu; Santos-Cottin, David; Lenz, Benjamin; Biermann, Silke; d'Astuto, Matteo (2023). Paramagnon dispersion and damping in doped NaxCa2−xCuO2Cl2. Physical Review B, 108(2), Article 024506
  12. Mogili, N.V.V.; Verissimo, N.C.; Abeykoon, AM.M.; Bozin, E.S.; Bettini, J; Leite, E.R; Batista Souza Junior, J. (2023). Background optimization of powder electron diffraction to implement e-PDF technique and study the local structure of iron oxide nanocrystals. Acta Crystallographica Section A - Foundations and Advances
  13. Suzana, A. F.; Koch, R.; Wu, L.; Assefa, T. A.; Kim, S.; Choi, S.; Lee, H.; Kim, S.; Lee, J. H.; Park, S.; Nam, D.; Kim, S.; Hyun, H.; Kim, K. S.; Wright, G.; Bozin, E.S.; Song, C.; Kim, H.; Billinge, S.J.L.; Robinson, I.K. (2023). Compressive effects in melting of Palladium thin films studied by ultrafast x-ray diffraction. Physical Review B
  14. Norman, M. & Dean, M. (2023). Orbital polarization, charge transfer, and fluorescence in reduced-valence nickelates. Physical Review B, 107(16), Article 165124
  15. Fabbris, G. & Dean, M. (2023). Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for Ruddlesden-Popper and reduced Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates. Scientific Data
  16. J. Sears, Y. Shen, M. J. Krogstad, H. Miao, E. S. Bozin, I. K. Robinson, G. D. Gu, R. Osborn, S. Rosenkranz, J. M. Tranquada, and M. P. M. Dean. (2023). Structure of Charge Density Waves in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. Physical Review B, 107(11)
  17. Suzana, A. (2023). Structural explanation of the dielectric enhancement of barium titanate nanoparticles grown under hydrothermal conditions. Advanced Functional Materials
  18. Wu, L. (2023). Resolution-Enhanced X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy via Deep Residual Networks. npj Computational Materials
  19. Kimber, S. & Billinge, S. (2023). Dynamic crystallography reveals spontaneous anisotropy in cubic GeTe. Nature Materials, 22(3), 311-315


  • "Tailoring defects and nanocrystal transformation for optimal heating power in bimagnetic CoyFe1−yO@CoxFe3−xO4 particles", G. Antonaropoulos, M. Vasilakaki, K.N. Trohidou, V. Iannotti, G. Ausanio, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, A. Lappas, Nanoscale 14 382 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1039/D1NR05172E
  • "On single-crystal total scattering data reduction and correction protocols for analysis in direct space", R.J. Koch, N. Roth, Y. Liu, O. Ivashko, A.-C. Dippel, C. Petrovic, B.B. Iversen, M. v. Zimmermann, and E. S. Bozin, Acta Crystallographica A77 611 (2021)
  • DOI: 10.1107/S2053273321010159
  • "Hidden Local Symmetry Breaking in Silver Diamondoid Compounds is Root Cause of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity", H. Xie, E.S. Bozin, Z. Li, M. Abeykoon, S. Banerjee, J.P. Male, G.J. Snyder, C. Wolverton, S.J.L. Billinge, M.G. Kanatzidis, Advanced Materials 34 2202255 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1002/adma.202202255
  • “Structural analysis of molecular materials using the pair distribution function”, Maxwell W. Terban and Simon J. L. Billinge, Chem. Rev. 122 1208–1272 (2022)
  • doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00237
  • “Real space texture and pole figure analysis using the three-dimensional pair distribution function on a platinum thin film”. Sani Y. Harouna-Mayer, Songsheng Tao, ZiZhou Gong, Ann-Christin Dippel, Martin von Zimmermann, Dorota Koziej and Simon J. L. Billinge, IUCrJ 9 594–603 (2022).
  • doi: 10.1107/S2052252522006674.
  • “Local structure determination using total scattering data”. Simon J. L. Billinge, Sandra H. Skjaervoe, Maxwell W. Terban, Songsheng Tao, Long Yang, Yevgeny Rakita, and Benjamin A. Frandsen. Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry III. ed. Angus Wilkinson, Paul R Raithby (2021)
  • doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823144-9.00040-6
  • "3D Coherent X-ray Imaging via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", Longlong Wu, Shinjae Yoo, Ana F. Suzana, Tadesse A. Assefa, Jiecheng Diao, Ross J. Harder, Wonsuk Cha and Ian K. Robinson, npj Computational Materials 7 175 (2021)
  • DOI: 10.1038/s41524-021-00644-z
  • “Photoinduced anisotropic lattice dynamic response and domain formation in thermoelectric SnSe”, Wei Wang, Lijun Wu, Junjie Li, Niraj Aryal, Xilian Jin, Yu Liu, Mikhail Fedurin, Marcus Babzien, Rotem Kupfer, Mark Palmer, Cedomir Petrovic, Weiguo Yin, Mark P. M. Dean, Ian Robinson, Jing Tao, Yimei Zhu, npj Quantum Materials 6 97 (2021)
  • Doi: 10.1038/s41535-021-00400-y
  • “Real-Space Observation of Fluctuating Antiferromagnetic Domain Walls”, Min Gyu Kim, A. Barbour, Wen Hu, S. B. Wilkins, Jiaqi Lin, I. K. Robinson, M. P. M. Dean, Choongjae Won, Junjie Yang, S.-W. Cheong, C. Mazzoli and V. Kiryukhin, Science Advances 8 eabj9493 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj9493
  • “Lattice displacement dictating the structure degradation of Li-rich layered oxide cathodes”, Tongchao Liu, Jiajie Liu, Luxi Li, Lei Yu, Jiecheng Diao, Tao Zhou, Shunning Li, Alvin Dai, Wenguang Zhao, Yang Ren, Liguang Wang, Tianpin Wu, Rui Qi, Yinguo Xiao, Jiaxin Zheng, Wonsuk Cha, Ross Harder, Ian Robinson, Jianguo Wen, Jun Lu, Feng Pan and Khalil Amine, Nature 606 305–312 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04689-y
  • “Real Space imaging of Spin Stripe Domain Fluctuations in a Complex Oxide”, Longlong Wu, Yao Shen, Andi M. Barbour, Wei Wang, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Andrew T. Boothroyd, Claudio Mazzoli, John M. Tranquada, Mark P. M. Dean and Ian K. Robinson, Physical Review Letters 127 275301 (2021)
  • DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.275301
  • “Multiscale understanding of surface structural effects on high-temperature operational resiliency of layered oxide cathodes”, Xiang Liu, Xinwei Zhou, Qiang Liu, Jiecheng Diao, Chen Zhao, Luxi Li, Yuzi Liu, Wenqian Xu, Amine Daali, Ross Harder, Ian K. Robinson, Mouad Dahbi, Jones Alami, Guohua Chen, Gui-Liang Xu and Khalil Amine, Advanced Materials 34 2107326 (2021)
  • DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107326
  • “A Multimodal Label-Free Imaging Study of Zeolite Crystals”, Naomi Omori, Sara Mosca, Ines Lezcano‐Gonzalez, Ian K. Robinson, Luxi Li, Alex G. Greenaway, Paul Collier, Andrew M. Beale, Alessia Candeo, 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2021)
  • "Lix(C5H5N)yFe2−zSe2: A Defect-Resilient Expanded-Lattice High-Temperature Superconductor", A. Deltsidis, L. Simonelli, G. Vailakis, I. Capel Berdiell, G. Kopidakis, A. Krzton-Maziopa, E.S. Bozin, and A. Lappas, Inorganic Chemistry 61 12797−12808 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01906
  • "In Situ Visualization of Local Distortions in the High‑Tc Molecule Intercalated Lix(C5H5N)y Fe2−zSe2 Superconductor", I. Capel Berdiell, E. Pesko, E. Lator, A. Deltsidis, A. Krzton-Maziopa, ́A.M.M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, and A. Lappas, Inorganic Chemistry 61 4350 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03610
  • "Cascade of Spin-State Transitions in the Intermetallic Marcasite FeP2", Q. Du, Y. Wang, Y. Wei, R. J. Koch, L. Wu, W. Zhang, T. C. Asmara, Z. Hu, E. S. Bozin, Y. Zhu, T. Schmitt, G. Kotliar, and C. Petrovic, Chemistry of Materials 34 2025 (2022)
  • DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c02569
  • “DIFFPY.MPDF: Open-source software for magnetic pair distribution function analysis”, Benjamin A. Frandsen, Parker K. Hamilton, Jacob A. Christensen, Eric Stubbena, and Simon J. L. Billinge, J. Appl. Crystallography 55 1377–1382 (2022)
  • doi: 10.1107/S1600576722007257
  • “Liquid and Glass Phases of Alkylguanidinium Sulfonate Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework”, Adam H. Slavney, Hong Ki Kim, Songsheng Tao, Mengtan Liu, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Jarad A. Mason, J. American Chemical Society 144 11064–11068 (2022).
  • doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c02918.
  • “Controlling desolvation through polymer-assisted grinding”, Maxwell W. Terban, Leillah Madhau, Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza, Peter O. Okeyo, Martin Etter, Armin Schulz, Jukka Rantanen, Robert E. Dinnebier, Simon J. L. Billinge, Mariarosa Moneghini, and Dritan Hasa, crystEngComm 24 2305–2313 (2022).
  • url:
  • “Size dependent optical properties and structure of ZnS nanocrystals prepared from a library of thioureas”, Ellie Bennett, Matthew W. Greenberg, Abraham J. Jordan, Leslie S. Hamachi, Soham Banerjee, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Jonathan S. Owen, Chem. Mater. 34 706–717 (2022)
  • doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c03432
  • “Location and characterization of heterogeneous phases within Mary Rose wood”, Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, Esther Rani Aluri, Enrique Sanchez Perez, Gavin B. M. Vaughan, Marco Di Michiel, Eleanor J. Schofield, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Serena A. Cussen, Matter 4 1–12 (2021).
  • doi: 10.1016/j.matt.2021.09.026
  • “Powder Diffraction”, James A. Kaduk, Simon J. L. Billinge, R. E. Dinnebier, Nathan Henderson, Ian Madsen, Radovan Cerny ́, Matteo Leoni, Luca Lutterotti, and Seema Thakral, Nature Reviews Methods Primer 1 77 (2021)
  • doi: 10.1038/s43586-021-00074-7


  • “Strong Superexchange in a d9-δ Nickelate Revealed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering” J. Q. Lin, P. Villar Arribi, G. Fabbris, A. S. Botana, D. Meyers, H. Miao, Y. Shen, D. G. Mazzone, J. Feng, S. G. Chiuzbăian, A. Nag, A. C. Walters, M. Garcı́a-Fernández, Ke-Jin Zhou, J. Pelliciari, I. Jarrige, J. W. Freeland, Junjie Zhang, J. F. Mitchell, V. Bisogni, X. Liu, M. R. Norman, and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 087001 (2021)
  • “Time-resolved in situ visualization of the structural response of zeolites during catalysis”, J. Kang, J. Carnis, D. Kim, M. Chung, J. Kim, K. Yun., G. An, W. Cha, R. Harder, S. Song, M. Sikorski, R. Aymeric, N.H. Thanh, H. Lee, Y.N. Choi, X. Huang, Y.S. Chu, J.N. Clark, M.K. Song, K.B. Yoon, I.K. Robinson, and H. Kim, Nature Communications 11 5901 (2020)
  • “Operando Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging of LiNi8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 Primary Particles within Commercially Printed NMC811 Electrode Sheets”, Ana V. Katrina C. Estandarte, Jiecheng Diao, Alice Llewellyn, Anmol Jnawali, Thomas M. M. Heenan, Sohrab R. Daemi, Joshua Bailey, Silvia Cipiccia, Darren Batey, Xiaowen Shi, Christophe Rau, Dan J. L. Brett, Rhodri Jervis, Ian K. Robinson and Paul R. Shearing, ACS Nano 15 1321–1330 (2020)
  • “Evolution of Ferroelastic Domain Walls during Phase Transitions in Barium Titanate Nanoparticles”, Jiecheng Diao, Xiaowen Shi, Tadesse A. Assefa, Daniel S. Nunes, Darren Batey, Silvia Cipiccia, Christoph Rau, Ross Harder, Wonsuk Cha and Ian K. Robinson, Physical Review Materials 4 106001 (2020)
  • “Structure of a single palladium nanoparticle and its dynamics during the hydride phase transformation”, Ana F. Suzana, Longlong Wu, Tadesse A. Assefa, Benjamin P. Williams, Ross Harder, Wonsuk Cha, Chia-Kuang Tsung and Ian K. Robinson, Nature Communications Chemistry 4 64 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1038/s42004-021-00500-7
  • “Imaging the Phase Transformation of Single Particles of Lithium Titanate Anode Battery Material”, Tadesse A. Assefa, Ana Suzana, Longlong Wu, Rob Koch, LuXi Li, Wonsuk Cha, Ross Harder, Emil Bozin, Feng Wang, and Ian Robinson, ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 111-118 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.0c02010
  • "Dual Orbital Degeneracy Lifting in a Strongly Correlated Electron System" R.J. Koch, R. Sinclair, M.T. McDonnell, R. Yu, M. Abeykoon, M.G. Tucker, A.M. Tsvelik, S.J.L. Billinge, H.D. Zhou, W.G. Yin, E.S. Bozin, Physical Review Letters 126, 186402 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.186402
  • "Two-orbital degeneracy lifted local precursor to a metal-insulator transition in MgTi2O4" L. Yang, R.J. Koch, H. Zheng, J.F. Mitchell, W.G. Yin, M.G. Tucker, S.J.L. Billinge, E.S. Bozin, Physical Review B 102, 235128 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.235128
  • “Ferroelectric State and Polarization Switching Behaviour of Ultrafine BaTiO3 Nanoparticles with Large-Scale Size Uniformity”, Yanan Hao, Zunpeng Feng, Soham Banerjee, Xiaohui Wang, Simon J. L. Billinge, Jiesu Wang, Kuijuan Jin, Ke Bi, and Longtu Li, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 5267-5276 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1039/D0TC05975G
  • “A High Throughput Optical Method for Studying Composition Effects in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Catalysts”, Jeremy L. Hitt, Yuguang C. Li, Songsheng Tao, Zhifei Yan, Yue Gao, Simon J. L. Billinge, and Thomas E. Mallouk, Nature Communications 12 1114 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21342-w
  • “Quantitative phase measurements of human cell nuclei using X-ray ptychography”, Jörg Schwenke, Mohammed Yusuf, Laura A. Shemilt, Ulrich Wagner, Atiqa Sajid, Graeme R. Morrison, Fucai Zhang, Aaron Parsons, Christoph Rau and Ian K. Robinson, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28 1166-1173 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1107/S1600577521004586.
  • “X-ray Ptychography Imaging of Human Chromosomes after Low-dose Irradiation”, Archana Bhartiya, Darren Batey, Silvia Cipiccia, Xiaowen Shi, Christoph Rau, Stanley Botchway, Mohammed Yusuf and Ian K. Robinson, Chromosome Research 29 107-126 (2021)
  • “Charge Density Waves in Cuprate Superconductors Beyond the Critical Doping”, H. Miao, G. Fabbris, R. J. Koch, D. G. Mazzone, C. S. Nelson, R. Acevedo-Esteves, G. D. Gu, Y. Li, T. Yilimaz, K. Kaznatcheev, E. Vescovo, M. Oda, T. Kurosawa, N. Momono, T. Assefa, I. K. Robinson, E. S. Bozin, J. M. Tranquada, P. D. Johnson and M. P. M. Dean, npj Quantum Materials 6 31 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1038/s41535-021-00327-4
  • “Laser-Induced Transient Magnons in Sr3Ir2O7 Throughout the Brillouin Zone”, D. G. Mazzone, D. Meyers, Y. Cao, J. Vale, C. Dashwood, A. J. A. James, N. J. Robinson, J. Q. Lin, V. Thampy, Y. Tanaka, A. Johnson, H. Miao, R. Wang, T. A. Assefa, J. Kim, D. Casa, R. Mankowsky, D. Zhu, R. Alonso-Mori, S. Song, H. Yavas, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, Y. Kubota, S. Owada, J. Liu, J. Yang, Y. Shi, R. M. Konik, I. K. Robinson, J. P. Hill, D. F. McMorrow, M. Foerst, S. Wall, X. Liu and M. P. M. Dean, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2021)
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2103696118
  • “Charge Condensation and Lattice Coupling Drives Stripe Formation in Nickelates”, Y. Shen, G. Fabbris, H. Miao, Y. Cao, D. Meyers, D. G. Mazzone, T. A. Assefa, X. M. Chen, K. Kisslinger, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, J. M. Tranquada, W. Hu, A. M. Barbour, S. B. Wilkins, C. Mazzoli, I. K. Robinson and M. P. M. Dean, Physical Review Letters 126 177601 (2021)
  • “Topological Phase Transition and Phonon-Space Dirac Topology Surfaces in ZrTe5”, Niraj Aryal, Xilian Jin, Q. Li, A. M. Tsvelik, and Weiguo Yin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 016401 (2021)
  • “Photoinduced chiral Dirac semimetal in ZrTe5” T. Konstantinova, L. Wu, W.-G. Yin, J. Tao, G. D. Gu, X. J. Wang, Jie Yang, I. A. Zaliznyak and Y. Zhu, npj Quantum Materials 80 (2020)
  • “Comment on "Colossal Pressure-Induced Softening in Scandium Fluoride" I. A. Zaliznyak, E. Bozin, A.V. Tkachenko, Physical Review Letters 126, 179601 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.179601
  • “Complex Imaging of Phase Domains by Deep Neural Network”, Longlong Wu, Pavol Juhas, Shinjae Yoo and Ian Robinson, IUCrJ 8 12-21 (2021)
  • “Linking Far-from-Equilibrium Defect Structures in Ceramics to Electromagnetic Driving Forces”, Nathan Nakamura, Laisuo Su, Han Wang, Noam Bernstein, Shikhar Krishn Jha, Elizabeth Culbertson, Haiyan Wang, Simon J. L. Billinge, C. Stephen Hellberg, and B. Reeja-Jayan, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 8425-8434 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1039/d1ta00486g
  • “Local and long-range atomic/magnetic structure of non-stoichiometric spinel iron oxide nanocrystallites”, Henrik L. Andersen, Benjamin A. Frandsen, Haraldur P. Gunnlaugsson, Mads R. V. Jørgensen, Simon J. L. Billinge, Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, and Mogens Christensen, IUCrJ 8 2052–2525 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1107/S2052252520013585.
  • “Multimodal Imaging of Autofluorescent Sites Reveals Varied Chemical Speciation in SSZ-13 Crystals”, Naomi Omori, Alessia Candeo, Sara Mosca, Ines Lezcano-Gonzalez, Ian K. Robinson, LuXi Li, Alex G. Greenaway, Paul Collier and Andrew M. Beale, Angewandte Chemie 60 5125-5131 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1002/anie.202015016
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  • “Ultra-Structural Imaging Provides 3D Organization of 46 Chromosomes of a Human Lymphocyte Prophase Nucleus”, Atiqa Sajid, El-Nasir Lalani, Bo Chen, Teruo Hashimoto, Darren K Griffin, Archana Bhartiya, George Thompson, Ian K Robinson, Mohammed Yusuf, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 5987 (2021)


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  • “Complete Strain Mapping of Nanosheets of Tantalum Disulfide”, Yue Cao, Tadesse Assefa, Soham Banerjee, Andrew Wieteska, Dennis Wang, Abhay Pasupathy, Xiao Tong, Yu Liu, Wenjian Lu, Yu-Ping Sun, Yan He, Xiaojing Huang, Hanfei Yan, Yong S. Chu, Simon Billinge and Ian K. Robinson, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 43173−43179 (2020)
  • “Depth‐Resolved Modulation of Metal–Oxygen Hybridization and Orbital Polarization across Correlated Oxide Interfaces”, Paul C. Rogge, Padraic Shafer, Gilberto Fabbris, Wen Hu, Elke Arenholz, Evguenia Karapetrova, Mark P. M. Dean, Robert J. Green and Steven J. May, Advanced Materials 31 1902364 (2019)
  • “Strain-Modulated Slater-Mott Crossover of Pseudospin-Half Square-Lattice in (SrIrO3)1/(SrTiO3)1 Superlattices”, Junyi Yang, Lin Hao, Derek Meyers, Tamene Dasa, Liubin Xu, Lukas Horak, Padraic Shafer, Elke Arenholz, Gilberto Fabbris, Yongseong Choi, Daniel Haskel, Jenia Karapetrova, Jong-Woo Kim, Philip J. Ryan, Haixuan Xu, Cristian D. Batista, Mark P. M. Dean, and Jian Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 177601 (2020)
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  • “Epitaxial growth and antiferromagnetism of Sn-substituted perovskite iridate SrIr0.8Sn0.2O3”, Junyi Yang, Lin Hao, Qi Cui, Jiaqi Lin, Lukas Horak, Xuerong Liu, Lu Zhang, Huaixin Yang, Jenia Karapetrova, Jong-Woo Kim, Philip J. Ryan, Mark P. M. Dean, Jinguang Cheng, and Jian Liu, Phys. Rev. Materials 3 124411 (2019)
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  • “In-situ Investigation of Crystallization and Structural Evolution of a Metallic Glass in Three Dimensions at Nano-scale”, Bo Chen, Jiecheng Diao, Qiang Luo, Jonathan Rawle, Xianping Liu, Chris Nicklin, Jun Shen, Ian Robinson, Materials and Design 190 108551 (2020)
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  • “Concurrent probing of electron-lattice dephasing induced by photoexcitation in 1T-TaSeTe using ultrafast electron diffraction”, Jun Li, Junjie Li, Kai Sun, Weiguo Yin, Lijun Wu, Renkai Li, Jie Yang, Xiaozhe Shen, Qiang Zhen, Xijie Wang, Huixia Luo, Robert J. Cava, Ian K. Robinson, Yimei Zhu and Jing Tao, Physical Review B 101 100304 (2020)
  • “Angle-Resolved Transport Measurements Reveal Electronic Nematicity in Cuprate Superconductors” Jie Wu, Anthony T. Bollinger, Xi He, Genda D. Gu, H. Miao, Mark P. M. Dean, Ian K. Robinson and Ivan Bozovic, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 33 87–92 (2020)
  • “Strain and Electronic Nematicity in La2-xSrxCuO4”, Anthony T. Bollinger, Ze-Bin Wu, Longlong Wu, Xi He, Ilya Drozdov, Jie Wu, Ian Robinson, Ivan Bozovic, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 33 93–98 (2020)
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  • “Pore Structure Development during Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate by X-ray Nano-imaging in Three Dimensions”, Bo Chen, Wei Lin, Xianping Liu, Francesco Iacoviello, Paul Shearing and Ian Robinson, Construction and Building Materials 200 318-323 (2019)
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  • “Investigation of Three-Dimensional Structure and Pigment Surrounding Environment of a TiO2 Containing Waterborne Paint”, Fei Yang, Bo Chen, Teruo Hashimoto, Yongming Zhang, George Thompson, Ian Robinson, Materials 12 464 (2019)
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  • “Domain Texture of the Orthorhombic Phase of La2-xBaxCuO4”, Ian Robinson, Tadesse Assefa, Yue Cao, Genda Gu, Ross Harder, Evan Maxey, Mark Dean, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2019)
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  • “Angle-Resolved Transport Measurements Reveal Electronic Nematicity in Cuprate Superconductors” Ivan Bozovic, Jie Wu, Anthony T. Bollinger, Xi He, Genda D. Gu, H. Miao, Mark P. M. Dean, Ian K. Robinson, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2019)
  • “Using Ultrafast X-ray Spectroscopy to Address Questions in Ligand-field Theory: The Excited State Spin and Structure of [Fe(dcpp)2]2+”, A. Britz, W. Gawelda, T. A. Assefa, L. L. Jamula, J. T. Yarranton, A. Galler, D. Khakhulin, M. Diez, M. Harder, G. Doumy, A. M. March, É. Bajnóczi, Z. Németh, M. Pápai, E. Rozsályi, D. S. Szemes, H. Cho, S. Mukherjee, T. Kyu Kim, R. W. Schoenlein, S. H. Southworth, L. Young, E. Jakubikova, N. Huse, G. Vankó, C. Bressler, and J. K. McCusker, Inorg. Chem. 58, 9341-9350, (2019)


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  • “Inverted orbital polarization in strained correlated oxide films”, Paul C. Rogge, Robert J. Green, Padraic Shafer, Gilberto Fabbris, Andi M. Barbour, Benjamin M. Lefler, Elke Arenholz, Mark P. M. Dean, and Steven J. May, Phys. Rev. B 98 201115 (2018)
  • “Decoupling carrier concentration and electron-phonon coupling in oxide heterostructures observed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering” D. Meyers, Ken Nakatsukasa, Sai Mu, Lin Hao, Junyi Yang, Yue Cao, G. Fabbris, Hu Miao, J. Pelliciari, D. McNally, M. Dantz, E. Paris, E. Karapetrova, Yongseong Choi, D. Haskel, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, Thorsten Schmitt, Tom Berlijn, S. Johnston, Jian Liu, M. P. M.Dean, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 236802 (2018)
  • “Emergent c-axis magnetic helix in manganite-nickelate superlattices”, G. Fabbris, N. Jaouen, D. Meyers, J. Feng, J. D. Hoffman, R. Sutarto, S. G. Chiuzbaian, A. Bhattacharya and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. B 98 180401 (2018)
  • “Observation of Double Weyl Phonons in Partity-Breaking FeSi”, H. Miao, T. T. Zhang, L. Wang, D. Meyers, A. H. Said, Y. L. Wang, Y. G. Shi, H. M. Weng, Z. Fang, and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 035302 (2018)
  • “Decoupled Pairing Amplitude and Electronic Coherence in Iron-Based Superconductors”, H. Miao, W. H. Brito, Z. P. Yin, R. D. Zhong, G. D. Gu, P. D. Johnson, M. P. M. Dean, S. Choi, G. Kotliar, W. Ku, X. C. Wang, C. Q. Jin, S. -F. Wu, T. Qian, and H. Ding, Phys. Rev. B 98 020502 (2018)
  • “Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet”, Lin Hao, D. Meyers, Hidemaro Suwa, Junyi Yang, Clayton Frederick, Tamene R. Dasa, Gilberto Fabbris, Lukas Horak, Dominik Kriegner, Yongseong Choi, Jong-Woo Kim, Daniel Haskel, Philip J. Ryan, Haixuan Xu, Cristian D. Batista, M. P. M. Dean, Jian Liu, Nat. Phys. 14 806-810 (2018)
  • “Incommensurate phonon anomaly and the nature of charge density waves in cuprates”, H. Miao, D. Ishikawa, R. Heid, M. Le Tacon, G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, G. D. Gu, A. Q. R. Baron, and M. P. M. Dean, Phys. Rev. X 8 011008 (2018)
  • M. Civita, A. Diaz, R. J., Bean, A. Shabalin, O. Gorobtsov, I. Vartaniants and I. K. Robinson, “Phase Modulation due to Crystal Diffraction by Ptychographic Imaging”, Physical Review B 97 104101 (2018) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.104101
  • Xianping Liu, Wei Lin, Bo Chen, Fucai Zhang, Piqi Zhao, Aaron Parsons, Christoph Rau and Ian Robinson, “Coherent Diffraction study of Calcite Crystalization during the Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate”, Materials and Design 157 251-7 (2018)
  • G. R. Morrison, F. Zhang, A. Gianoncelli and I. K. Robinson, “X-ray Ptychography using Randomised Zone Plates”, Optics Express 26 14915 (2018)
  • Mengning Liang, Ross Harder and Ian Robinson, “Radiation-driven rotational motion of nano-particles”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25 757–762 (2018)
  • Bo Chen, JiaWei Lu, Mohammed Yusuf, Ana Estandarte, Teruo Hashimoto, George Thompson, Ian Robinson, “3D Structure of A Nucleus and Chromosomes: Fine Structure Investigation of a Human Nucleus with Chromosomes”, G.I.T. Imaging & Microscopy 4 (2017)
  • Xiaowen Shi, Nicolas Burdet, Darren Batey and Ian Robinson, “Multi-modal Ptychography: Recent developments and applications”, Optics and Lasers, special issue on Applications of Digital Holographic Microscopy, Applied Sciences 8 1054 (2018)
  • Fei Yang, Xianping Liu, Yongjuan Zhao, Yongming Zhang, Peiming Wang, Bo Chen and Ian Robinson, “Characterization of Three-dimensional Microstructure of Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) by Electron Microscopy”, Materials 11 1110 (2018) doi:10.3390/ma11071110 (2018)
  • Runze Yu, S. Banerjee, H. C. Lei, Ryan Sinclair, M. Abeykoon, H. D. Zhou, C. Petrovic, Z. Guguchia, and E. S. Bozin, “Absence of local fluctuating dimers in superconducting Ir1−x(Pt,Rh)xTe2”, Phys. Rev. B 97 174515 (2018)
  • Panagiotis Mangelis, Hechang Lei, Marshall T. McDonnell, Mikhail Feygenson, Cedomir Petrovic, Emil S. Bozin and Alexandros Lappas, “On the Nanoscale Structure of KxFe2−yCh2 (Ch = S, Se): A Neutron Pair Distribution Function View”, Condens. Matter 3 20 (2018)
  • Hannes Rijckaert, Jonathan De Roo, Matthias Van Zele, Soham Banerjee, Hannu Huhtinen, Petriina Paturi, Jan Bennewitz, Simon J. L. Billinge, Michael Bäcker, Klaartje De Buysser and Isabel Van Driessche, “Pair distribution function analysis of ZrO2 Nanocrystals and insights in the formation of ZrO2-YBa2Cu3O7 nanocomposites,” Materials 11 1066 (2018)
  • Crystal S. Lewis, Dominic Moronta, Maxwell W. Terban, Lei Wang, Shiyu Yue, Cheng Zhang, Qiang Li, Adam Corrao, Simon J. L. Billinge and Stanislaus S. Wong, “Synthesis characterization and growth mechanism of motifs of ultrathin cobalt-substituted NaFeSi2O6 nanowires” CrystEngComm 20 223-236 (2018)
  • Boris Sangiorgio, Emil S. Bozin, Christos D. Malliakas, Michael Fechner, Arkadiy Simonov, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Simon J. L. Billinge, Nicola A. Spaldin and Thomas Weber, “Correlated local dipoles in PbTe”, Phys. Rev. Materials 2 085402 (2018)
  • Chenyang Shi, Simon J. L. Billinge, Eric Puma, Sun Hwi Bang, Nathaniel J. H. Bean, Jean-Claude de Sugny, Robert G. Gambee, Richard C. Haskell, Adrian Hightower and Todd C. Monson, “Barium titanate nanoparticles: short-range lattice distortions with long-range cubic order”, Phys. Rev. B 98 085421 (2018)
  • Pavol Juhás, Jaap N. Louwen, Lambert van Eijck, Eelco T. C. Vogt and Simon J. L. Billinge, “PDFgetN3: Atomic pair distribution functions from neutron powder diffraction data using adhoc corrections”, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 51 1-6 (2018) doi:10.1107/S1600576718010002
  • Frandsen Benjamin A., Ross Kathryn A., Krizan Jason W., Nilsen Goran J., Wildes Andrew R., Cava Robert J., Birgeneau Robert J. and Billinge Simon J. L., “Real-space investigation of short-range magnetic correlations in fluoride pyrochlores NaCaCo2F7 and NaSrCo2F7 with magnetic pair distribution function analysis”, Phys. Rev. Materials 1 074412 (2017)
  • Hande Öztürk, Xiaojing Huang, Hanfei Yan, Ian K. Robinson, I. C. Noyan, Yong S. Chu, “Performance evaluation of Bragg coherent diffraction imaging”, New Journal of Physics 19 103001 (2017)
  • Felix Hofmann, Ross J. Harder, Wenjun Liu, Yuzi Liu, Ian K Robinson, Yevhen Zayachuk, “Glancing-Incidence Focussed Ion Beam Milling: A Coherent X-ray Diffraction Study of 3D Nano-scale Lattice Strains and Crystal Defects”, Acta Materialia 154 113-123 (2018) doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2018.05.018
  • Hande Öztürk, Hanfei Yan, Yan He, Mingyuan Ge, Zhihua Dong, Meifeng Lin, Evgeny Nazaretski, Ian K. Robinson, Yong S. Chu and Xiaojing Huang, “Multi-slice ptychography with large numerical aperture multilayer Laue lenses”, Optica 5 601 (2018)
  • Josefa Vidal Laveda, Beth Johnston, Gary W. Paterson, Peter J. Baker, Matthew G. Tucker, Helen Y. Playford, Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, Simon J. L. Billinge and Serena A. Corr, “Structure-property insights into nanostructured electrodes for Li-ion batteries from local structural and diffusional probes”, J. Mater. Chem. A 6 127 (2017)
  • Nathan Nakamura, Maxwell W. Terban, Simon J. L. Billinge and B. Reeja Jayan, “Unlocking the structure of mixed amorphous-crystalline ceramic oxide films synthesized under low temperature electromagnetic excitation”, J. Mater. Chem. A 5 18434-18441 (2017)
  • Z. Guguchia, F. von Rohr, Z. Shermadini, A. T. Lee, S. Banerjee, A. R. Wieteska, C. A. Marianetti, B. A. Frandsen, H. Luetkens, Z. Gong, S. C. Cheung, C. Baines, A. Shengelaya, G. Taniashvili, A. N. Pasupathy, E. Morenzoni, S. J. L. Billinge, A. Amato, R. J. Cava, R. Khasanov and Y. J. Uemura, “Signatures of the topological s+− superconducting order parameter in the type-II Weyl semimetal Td-MoTe2”, Nat. Commun. 8 1082 (2017)


  • "High-temperature charge density wave correlations in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 without spin–charge locking", H Miao, José Lorenzana, Götz Seibold, YY Peng, A Amorese, F Yakhou-Harris, K Kummer, NB Brookes, RM Konik, V Thampy, G. D. Gu, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich, and M. P. M. DeanProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 12430–12435 (2017)
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  • "Novel spin-orbit coupling driven emergent states in iridate-based heterostructures", Lin Hao, D Meyers, MPM Dean, and Jian LiuJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2017)
  • "Giant spin gap and magnon localization in the disordered Heisenberg antiferromagnet Sr2Ir1-xRuxO4", Yue Cao, Xuerong Liu, Wenhu Xu, Wei-Guo Yin, Derek Meyers, Jungho Kim, Diego Casa, MH Upton, Thomas Gog, Tom Berlijn, Gonzalo Alvarez, Shujuan Yuan, Jasminka Terzic, J. M. Tranquada, John P. Hill, Gang Cao, Robert M. Konik, and M. P. M. DeanPhys. Rev. B 95, 121103 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.121103
  • J. Miao, P. Ercius, S. J. L. Billinge, “Atomic electron tomography: 3D structures without crystals”, Science 353 1380 (2016) doi: 10.1126/science.aaf2157
  • I. Peterson, R. Harder and I. K. Robinson, “Probe-diverse ptythography”, Ultramicroscopy 171 77-81 (2016)
    doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.08.003
  • Ian Robinson, Yang Yang, Fucai Zhang, Christophe Lynch, Yusuf Mohammed and Peter Cloetens, “Nuclear Incorporation of Iron during the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23 1490-1497 (2016)
    doi: 10.1107/S1600577516012807
  • Nicolas Burdet, Xiaowen Shi, Jesse N. Clark, Xiaojing Huang, Ross Harder, and I.K. Robinson, “Bragg projection ptychography on niobium phase domains”, Physical Review B 96 014109 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014109
  • Ian Robinson, “Introducing the holo-TIE approach to cellular imaging”, Acta Cryst. A73 281 (2017)
    doi: 10.1107/S2053273317009500
  • Bo Chen, Mohammed Yusuf, Teruo Hashimoto, Ana Estandarte, George Thompson and Ian Robinson, “Three-dimensional positioning and structure of chromosomes in a human prophase nucleus—Human chromosomes and nucleus 3D structure”, Science Advances 3 e1602231 (2017)
  • M. Yusuf, F. Zhang, B. Chen, A. Bhartiya, U. Wagner, F. Cacho-Nerin, J. Schwenke and I. K. Robinson, “Procedures for Cryogenic X-ray Ptychographic Imaging of Biological Samples”, IUCrJ 4 147-151 (2017)
    doi: 10.1107/S2052252516020029
  • Ian K. Robinson, Alexander M. Korsunsky, Tan Sui, “Materials & Design Virtual Special Issue Editorial: Analysis of material microstructure and defects using X-ray and neutron beams - Size-Strain”, Materials & Design 116 694-695 (2017)
    doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.10.055
  • Jiecheng Diao, Bo Chen, Wei Lin, Qiang Luo, Xianping Liu, Jun Shen and Ian Robinson, “Nucleation of Fractal Nanocrystallites upon Annealing of Fe-based Metallic Glass”, Journal of Materials Research 32 1880-1887 (2017)
    doi: 10.1557/jmr.2017.79
  • Fucai Zhang, Bo Chen, Graeme R. Morrison, Joan Vila-Comamala, Manuel Guizar- Sicairos and Ian K. Robinson, “Phase retrieval by coherent modulation imaging”, Nature Communications 7 13367 (2016)
  • Ian Robinson and Xiaojing Huang, “Reaching the third dimension”, News and Views, Nature Materials 16 160-161 (2017)
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  • X. M. Chen, V. Thampy, C. Mazzoli, A. M. Barbour, H. Miao, G. D. Gu, Y. Cao, J. M. Tranquada, M. P. M. Dean and S. B. Wilkins, “Remarkable Stability of Charge Density Wave Order in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4”, Phys. Rev. Letts. 117 167001 (2016)
  • Yue Cao, Xuerong Liu, Wenhu Xu, Weiguo Yin, D. Meyers, Jungho Kim, Diego Casa, Mary Upton, Thomas Gog, Tom Berlijn, Gonzalo Alvarez, Shujuan Yuan, Jasminka Terzic, J. M. Tranquada, John P. Hill, Gang Cao, Robert M. Konik and M. P. M. Dean, “Giant Spin Gap and Magnon Localization in the Disordered Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Sr2Ir1−xRuxO4”, Phys. Rev. B 95 121103 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.121103
  • G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, L. Xu, V. M. Katukuri, L. Hozoi, X. Liu, Z.-Y. Chen, J. Okamoto, T. Schmitt, A. Uldry, B. Delley, G. D. Gu, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, J. van den Brink, D. J. Huang and M. P. M. Dean, “Doping Dependence of Collective Spin and Orbital Excitations in the Spin-1 Quantum Antiferromagnet La2 −xSrxNiO4 Observed by X Rays”, Physical Review Letters 118 156402 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.156402
  • D. Meyers, H. Miao, A. C. Walters, V. Bisogni, R. S. Springell, M. d’Astuto, M. Dantz, J. Pelliciari, H. Huang, J. Okamoto, D. J. Huang, J.P. Hill, X. He, I. Bozovic, T. Schmitt and M. P. M. Dean, “Doping dependence of the magnetic excitations in La2−xSrxCuO4”, Phys. Rev. B 95 075139 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.075139
  • Lin Hao, D. Meyers, Clayton Frederick, Gilberto Fabbris, Junyi Yang, Nathan Traynor, Lukas Horak, Dominik Kriegner, Yongseong Choi, Jong-Woo Kim, Daniel Haskel, Phil J. Ryan, M. P. M. Dean, and Jian Liu, “Two-Dimensional Jeff = 1/2 Antiferromagnetic Insulator Unraveled from Interlayer Exchange Coupling in Artificial Perovskite Iridate Superlattices”, Physical Review Letters 119 027204 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.027204
  • Bratislav Antic, Marko Boskovic, Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic, Yue Ming, Hongguo Zhang, Emil S. Bozin, Drina Janković, Vojislav Spasojevic and Sanja Vranjes-Djuric, “Complementary Approaches for the Evaluation of Biocompatibility of 90Y- labeled Superparamagnetic Citric Acid (Fe,Er)3O4 Coated Nanoparticles”, Materials Science & Engineering C 75 157–164 (2017), 10 February 2017
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  • Z. Guguchia, T. Adachi, Z. Shermadini, T. Ohgi, J. Chang, E. S. Bozin, F. von Rohr, A. M. dos Santos, J. J. Molaison, R. Boehler, Y. Koike, A. R. Wieteska, B. A. Frandsen, E. Morenzoni, A. Amato, S. J. L. Billinge, Y. J. Uemura, and R. Khasanov, “Pressure tuning of structure, superconductivity, and novel magnetic order in the Ce-underdoped electron-doped cuprate T-Pr1.3−xLa0.7CexCuO4 (x=0.1)”, Physical Review B 96 094515 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.094515
  • Paolo Scardi, Simon J. L. Billinge, Reinhard Neder and Antonio Cervellino, “Celebrating 100 years of the Debye scattering equation”, Acta Cryst. A72, 589–590 (2016)
    doi: 10.1107/S2053273316015680
  • Xiaojing Huang, Hanfei Yan, Mingyuan Ge, Hande Öztürk, Evgeny Nazaretski, Ian K. Robinson and Yong S. Chu, “Artifact mitigation of ptychography integrated with on-the-fly scanning probe microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters 111 023103 (2017)
    doi: 10.1063/1.4993744
  • P. C. Diémoz, F. A. Vittoria, C. K. Hagen, M. Endrizzi, P. Coan, A. Bravin, U. H. Wagner, C. Rau, I. K. Robinson and A. Olivo, “A Single-image retrieval method for edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging: Application and noise analysis” Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics 32 1759-1764 (2016)
    doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2016.07.093
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  • A. Ulvestad, M. J. Cherukara, R. Harder, I. K. Robinson, S. Soog, S. Nelson, D. Zhu, G. B. Stephenson, O. Heinonen, and A. Jokisaari, “Bragg Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Zinc Oxide Acoustic Phonons at Picosecond Timescales”, Nature Scientific Reports 7 9823 (2017)
    doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09999-0
  • Felix Hofmann, Nicholas W. Phillips, Ross J. Harder, Wenjun Liu, Jesse N. Clark, Ian K. Robinson and Brian Abbey, “Micro-beam Laue Alignment of Multi-Reflection Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging Measurements”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24 1048–1055 (2017)
    doi: 10.1107/S1600577517009183
  • Felix Hofmann, Edmund Tarleton, Ross Harder, Nicholas Phillips, Pui-Wai Ma, Jesse Clark, Ian Robinson, Brian Abbey, Wenjun Liu, and Christian Beck”, “3D lattice distortions and defect structures in ion-implanted nano- crystals", Nature Scientific Reports 7 45993 (2017)
    doi: 10.1038/srep45993
  • Jason D. Hoffman, Brian J. Kirby, Jihwan Kwon, Gilberto Fabbris, Derek Meyers, John W. Freeland, Ivar Martin, Olle G. Heinonen, Paul Steadman, Hua Zhou, Christian M. Schlepütz, Mark P. M. Dean, Suzanne G. E. te Velthuis, Jian-Min Zuo, and Anand Bhattacharya, “Oscillatory noncollinear magnetism induced by interfacial charge transfer in superlattices composed of metallic oxides”, Phys. Rev. X 6, 041038 (2016)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041038
  • V. Thampy, X. M. Chen, Y. Cao, C. Mazzoli, A. M. Barbour, W. Hu, H. Miao, G. Fabbris, G. D. Gu, J. M. Tranquada, I. K. Robinson, S. B. Wilkins and M. P. M. Dean, “Static charge-density-wave order in the superconducting state of La2 −xBaxCuO4”, Phys. Rev. B 95 241111 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.241111
  • Y. L. Wang, G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, N. H. Sung, R. E. Baumbach, E. D. Bauer, P. J. Ryan, J.-W. Kim, X. Liu, M. P. M. Dean, G. Kotliar, and X. Dai, “On the possibility to detect multipolar order in URu2Si2 by the electric quadrupolar transition of resonant elastic x-ray scattering”, Phys. Rev. B 96 085146 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.085146
  • B. W. Lebert, M. P. M. Dean, A. Nicolaou, J. Pelliciari, M. Dantz, T. Schmitt, R. Yu, M. Azuma, J-P. Castellan, H. Miao, A. Gauzzi, B. Baptiste and M. d’Astuto, “Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of spin-wave excitations in the cuprate parent compound Ca2CuO2Cl2”, Phys. Rev. B 95 155110 (2017)
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  • Aifeng Wang, I. Zaliznyak, Weijun Ren, Lijun Wu, D. Graf, V. O. Garlea, J. B. Warren, E. Bozin, Yimei Zhu and C. Petrovic, “Magnetotransport study of Dirac fermions in YbMnBi2 antiferromagnet” Phys. Rev. B 94 165161 (2016)
  • Hyejin Ryu, Milinda Abeykoon, Emil Bozin, Yosuke Matsumoto, S Nakatsuji and C Petrovic, “Multiband electronic transport in α-Yb1−xSrxAlB4 [x= 0, 0.19(3)] single crystals”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 425602 (2016)
    doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/28/42/425602
  • Lijun Li, Xiaoyu Deng, Zhen Wang, Yu Liu, Milinda Abeykoon, Eric Dooryhee, Aleksandra Tomic, Yanan Huang, John B. Warren, Emil S. Bozin, Simon J. L. Billinge, Yuping Sun, Yimei Zhu, Gabriel Kotliar and Cedomir Petrovic, “Superconducting order from disorder in 2H-TaSe2−xSx”, NPJ Quantum Materials 2 1-7 (2017)
    doi: 10.1038/s41535-017-0016-9
  • Z. Guguchia, R. Khasanov, A. Shengelaya, E. Pomjakushina, S. J. L. Billinge, A. Amato, E. Morenzoni and H. Keller, “Cooperative coupling of static magnetism and bulk superconductivity in the stripe phase of La2−xBax CuO4: Pressure- and doping-dependent studies”, Phys. Rev B 94 214511 (2016)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214511
  • M. W. Terban, R. Dabbous, A. D. Debellis, E. Poeselt, S. J. L Billinge, ”Structures of Hard Phases in Thermoplastic Polyurethanes”, Macromolecules 49 7350-7358 (2016)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b00889
  • Nathan Nakamura, Maxwell W. Terban, Simon J. L. Billinge and B. Reeja Jayan, Unlocking the structure of mixed amorphous-crystalline ceramic oxide films synthesized under low temperature electromagnetic excitation, J. Mater. Chem. A 5 18434-18441 (2017)
    doi: 10.1039/c7ta06339c
  • Federica Bertolotti, Loredana Protesescu, Maksym V. Kovalenko, Sergii Yakunin, Antonio Cervellino, Simon J. L. Billinge, Maxwell W. Terban, Jan Skov Pedersen, Norberto Masciocchi and Antonietta Guagliardi, Coherent nanotwins and dynamic disorder in cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals, ACS Nano 11 3819-3831 (2017)
  • Maxwell W. Terban, Chenyang Shi, Rita Silbernagel, Abraham Clearfield and Simon J. L. Billinge, Local environment of terbium(III) ions in layered nanocrystalline zirconium(IV) phosphonate–phosphate ion exchange materials, Inorg. Chem. 56 8837-8846 (2017)
  • Alexander N. Beecher, Octavi E. Semonin, Jonathan M. Skelton, Jarvist M. Frost, Maxwell W. Terban, Haowei Zhai, Ahmet Alatas, Jonathan S. Owen, Aron Walsh and Simon J. L. Billinge, Direct observation of dynamic symmetry breaking above room temperature in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite, ACS Energy Lett. 1, 880 –887 (2016)
  • Jing Tao, Jingyi Chen, Jun Li, Leanne Mathurin, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Yan Li, Deyu Lu, Yue Cao, Lijun Wu, Robert Joseph Cava, and Yimei Zhu, “Reversible structure manipulation by tuning carrier concentration in metastable Cu2S”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 114 9832-9837 (2017)
  • S. Chikara, G. Fabbris, J. Terzic, G. Cao, D. Khomskii and D. Haskel, “Charge partitioning and anomalous hole doping in Rh-doped Sr2IrO4”, Physical Review B Rapid Communications 95 060407 (2017)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.060407


  • "Orbital engineering in nickelate heterostructures driven by anisotropic oxygen hybridization rather than orbital energy levels", G Fabbris, D Meyers, J Okamoto, J Pelliciari, AS Disa, Y Huang, Z-Y Chen, WB Wu, CT Chen, S Ismail-Beigi, C. H. Ahn, F. J. Walker, D. J. Huang, T. Schmitt, and M. P. M. Dean Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 147401 (2016)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.147401
  • "Remarkable stability of charge density wave order in La2-xBaxCuO4", XM Chen, V Thampy, C Mazzoli, AM Barbour, H Miao, GD Gu, Y Cao, JM Tranquada, MPM Dean, and SB WilkinsPhys. Rev. Lett. 117, 167001 (2016)
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  • "Oscillatory noncollinear magnetism induced by interfacial charge transfer in superlattices composed of metallic oxides", Jason D Hoffman, Brian J Kirby, Jihwan Kwon, Gilberto Fabbris, D Meyers, John W Freeland, Ivar Martin, Olle G Heinonen, Paul Steadman, Hua Zhou, Christian M. Schlepütz, Mark P. M. Dean, Suzanne G. E. Velthuis, Jian-Min Zuo, and Anand BhattacharyaPhys. Rev. X 6, 041038 (2016)
    doi: PhysRevX.6.041038
  • P. Juhás, C. L. Farrow, X. Yang, K. R. Knox, and S. J. L. Billinge, “Complex modeling: a strategy and software program for combining multiple information sources to solve ill posed structure and nanostructure inverse problems,” Acta Crystallographica Section A 71, 562 (2015)
  • X. Liu, M. P. M. Dean, Z. Y. Meng, M. H. Upton, T. Qi, T. Gog, Y. Cao, J. Q. Lin, D. Meyers, H. Ding, G. Cao, and J. P. Hill, “Anisotropic softening of magnetic excitations in lightly electron-doped Sr2IrO4,” Phys. Rev. B 93 241102(R) (2016).
  • M. Shatnawi, E. S. Bozin, J. F. Mitchell, S. J. L. Billinge, “Nonpercolative nature of the metal-insulator transition and persistence of local Jahn-Teller distortions in the rhombohedral regime of La1−xCaxMnO3”, Phys. Rev. B 93 165138 (2016)  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.165138
  • Benjamin A. Frandsen, Michela Brunelli, Katharine Page, Yasutomo J. Uemura, Julie B. Staunton and Simon J. L. Billinge, “Verification of Anderson Superexchange in MnO via Magnetic Pair Distribution Function Analysis and ab initio Theory”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 197204 (2016)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.197204
  •  P.M. Duxbury, L. Granlund, S.R. Gujarathi, P. Juhas, ,S.J.L.Billinge, “The unassigned distance geometry problem” Discrete Applied Mathematics 204 117-132 (2016)
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  • Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, Pavol Juhás, Marcus A. Tofanelli, Christine L. Heinecke, Gavin Vaughan, Christopher J. Ackerson, Simon J. L. Billinge,”Polymorphism in magic-sized Au144(SR)60 clusters”, Nat.Commun. 7 11859 (2016)
    doi: 10.1038/ncomms11859
  • Benjamin A. Frandsen, Zizhou Gong, Maxwell W. Terban, Soham Banerjee, Bijuan Chen, Changqing Jin, Yasutomo J. Uemura and Simon J. L. Billinge, “Local atomic and magnetic structure of dilute magnetic semiconductor (BaK)(ZnMn)2As2”, Phys. Rev. B 94 094102 (2016)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.094102
  • Maxwell W. Terban, Eugene Y. Cheung, Paul Krolikowski and Simon J. L. Billinge, “Recrystallization phase composition and local structure of amorphous lactose from the total scattering pair distribution function”, Cryst. Growth Des. 16 210–220 (2015)
    doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b0110
  • H. Ryu, K. Wang, M. Opacic, N. Lazarevic, J. B. Warren, Z. V. Popovic, E. S. Bozin, and C. Petrovic, “Sustained phase separation and spin glass in Co-doped KxFe2−ySe2 single crystals,” Phys. Rev. B 92 174522 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.174522
  • X. Huang, W. Yang, R. Harder, Y. Sun, M. Lu, Y. S. Chu, I. K. Robinson and H-K Mao, “Deformation twinning of a silver nanocrystal under high pressure”, ACS Nano Letters 15 7644-7649 (2015)
  • H. Yan, X. Huang, K. Lauer, W. Xu, E. Nazaretski, U. Wagner, C. Rau, M. Yusuf, I. K. Robinson and Y. S. Chu, “Multimodality hard-x-ray imaging of a chromosome with nanoscale spatial resolution”, Nature Scientific Reports 6 20112 (2015)
  • E. S. Božin, A. Huq, Bing Shen, H. Claus, W. K. Kwok, and J. M. Tranquada, “Charge-screening role of c-axis atomic displacements in YBa2Cu3O6+x and related superconductors” Phys. Rev. B 93 054523 (2016)
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  • Zhijun Xu, J. A. Schneeloch, Jinsheng Wen, E. S. Božin, G. E. Granroth, B. L. Winn, M. Feygenson, R. J. Birgeneau, Genda Gu, I. A. Zaliznyak, J. M. Tranquada, and Guangyong Xu, “Thermal evolution of antiferromagnetic correlations and tetrahedral bond angles in superconducting FeTe1−xSex,” Phys. Rev. B 93 104517 (2016)
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  • M. P. M. Dean, Y. Cao, X. Liu, S. Wall, D. Zhu, R. Mankowsky, V. Thampy, X. M. Chen, J. Vale, D. Casa, Jungho Kim, A. H. Said, P. Juhas, R. Alonso-Mori, M. Glownia, A. Robert, J. Robinson, M. Sikorski, S. Song, M. Kozina, H. Lemke, L. Patthey, S. Owada, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, Yoshikazu Tanaka, T. Togashi, J. Liu, C. Rayan Serrao, B. J. Kim, L. Huber, C.-L. Chang, D. F. McMorrow, M. Först, and J. P. Hill, “Ultrafast energy and momentum resolved dynamics of magnetic correlations in photo-doped Mott insulator Sr2IrO4”,  Nature Materials 15 601–605 (2016)

  • G. Fabbris, M. Hücker, G. D. Gu, J. M. Tranquada and D. Haskel, “Combined single crystal polarized XAFS and XRD at high pressure: probing the interplay between lattice distortions and electronic order at multiple length scales in high Tc cuprates”, High Pressure Research, 36 348-359 (2016)
  • S. Calder, J.G. Vale, N.A. Bogdanov, X. Liu, C. Donnerer, M.H. Upton, D. Casa, A.H. Said, M.D. Lumsden, Z. Zhao, J.-Q. Yan, D. Mandrus, S. Nishimoto, J. van den Brink, J.P. Hill, D.F. McMorrow & A.D. Christianson, “Spin-orbit-driven magnetic structure and excitation in the 5d pyrochlore Cd2Os2O7”,  Nature Communications 7 11651 (2016)
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  • V. Khanna, R. Mankowsky, M. Petrich, H. Bromberger, S. A. Cavill, E. Mohr-Vorobeva, D. Nicoletti, Y. Laplace, G. D. Gu, J. P. Hill, M. Forst, A. Cavalleri, and S. S. Dhesi,  “Restoring interlayer Josephson coupling in La1.885Ba0.115CuO4 by charge transfer melting of stripe order”, Physical Review B 93 224522 (2016)
  • A. Wang, D. Graf, L. Wu, K. Wang, E. Bozin, Y. Zhu and C. Petrovic, “Interlayer electronic transport in CaMnBi2” Phys. Rev. B 94 125118 (2016)
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  • H. Ryu, M. Abeykoon, E. Bozin, Y. Matsumoto, S. Nakatsuji and C. Petrovic, “Multiband electronic transport in α-Yb1−xSrxAlB4 (x = 0 0.19) single crystals”, J. Phys: Condens. Mat. 28 425602 (2016)
  • Hyejin Ryu, Kefeng Wang, M. Opacic, N. Lazarevic, J. B. Warren, Z. V. Popovic, E. S. Bozin and C. Petrovic, “Sustained phase separation and spin glass in Co-doped KxFe2−ySe2 single crystals”, Phys. Rev. B 92 174522 (2015)


  • "Insights into the high temperature superconducting cuprates from resonant inelastic X-ray scattering", MPM DeanJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 376, 3–13 (2015)
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  • "Probing single magnon excitations in Sr2IrO4 using O K-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering", X Liu, MPM Dean, J Liu, SG Chiuzbaian, N Jaouen, A Nicolaou, WG Yin, C Rayan Serrao, R Ramesh, H Ding, and JP HillJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 202202 (2015)
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  • "Superconductivity in graphite intercalation compounds", Robert P Smith, Thomas E Weller, Christopher A Howard, Mark PM Dean, Kaveh C Rahnejat, Siddharth S Saxena, and Mark EllerbyPhysica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 514, 50–58 (2015)
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  • "First-order melting of a weak spin-orbit Mott insulator into a correlated metal", Tom Hogan, Z. Yamani, D. Walkup, Xiang Chen, Rebecca Dally, Thomas Z. Ward, M. P. M. Dean, John Hill, Z. Islam, Vidya Madhavan, and Stephen D. WilsonPhys. Rev. Lett. 114, 257203 (2015)
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  • "Itinerant effects and enhanced magnetic interactions in Bi-based multilayer cuprates", M Dean, A James, AC Walters, V Bisogni, I Jarrige, M Hucker, E Giannini, M Fujita, J Pelliciari, Y Huang, R. M. Konik, T. Schmitt, and J. P. HillPhys. Rev. B 90, 220506 (2014)
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  • Beecher, A., Yang, X., Palmer, J., LaGrassa, A., Juhas, P., Billinge, S., and Owen, J. Atomic structures and gram scale synthesis of three tetrahedral quantum dots. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 10645-10653 (2014).
  • Billinge, S. Nanometer scale structure from powder diffraction: Total scattering and atomic pair distribution function analysis. In:International Tables of Crystallography, (International Union of Crystallography, Buffalo, New York, 2014), Chris Gilmore and others, Eds., (Vol. H), book published by International Union of Crystallography).
  • Bozin, E., Knox, K., Juhas, P., Hor, Y.-S., Mitchell, J.F., and Billinge, S. Cu(Ir1–xCrx)2S4: a model system for studying nanoscale phase coexistence at the metal-insulator transition. Scientific Reports 4, 4081 (2014).
  • Bridges, F., Keiber, T., Juhas, P., Billinge, S., Sutton, L., Wilde, J., and Kowach, G. Local vibrations and negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 045505 (2014).
  • Burriel, M., Wilkins, S., Hill, J.P., Muñoz-Márquez, M.A., Brongersma, H.H., Kilner, J.A., Ryan, M.P., and Skinner, S.J. Absence of Ni on the outer surface of Sr doped La2NiO4 single crystals. Energy Environ. Sci. 7, 311-316 (2014).
  • Caviglia, A.D., Först, M, Scherwitzl, R., Khanna, V., Bromberger, H., Mankowsky, R., Singha, R., Chuang, Y.-D., Lee, W.S., Krupin, O., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Dakovski, G.L., Minitti, M.P., Robinson, J., Scagnoli, V., Wilkins, S.B., Cavill, S.A., Gibert, M., Gariglio, S., Zubko, P., Triscone, J.-M., Hill, J.P., Dhesi, S.S., and Cavalleri, A. Photo-induced melting of magnetic order in the correlated electron insulator NdNiO3. Phys. Rev. B 88, 220401(R) (2013).
  • Chi, H., Kim, H., Thomas, J.C., Shi,G., Sun, K., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E., Shi, X., Li, Q., Shi, X., Kioupakis, E., Van der Ven, A., Kaviany, M., and Uher, C. Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu2Se. Phys. Rev. B 89, 195209 (2014).
  • Choi, J.J., Yang, X., Norman, Z.M., Billinge, S. Structure of methylammonium lead lodide within mesoporous titanium dioxide: active material in high-performance perovskite solar cells. Nano Lett. 14, 127-133 (2014).
  • De Vries, M.A., Loving, M., McLaren, M., Brydson, R.M.D., Liu, X., Langridge, S., Lewis, L.H., and Marrows, C.H. Asymmetric “melting” and “freezing” kinetics of the magnetostructural phase transition in B2-ordered FeRh epilayers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 232407 (2014).
  • Dinnebier, R.E. and Billinge, S. Overview of powder diffraction. In: Internatinal Tables of Crystallography, (International Union of Crystallography, Buffalo, New York, 2014), Chris Gilmore and Henk Shenk and others, Eds., (Vol. H), book published by International Union of Crystallography).
  • Doan-Nguyen, V.V.T., Kimber, S.A.J., Pontoni, D., Hickey, D.R., Diroll, B.T., Yang, X., Miglierini, M., Murray, C.B., and Billinge, S.J.L. Bulk metallic glass-like scattering signal in small metallic nanoparticles. ACS Nano 8, 6163-6170 (2014).
  • Farrow, C.L., Shi, C., Juhas, P., Peng, X., and Billinge, S. Robust structure and morphology parameters for CdS nanoparticles by combining small angle X-ray scattering and atomic pair distribution function data in a complex modeling framework. J. Appl. Crystallography 47, Part 2, 561-565 (2014).
  • Först, M, Tobey, R., Bromberger, H., Wilkins, S., Khanna, V., Caviglia, A., Chuang, Y.-D., Lee, W.S., Schlotter,W., Turner, J., Minitti, M., Krupin,O., Xu, Z.J., Wen, J.S., Gu, G.D., Dhesi, S.S., Cavalleri, A., and Hill, J.P. Melting of charge stripes in vibrationally driven La1.875Ba0.125 CuO4: Assessing the respective roles of electronic and lattice order in frustrated superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 157002 (2014).
  • Fradsen, B.A., Yang, X., and Billinge, S.L. Magnetic pair distribution function analysis of local magnetic correlations. Acta Cryst. A70, 3-11 (2014).
  • Fujita,K., Kim, C.-K., Lee, I., Lee, J., Hamidian, M., Firmo, I., Mukhopadhyay, S., Eisaki, H., Uchida, S., Lawler, M.J., Kim, E.-A., and Davis, J.C. Simultaneous transitions in cuprate momemtun-space topology and electronic symmetry breaking. Science 344, 612 (2014).
  • Fujita, K., Hamidian, M. H., Edkins, S. D., Kim, C. K., Kohsaka, Y., Azuma, M., Takano, M., Takagi, H., Eisaki, H., Uchida, S., Allais, A., Lawler, M. J., Kim, E. -A., Sachdev, S., Davis, J. C. S. Direct phase-sensitive identification of a d-form factor density wave in underdoped cuprates. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. USA 111, E3026-E3032 (2014).
  • Ghidiu, M., Naguib, M., Shi, C., Mashtalir, O., Pan, L.M., Zhang, B., Yang, J., Gogotsi, Y., Billinge, S.J.L., and Barsoum, M.W. Synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional Nb4C3 (MXene). Chem. Commun. 50, 9517-9520 (2014).
  • Knox, K., Abeykoon, M., Zheng, H., Yin, W.-G., Tsvelik, A., Mitchell, J., Billinge, S., and Bozin, E. Local structure evidence for strong electronic correlations in LiRh2O4 spinel. Phys. Rev. B 88, 174114 (2013).
  • Knox, K., Bozin, E., Malliakas, C., Kanatzidis, M., and Billinge, S. Local off-centering symmetry breaking in the high-temperature regime of SnTe. Phys. Rev. B 89, 014102 (2014).
  • Langridge, S., Watson, G.M., Gibbs, D., Betouras, J.J., Gidopoulos, N.I., Pollmann, F., Long, M.W., Vettier, C., and Lander, G.H. Distinct magnetic phase-transition at the surface of an antiferromagnet. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 167201 (2014).
  • Lazarevic, N., Bozin, E.S., Scepanovic, M., Opacic, M., Lei, H.C., Petrovic, C., and Popovic, Z.V., Probing IrTe2 crystal symmetry by polarized Raman scattering. Phys. Rev. B 89, 224301 (2014).
  • Lei, H., Abeykoon, M., Wang, K., Bozin, E., Ryu, H., Graf, D., Warren, J.B., and Petrovic, C. Physical properties of KxNi2-ySe2 single crystals. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 015701 (2014).
  • Leiner, J., Thampy, V., Christianson, A.D., Abernathy, D.L., Stone, M.B., Lumsden, M.D., Sefat, A.S., Sales, B.C., Hu, J., Mao, Z., Bao, W., and Broholm, C. Modified magnetism within the coherence volume of superconducting Fe1+∂SexTe1-x. Phys. Rev. B 90, 100501(R) (2014).
  • Li, Qing’an, Gray, K.E.,Wilkins, S.B., et al. Prediction and experimental evidence for thermodynamically stable charged orbital domain walls. Phys. Rev. X 4, 031028 (2014).
  • Nicoletti, D., Casandruc, E., Laplace, Y., Khanna, V., Hunt, C.R., Kaiser, S., Dhesi, S.S., Gu, G.D., Hill, J.P., and Cavalleri, A. Optically-induced superconductivity in striped La2-xBaxCuO4 by polarization-selective excitation in the near infrared. Phys. Rev. B 90, 100503(R) (2014).
  • Öztürk, H., Yan, H., Hill, J.P., and Noyan, I. Sampling statistics of diffraction from nanoparticle power aggregates. J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 1016-1025 (2014).
  • Rowley, S.E., Spalek, L.J., Smith, R.P., Dean, M.P.M., Itoh, M., Scott, J.F., Lonzarich, G.G., and Saxena, S.S. Ferroelectric quantum criticality. Nature Phys. 10, 367-372 (2014).
  • Seman, T., Liu, X., Hill, J.P., van Veenendaal, M., and Ahn, K. Momentum dependence in K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and its application to screening dynamics in CE-phase La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Phys. Rev. B 90, 045111 (2014).
  • Shi, C., Beidaghi, M., Naguib, M., Mashtalir, O., Gogotsi, Y., and Billinge, S. Structure of nanocrystalline Ti3C2 MXene using atomic pair distribution function. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 125501 (2014).
  • Thampy, V., Dean, M.P.M., Christensen, N.B., Steinke, L., Islam, Z., Oda, M., Ido, M., Momono, N., Wilkins, S.B., and Hill, J.P. Rotated stripe order and its competition with superconductivity in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4. Phys. Rev. B 90, 100510(R) (2014).
  • Yang, X., Juhas, P., and Billinge, J.L. On the estimation of statistical uncertainties on powder diffraction and small-angle scattering data from two-dimensional x-ray detectors. J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 1273-1283 (2014).


  • Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E., Yin, W.-G., Gu, G., Hill, J., Tranquada, J., and Billinge, S. Evidence for short-range ordered charge stripes far above the charge-ordering transition in La1.67Sr0.33NiO4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 096404 (2013).
  • Antic, B., Perovic, M., Kremenovic, A., Blanusa, J., Spasojevic, V., Vulic, P., Bessais, L., and Bozovic, E. An integrated study of size and temperature effects on magnetic properties of Zn-ferrite nanoparticles.
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  • Billinge, S. Pair distribution function technique: Principles and methods. Chapter 17 in Book: U. Kolb et al. (eds.), Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht 2013.
  • Bozin, E., Juhas, P., and Billinge, S.J.L. Local structure of bulk and nanocrystalline semiconductors using total scattering methods. Chapter 6 in Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures II, pp. 229-257, Eds. G. Agostini and C. Lamberti, Elsevier, 2013.
  • Caviglia, A.D., Först, M, Scherwitzl, R., Khanna, V., Bromberger, H., Mankowsky, R., Singha, R., Chuang, Y.-D., Lee, W.S., Krupin, O., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Dakovski, G.L., Minitti, M.P., Robinson, J., Scagnoli, V., Wilkins, S.B., Cavill, S.A., Gibert, M., Gariglio, S., Zubko, P., Triscone, J.-M., Hill, J.P., Dhesi, S.S., and Cavalleri, A. Photoinduced melting of magnetic order in the correlated electron insulator NdNiO3. Phys. Rev. B 88, 220401(R) (2013).
  • Dean, M.P.M., Dellea, G., Springell, R.S., Yakhou-Harris, F., Kummer, K., Brookes, N.B., Liu, X., Sun, Y.-J., Strle, J., Schmitt, T., Braicovich, L., Ghiringhelli, G., Bozovic, I., and Hill, J.P. Persistence of magnetic excitations in La2−xSrxCuO4 from the undoped insulator to the heavily overdoped non-superconducting metal. Nature Materials 12, 1019 (2013).
  • Dean, M.P.M., James, A.J.A., Springell, R.S., Liu, X., Monney, C., Zhou, K.J., Konik, R.M., Wen, J.S., Xu, Z.J., Gu, G.D., Strocov, V.N., Schmitt, T., and Hill, J.P. High-energy magnetic excitations in the cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ: Towards a unified description of its electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 147001 (2013).
  • Dean, M.P.M., Dellea, G., Minola, M., Wilkins, S.B., Konik, R.M., Gu, G., Le Tacon, M., Brookes, N.B., Yakhou-Harris, F., Kummer, K., Hill, J.P., Braicovich, L., and Ghiringhelli, G. Magnetic excitations in stripe-ordered La1.875 Ba0:125CuO4 studied using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. B 88, 020403( R) (2013).
  • Farrow, C.L., Bediako, D.K., Surendranath, Y., Nocera, D.G., and Billinge, S. Intermediate-range structure of self-assembled cobalt-based oxygen-evolving catalyst. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 135, 6403 (2013).
  • Garcia-Fernandez, M., Wilkins, S., Lu, M., Li, Q., Gray, K., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J., and Khomskii, D. Antiferromagnetic domain structure in bilayer manganite. Phys. Rev. B 88, 075134 (2013).
  • Gretarsson, H., Clancy, J., Liu, X., Hill, J.P., Bozin, E., Singh, Y., Manni, S., Gegenwart, P., Kim, J.H., Said, A.H., Casa, D., Gog, T., Upton, M.H., Kim, H.-S., Yu, J., Katukuri, V.M., Hozoi, L., van den Brink, J., and Kim, Y.-J. Crystal-field splitting and correlation effect on the electronic structure of A2IrO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 076402 (2013).
  • Först, M., Mankowsky, R., Bromberger, H., Fritz, D.M., Lemke, H., Zhu, D., Chollet, M., Yomioka, Y., Tokura, Y., Merlin, R., Hill, J.P., Johnson, S.L., and Cavalleri, A. Displacive lattice excitation through nonlinear phononics viewed by Femtosecond x-ray diffraction. Solid State Communications 169, 24-27 (2013).
  • Gretarsson, H., Clancy, J.P., Singh, Y., Gegenwart, P., Hill, J.P., Kim, J., Upton, M., Said, A., Casa, D., Gog, T., and Kim, Y.-J. Magnetic excitation spectrum of Na2IrO3 probed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev.B 87, 220407 (2013).
  • Gretarsson, H., Clancy, J.P., Liu, X., Hill, J.P., Bozin, E., Singh, Y., Manni, S., Gegenwart, P., Kim, J., Said, A.H., Casa, D., Gog, T., Upton, M.H., Kim, H.-S., Yu, J., Katukuri, V.M., Hozoi, L., van den Brink, J., and Kim, Y.-J. Crystal-field splitting and correlation effect on the electronic structure of A2IrO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 076402 (2013).
  • Jacques, S.D.M., Di Michiel, M., Kimber, S.A.J., Yang, X., Cernik, R.J., Billinge, S.J.L., and Beale, A.M. PDF computed tomography and its application to map the physical and chemical state of an industrial catalyst. Nature Communications 4, 2536 (2013).
  • Juhas, P., Davis, T., Farrow, C.L., and Billinge, S.L. PDFgetX3: a rapid and highly automatable program for processing powder diffraction data into total scattering pair distribution functions. J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 560-566 (2013).
  • Kim, M.G., Soh, J., Lang, J., Dean, M., Thaler, A., Bud’ko, L., Canfield, P.C., Bourret-Courchesne, E., Dreyssig, A., Gpoldman, A.I., and Birgeneau, R.J. Spin polarization of Ru in superconducting Ba(Fe0.795Ru0.205)2As2 studied by x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. Phys. Rev. B 88, 014424 (2013).
  • Lei, H., Wang, K., Hu, R., Ryu, H., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E.S., and Petrovic, C. Iron chalcogenide superconductors at high magnetic fields. Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 13, 054305 (2012).
  • Lei, H., Wang, K., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E.S., and Petrovic, C. New layered fluorosulfide SrFBiS2. Inorg. Chem. 52, 10685-10689 (2013).
  • Liu, X., Katukuri, V., Hozoi, L., Yin, W.-G., Dean, M., Upton, M., Kim, J., Casa, D., Said, A., Gog, T., Qi, T.F., Cao, G., Tsvelik, A., van den Brink, J., and Hill, J.P. Testing the validity of the strong spin-orbit-coupling limit for octahedrally coordinated iridates in a model system Sr3 CuIrO6. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 157401 (2012).
  • Liu, X., Seman, T.F., Ahn, K.H., van Veenendaal, M., Casa, D., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A.T., Ding, H., and Hill, J.P. Strongly momentum-dependent screening dynamics in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 observed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. B 87, 201103(R) (2013).
  • Lu, X., Gretarsson, H., Zhang, R., Liu, X., Luo, H., Tian, W., Laver, M., Yamani, Z., Kim, Y.-J., Nevidomskyy, A., Si, Q., and Dai, P. Avoided quantum criticality and magnetoelastic coupling in BaFe2-xNix As2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 257001 (2013).
  • Narangammana, L. K., Liu, X., Nie, Y. F., Rueckert, F. J., Budnick, J. I., Hines, W. A., Gu, G., and Wells, B. O. Low temperature crystal structure and large lattice discontinuity at Tc in superconducting FeTeOx films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 102604 (2013).
  • Sanchez, S.I., Small, M.W., Bozin, E., Wen, J.-G., Zuo, J.-M., and Nuzzo, R.G. Metastability and structural polymorphism in noble metals: The role of composition and metal atom coordination in mono- and bimetallic nanoclusters. ACS Nano 7, 1542-1557 (2013).
  • Shi, C., Redmond, E.L., Mazaheripur, A., Juhas, P., Fuller, T., and Billinge, S. Evidence for anomalous bond softening and disorder below 2 nm diameter in carbon-supported platinum nanoparticles from the temperature-dependent peak width of the atomic pair distribution function. J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 7226 (2013).
  • Shvyd’ko, Y., Hill, J.P., Burns, C.A., Coburn, D.S., Brajuskovic, B., Casa, D., Goetze, K., Gog, T., Khachatryan, R., Kim, J.-H., Kodituwakku, C.N., Ramanathan, M., Roberts, t., Said, A., Sinn, H., Shu, D., Stoupin, S., Upton, M., Wiezorek, M., and Yavas, H. MERIX – next generation medium energy resolution inelastic x-ray scattering instrument at the APS. J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 188, 140-149 (2013).
  • Thampy, V., Blanco-Canosa, S., Garcia-Fernandez, M., Dean, M.P.M., Gu, G., Forst, M., Loew, T., Keimer, B., Le Tacon, M., Wilkins, S.B., and Hill, J.P. Comparison of charge modulations in La1.875Ba0.125 CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O6.6. Phys. Rev. B 88, 024505 (2013).
  • Tian, P., Zhou, W., Liu, J., Shang, Y., Farrow, C.L., Juhas, P., and Billinge, S.J.L. SrRietveld: a program for automating Rietveld refinements for high-throughput powder diffraction studies. J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 255-258 (2013).
  • Tyrsted, C., Jensen, K.M.Ø., Bøjesen, E.D., Lock, N., Christensen, M., Billinge, S.L., and Iversen B.B. Understanding the formation and evolution of Ceria nanoparticles under hydrothermal conditions. Angewandte Chemie Int. Edition 51, 9030-9033 (2012). (publ. 8/15/12)
  • Vucinic-Vasic, M., Bozin, E., Bessais, L., Stojanovic, G., Kozmidis-Luburic, U., Abeykoon, M., Jancar, B., Meden, A., Kremenovic, A., and Antic, B. Thermal evolution of cation distribution/crystallite size and their correlation with magnetic/electric state of Yb substituted Zn-ferrite nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 12358−12365 (2013).
  • Xu, Z., Wen, J., Zhao, Y., Matsuda, M., Ku, W., Liu, X., Gu, G., Lee, D.-H., Birgeneau, R.J., Tranquada, J.M., and Xu, Guangyong. Temperature-dependent transformation of the magnetic excitation spectrum on approaching superconductivity in Fe1+y-x(Ni/Cu)xTe0.5 Se0.5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 227002 (2012).
  • Yang, X., Masadeh, A.S., McBride, J.R., Bozin, E.S., Rosenthal, S.J., and Billinge, S. Confirmation of disordered structure of ultrasmall CdSe nanoparticles from x-ray atomic pair distribution function analysis. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 8480 (2013).
  • Yin, W.-G., X. Liu, A.M. Tsvelik, M.P.M. Dean, M.H. Upton, J. Kim, D. Casa, A. Said, T. Gog, T.F. Qi, G. Cao, and J.P. Hill. Ferromagnetic exchange anisotropy from antiferromagnetic auperexchange in the mixed 3d - 5d transition-metal compound Sr3CuIrO6. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 057202 (2013).
  • Zhu, P., Cao, J., Zhu, Y., Geck, J., Hidaka, Y., Pjerov, S., Ritschel, T., Berger, H., Shen, Y., Tobey, R., Hill, J.P., and Wang, X.J. Dynamic separation of electron excitation and lattice heating during the photoinduced melting of the periodic lattice distortion in 2H-TaSe2. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 071914 (2013).


  • "Magnetically polarized Ir dopant atoms in superconducting B(Fe1- x Irx)2 As2", MPM Dean, MG Kim, A Kreyssig, JW Kim, X Liu, PJ Ryan, A Thaler, SL Bud’ko, W Strassheim, PC Canfield, J. P. Hill, and A. I. GoldmanPhys. Rev. B 85, 140514 (2012)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.140514
  • "Testing the validity of the strong spin-orbit-coupling limit for octahedrally coordinated iridates in a model system Sr3CuIrO6", X Liu, Vamshi M Katukuri, L Hozoi, Wei-Guo Yin, MPM Dean, MH Upton, Jungho Kim, D Casa, A Said, T Gog, T. F. Qi, G. Cao A. M. Tsvelik, Jeroen Brink, and J. P. HillPhys. Rev. Lett. 109, 157401 (2012)
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.157401
  • Abeykoon, M., Malliakas, C.D., Juhas, P., Bozin, E.S., Kanatzidis, M.G., and Billinge, S.J. Quantitative nanostructure characterization using atomic pair distribution functions obtained from laboratory electron microscopes. Z. Kristallogr. 227, 248-256 (2012).
  • Beale, T.A.W., Wilkins, S., Johnson, R., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A., Steadman, P., Dhesi, S., and Hatton, P.
    Advances in the understanding of multiferroics through soft x-ray diffraction. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 208, 99-106 (2012).
  • Billinge, S., Juhas, P., and Bozin, E. Fundamental of pair distribution function analysis. IN: Crystallography for Health and Biosciences, pp. 163-176, Eds. A. Guagliardi and N. Masciocchi, Insubria University Press, 2012.
  • Bozin, E., Chatterji, T., and Billinge, S. Local structure of ReO3 at ambient pressure from neutron total scattering study. Phys. Rev. B 86, 094110 (2012).
  • Cossairt, B.M., Juhas, P., Billinge, S.J.L., and Owen, J. Tuning the surface structure and optical properties of CdSe clusters using coordination chemistry. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2, 3075-3080 (2011).
  • Dean, M.P.M., Springell, R., Monney, C., Zhou, K., Bozovic, I., Pereiro, J., Piazza, B. Dalla, Ronnow, H., Morenzoni, E., van den Brink, J., Schmitt, T., and Hill, J.P. Spin excitations in a single La2CuO4 layer. Nature Materials 11, 850-854 (2012).
  • Egami, T., and Billinge, S. Underneath the Bragg peaks: structural analysis of complex materials. 2nd Edition, Pergamon, 2012.
  • Dean, M.P.M., Kim, M.G., Kreyssig, A., Kim, J.W., Liu, X., Ryan, P.J., Thaler, A., Bud’ko, S.L.,, Strassheim, W., Canfield, P.C., Hill, J.P., and Goldman, A.I. Magnetically polarized Ir dopant atoms in superconducting Ba(Fe1−xIrx)2As2. Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 85, 140514 (2012).
  • Jarrige, I., Nomura, T., Ishii, K., Gretarsson, H., Kim, Y-J., Kim, J., Upton, M., Casa, D., Gog, T., Ishikado, M., Fukuda, T., Yoshida, M., Hill, J.P., Liu, X., Hiraoka, N., Tsuei, K.D., and Shamoto, S. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of charge excitations in superconducting and non-superconducting PrFeAsO1-y. Phys. Rev. B 86, 115104 (2012).
  • Jensen, K., Christensen, M., Juhas, P., Tyrsted, C., Bojesen, E., Lock, N., Billinge, S., and Iversen, B. Revealing the mechanism behind SnO2 nanoparticle formation and growth during hydrothermal synthesis: An in situ total scattering study. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 6785-67923 (2012).
  • Jensen, K., Bozin, E., Malliakas, C.D., Stone, M.B., Lumsden, M.D., Kanatzidis, M.G., Shapiro, S., and Billinge, S.
    Lattice dynamics reveal a local symmetry breaking in the emergent dipole phase of PbTe. Phys. Rev.B 86, 085313 (2012).
  • Jie, Q., Hu, R., Bozin, E., Llobet, A., Zaliznyak, I., Petrovic, C., and Li, Q. Electronic thermoelectric power factor and metal-insulator transition in FeSb2. Phys. Rev. B 86, 115121 (2012).
  • Kim, Y.-J., Hill, J.P., Kim, J., and Diego, C. Hard X-ray resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the advanced photon source. Synch. Radiat. News 25(4), 3-8 (2012).
  • Lazarevic, N., Abeykoon, M., Stephens, P.W., Lei, H., Bozin, E.S., Petrovic, C., and Popovic, Z.V. Vacancy-induced nanoscale phase separation in KxFe2-ySe2 single crystals evidenced by Raman scattering and powder x-ray diffraction. Phys. Rev. B 86, 054503 (2012).
  • Lei, H., Bozin, E., Llobet, A., Ivanovski, V., Koteski, V., Belosevic-Cavor, Cekic, B., and Petrovic, C. Magnetism in La2O3(Fe1−xMnx)2Se2 tuned by Fe/Mn ratio. Phys. Rev. B 86, 125122 (2012).
  • Loving, M., de Vries, M.A., Jimenez-Villacorta, F., Le Graët, C., Liu, X., Fan, R., Langridge, S., Heiman, D., Marrows, C.H., and Lewis, L.H. Tailoring the FeRh magnetostructural response with Au diffusion. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 043512 (2012).
  • Partzsch, S., Wilkins, S.B., Schierle, E., Soltwisch, V., Hill, J.P., Weschke, E., Souptel, D., Büchner, B., and Geck, J. Resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of multiferroic YMn2 O5. Proceedings of the REXS 2011 Conference in Aussois (in the French Alps, June 2011. EPJ as a proceedings of the REXS Conference 2011 and Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 208, 135–141 (2012).
  • Redmond, E.L., Setzler, B.P., Juhas, P., Billinge, S.L., and Fuller, T.F. In-situ monitoring of particle growth at PEMFC cathode under accelerated cycling conditions. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 15(5), B72-B74 (2012).
  • Tian, P., and Billinge, S. Testing different methods for estimating uncertainties on Rietveld refined parameters using SrRietveld. Z. Kristallogr. 226, 898-904 (2011).
  • Tobey, R.I., Wall, S., Först, M., Bromberger, H., Khanna, V., Turner, J.J., Schlotter, W., Trigo, M., Krupin, O., Lee, W.S., Chuang, Y.-D., Moore, R., Cavalieri, A.L., Wilkins, S.B., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J.F., Dhesi, S.S., Cavalleri, A., and Hill, J.P. Evolution of three-dimensional correlations during the photoinduced melting of antiferromagnetic order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Phys. Rev. B 86, 064425 (2012).
  • Walker, H.C., Le, M.D., McEwen, K.A., Bleckmann, M., Süllow, S., Mazzoli, C., Wilkins, S.B., and Fort, D. 5f delocalization-induced suppression of quadrupolar order in U(Pd1-xPtx)3. Phys. Rev. B 84, 235142 (2011).
  • Wilkins, S.B., Dean, M.P.M., Fink, Jörg, Hücker,M., Geck, J., Soltwisch, V., Schierle, E., Weschke, E., Gu, G., Uchida, S., Ichikawa, N., Tranquada, J.M., and Hill, J.P. Comparison of stripe modulations in La1.875Ba0.125­CuO4 and La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4. Phys. Rev. B 84, 195101 (2011).
  • Zhu, M., Farrow, C., Post, J., Livi, K.J.T., Billinge, S., Ginder-Vogel, M., Sparks, D.L. Structural study of biotic and abiotic poorly-crystalline manganese oxides using atomic pair distribution function analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 81, 39-55 (2012).


  • Howard, C.A., Dean, M.P.M., and Withers, F. Phonons in potassium-doped graphene: The effects of electron-phonon interactions, dimensionality, and adatom ordering. Phys.Rev. B 84, 241404R (2011).
  • Först, M., Tobey, R.I., Wall, S., Bromberger, H., Khanna, V., Cavalieri, A.L., Chuang, Y.-D., Lee, W.S., Moore, R., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Krupin, O., Trigo, M., Zheng, H., Mitchell, J.F., Dhesi, S.S., Hill, J.P., and Cavalleri, A. Driving magnetic order in a manganite by ultrafast lattice excitation. Phys. Rev. B 84, 241104R (2011).
  • Ament, L.J.P., van Veenendaal, M., Devereaux, T.P., Hill, J.P., and van den Brink, Jeroen. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies of elementary excitations. Reviews of Modern Phys. 83, 705-767 (2011)
  • Booth, C.H., Bauer, E.D., Bozin, E.S., Billinge, S.J.L., and Walter, M.D. Pair-distribution function analysis of the structural valence transition in Cp*2Yb(4,4'-Me2-bipy). J. Phys.:Conf. Series 273, 012149 (2011).
  • Bozin, E., Malliakas, C.D., Souvatzis, P., Proffen, T., Spaldin, N.A., Kanatzidis, M.G. and Billinge, S. Entropically stabilized local dipole formation in Lead Chalcogenides. Science 330, 1660-1663 (2010).
  • Dean, N., Petersen, J.C., Fausti, D., Tobey, R., Kaiser, S., Gasparov, L., Berger, H., and Cavalleri, A. Polaronic conductivity in the photoinduced phase of 1T – TaS2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 016401 (2011).
  • Ellis, D.S., Kim, J., Zhang, H., Hill, J.P., Gu, G., Komiya, S., Ando, Y., Casa, D., Gog, T., and Kim, Y.-J. Electronic structure of doped lanthanum cuprates studied with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. B 83, 075120 (2011).
  • Howard, C.A., Dean, M.P.M., and Withers, F. Phonons in potassium-doped graphene: The effects of electron-phonon interactions, dimensionality, and adatom ordering. Phys. Rev. B 84, 241404R (2011).
  • Hu, R., Lei, H., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E., Billinge, S., Warren, J., Siegrist, T., and Petrovic, C. Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetism of β-Fe1.00(2)Se1.00(3) single crystals. Phys. Rev. B 83, 224502 (2011).
  • Kremenovic, A., Antic, B., Blanusa, J., Comor, M., Colomban, P., Mazerolles, L., Bozin, E. Heterogeneity and disorder in Ti1-xFeyO2-d nanocryatal rutile-based flower like aggregates-detection of anatase. J. Phys. Chem.. C 115, 4395-4403 (2011).
  • Lei, H., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E., and Petrovic, C. Spin-glass behavior of semiconducting KxFe2-yS2. Phys. Rev. B 83, 180503 (2011).
  • Lei, H., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E., Wang, K., Warren, J.B. and Petrovic, C. Phase diagram of KxFe2-ySe2-zSz and the suppression of its superconducting state by an Fe2-Se/S tetrahedron distortion. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 137002 (2011).
  • Lei, H., Bozin, E., Wang, K., and Petrovic, C. Antiferromagnetism in semiconducting KFe0.85Ag1.15Te2 single crystals. Phys. Rev. B 84, 060506R (2011).
  • Liu, X., Berlijn, T., Yin, W.-G., Ku, W., Tsvelik, A., Kim, Y.-J., Gretarsson, H. Singh, Y., Gegenwart, P., and Hill, J.P. Long range magnetic ordering in Na2IrO3. Phys. Rev. B 83, 220403 (2011).
  • Liu, X., Lee, C.-C., Xu, X.J., Wen, J.S., Gu, G., Ku, W., Tranquada, J.M., and Hill, J.P. X-ray diffuse scattering study of local distortions in Fe1+xTe induced by excess Fe. Phys. Rev. B 83, 184523 (2011).
  • Malavasi, L., Artioli, G.A., Kim, H., Maroni, B., Joseph, B., Ren, Y., Proffen, T., and Billinge, S. Local structural investigation of SmFeAsO1-xFx high temperature superconductors. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 272201 (2011).
  • Partzsch, S., Wilkins, S.B., Hill, J.P., Schierle, E., Weschke, E., Souptel, D., Büchner, B., and Geck, J. Observation of electronic ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic YMn2O­5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 057201 (2011).
  • Tian, P., Zhang, Y., Senevirathne, K., Brock, S.L., Dixit, A., Lawes, G., and Billinge, S. Diverse structural and magnetic properties of differently prepared MnAs nanoparticles. ACS NANO 5(4), 2970-2978 (2011).
  • Walters, A.C., Howard, C.A., Upton, M.H., Dean, M.P.M., Alatas, A., Leu, B.M., Ellerby, M., McMorrow, D.F., Hill, J.P., Calandra, M., and Mauri, F. Comparative study of the phonons in non-superconducting BaC6 and superconducting CaC6 using inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. B 84, 014511 (2011).
  • Wilkins, S.B., Liu, X., Wakabayashi, Y., Kim, J.-W., Ryan, P.J., Mitchell, J.F., and Hill, J.P. Surface melting of electronic order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Phys. Rev. B 84, 165103 (2011).


  • Abes, M. Atkinson, D., Tanner, B.K., Charlton, T.R., Langridge, S., Hase, T.P.A., Ali, M., Marrows, C.H., Hickey, B.J., Neudert, A., Hicken, R.J., Arena, D., Wilkins, S.B., Mirone, A, and Lebegue, S. Spin polarization and exchange coupling of Cu and Mn atoms in paramagnetic CuMn diluted alloys induced by a Co layer. Phys. Rev. B 82, 184412 (2010).
  • Beale, T.A.W., Wilkins, S., Johnson, R., Bland, S., Joly, Y., Forrest, T., McMorrow, D.F., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A.T., and Hatton, P.D. Antiferromagnetically spin polarized oxygen observed in magneto-electric TbMn2O5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 087203 (2010).
  • Billinge, S. The nanostructure problem. Physics 3, 25 (2010).
  • Billinge, S., Dykhne, T., Juhas, P., Bozin, E., Taylor, R., Florence, A.J., and Shankland, K. Characterisation of amorphous and nanocrystalline molecular materials by total scattering. CrystEngComm 12, 1366 (2010).
  • Billinge, S. and Bozin, E. Pair distribution function technique: Principles and methods. Villigen Winter School, organized by the Paul Scherrer Institute, May 24-30, 2010. Book Chapter in "Diffraction at the Nanoscale: Nanocrystals, Defective and Amorphous Materials", edited by A. Guagliardi and N. Masciocchi, pp. 97-106, Insubria University Press (2010).
  • Blagojevic, V., Carlo, J., Brus, L., Steigerwald, M., Uemura, Y., Billinge, S., Zhou, W., Stephens, P., Aczel, A., and Luke, G. Magnetic phase transition in V2O3 nanocrystals. Physical Review B 82, 094453 (2010).
  • Bozin, E., Malliakas, C.D., Souvatzis, P., Proffen, T., Spaldin, N.A., Kanatzidis, M.G. and Billinge, S. Entropically stabilized local dipole formation in PbTe. Science 330, 6660 (2010).
  • Bozin, E., Juhas, P., Zhou, W., Stone, M., Abernathy, D., Huq, A., and Billinge, S. Quantitative structure refinement from the ARCS chopper spectrometer. J. Phys.: Conference Series 251, 012080 (2010).
  • Dean, M.P.M., Walters, A.C., Howard, C.A., Weller, T.E., Calandra, M., Mauri, F., Ellerby, M., Saxena, S.S., Ivanov, A., and McMorrow, D.F. Neutron scattering study of the high-energy graphitic phonons in sperconducting CaC6. Phys. Rev. B 82, 014533 (2010).
  • Ellis, D.S., Kim, J., Hill, J.P., Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Shvyd’ko, Y., Casa, D., Gog, T., Ishii, K., Ikeuchi, K., Paramekanti, A., and Kim, Y.-J. Magnetic nature of the 500 meV peak in La2-xSrxCuO4 observed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Cu K-edge. Phys. Rev. B 81, 085124 (2010).
  • Evans, P.G., Billinge, S. Advances in scattering probes for materials. MRS Bulletin 35, 495 (2010).
  • Huq, A., Welberry, R., and Bozin, E. Adavnces in structural studies of materials using scattering probes. MRS Bulletin 35, 520 (2010).
  • Kim, Y.-J., Hill, J.P., Yamaguchi, H.,Gog, T., and Casa, D. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of the electronic structure of Cu2O. Phys.Rev. B 81, 195202 (2010).
  • Le Tacon, M., Forrest, T.R., Rüegg, Ch., Bosak, A., Noffsinger, J., Walters, A.C., Toulemonde, P., Palenzona, A., Zhigadlo, N.D., Karpinski, J., Hill, J.P., Drisch, M., and McMorrow, D.F. Inelastic x-ray scattering investigations of lattice dynamics in SmFeAsO1-xFy superconductors. Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors (SNS2010), Shanghai, China, May 23-28, 2010. J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
  • Springell,R., Langridge, S., Wildes, A., Wilkins, S.B., Sanchez-Hanke, C., Moore, K.T., Butterfield, M., Chivall, J., Ward, R.C.C., and Lander, G.H. Chemical and magnetic structure of uranium/gadolinium multilayers studied by transmission electron microscopy, neutron scattering, and x-ray reflectivity. Phys. Rev. B 81, 134434, 2010.
  • Zheng, J.C., Frenkel, A.I., Wu, L., Hanson, J., Ku, W., Bozin, E.S., Billinge, S.J.L., and Zhu, Y. Nanoscale disorder and local electronic properties of CaCu3Ti­4­O12: an integrated study of electron, neutron and x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption fine structure and first principles calculations. Phys. Rev. B 81, 144203 (2010).


  • Billinge, S. How do our crystals grow? Nature Physics 5, 13-14 (2009).
  • Billinge, S., Smith, G., Ekkebus, A., and Gaulin B. International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2009 (ICNS09). Neutron News 1931-7352, 20(4), 2-3 (2009).
  • Billinge, S. Nanoscale structural order from the atomic pair distribution function (PDF): There’s plenty of room in the middle. J. Solid State Chem. 181, 1698-1703 (2008).
  • Bland, S.R., Detlefs, B., Wilkins, S.B., Beale, T.A.W., Mazzoli, C., Joly, Y., Hatton, P.D., Lorenzo, J.E., and Brabers, V.A.M. Full polarization analysis of resonant superlattice and forbidden x-ray reflections in magnetite. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 21, 485601 (2009).
  • Bozin, E., Juhas, P., Zhou, W., Stone, M., Abernathy, D., Huq, A., and Billinge, S. Atomic pair distribution function analysis from the ARCS chopper spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source. J. Appl. Cryst. 42, 724 (2009).
  • Farrow, C.L., and Billinge, S. Relationship between the atomic pair distribution function and the small-angle scattering: implications for modeling of nanoparticles. Acta Crystallographica Section A 65, 232-239 (2009).
  • Gog, T., Seidler, G., Casa, D., Upton, M., Kim, J., Shyvd’ko, Yu., Stoupin, S., Nagle, K., Balasubramanian, M., Gordon, R., Fister, T., Heald, S., Toellner, T., Hill, J.P., Coburn, D.S., Kim, Y.-J., Said, A.H., Alp, E.E., Sturhahn, W., Yavas, H., Burns, C., and Sinn, H. Momentum-resolved resonant and nonresonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the advanced photon source. Synch. Radiat. News vol 22, p. 12 (2009).
  • Greedan, J., Gout, D., Lozano-Gorrin,A., Derahkshan, S., Proffen, Th., Kim, H.-J., Bozin, E., and Billinge, S. The local and average structure of the spin-glass pyrochlore, Y2Mo2O7, from neutron diffraction and neutron pair distribution function analysis. Phys. Rev. B 79, 014427 (2009).
  • Hase, T., Raanaei, H., Lidbaum, H., Sanchez-Hanke, C., Wilkins, S., Leifer, K., and Hjorvarsson, B. Spin and orbital moment in amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8 layers. Phys. Rev. B 80, 134402 (2009).
  • Hatton, P.D., Johnson, R.D., Bland, S.R., Mazzoli, C., Beale, T.A.W., Du, C.-H., and Wilkins, S. Magnetic structure determination using polarized resonant x-ray scattering. J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 810-813 (2009).
  • Hu, R., Bozin, E., Warren, J.B., and Petrovic, C. Superconductivity, magnetism, and stoichiometry of single crystals of Fe1+y(Te1-xSx)z. Physical Review B 80, 214514 (2009).
  • Jacques, V.L.R., Le Bolloc’h, D., Ravy, S., Giles, C., Livet, F., and Wilkins, S.B. Spin density wave dislocation in chromium probed by coherent x-ray diffraction. Eur. Phys. J. B 70, 317-325 (2009).
  • Kim, J., Ellis, D.S., Zhang, H., Hill, J.P., Chou, F.C., Gog, T., Casa, D., and Kim, Y.-J. Comparison of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra and dielectric loss functions in copper oxides. Phys. Rev. B 79, 094525 (2009).
  • Le Tacon, M., Forrest, T.R., Ruegg, Ch., Bosak, A., Walters, A.C., Mittal, R., Ronnow, H.M., Zhigadlo, N.D., Katrych, S., Karpinski, J., Hill, J.P., Kriscsh, M., and McMorrow, D.F. Inelastic x-ray scattering study of SmFeAs(O1-xFy) single crystals: evidence for strong momentum-dependent doping-induced renormalization of optical phonons. Phys. Rev. B 80, 220504 (2009).
  • Walker, H.C., Ewings, R.A., Fabrizi, F., Mannix, D., Mazzoli, C., Wilkins, S.B., Paolasini, L., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A.T., and McMorrow, D.F. X-ray resonant scattering study of the magnetic phase diagram of multiferroic TbMnO3. Physica B 404, 3264-3266 (2009).
  • Wilkins, S.B., Forrest, T.R., Beale, T.A.W., Bland, S.R., Walker, H.C., Mannix, D., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A.T., Hill, P.D., Hatton, P.D., and McMorrow, D.F. Nature of the magnetic order and origin of induced ferroelectricity in TbMnO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103(2), 207602 (2009).
  • Wilkins, S.B., Di Matteo, S., Beale, T.A.W., Joly, Y., Mazzoli, C., Hatton, P.D., Bencok,P., Yakhou, F., and Brabers, V.A.M. Critical reexamination of resonant soft x-ray Bragg forbidden reflections in magnetite. Phys. Rev. B 79, 201102R, (2009).


  • Billinge, S. Nanoscale structural order from the atomic pair distribution (PDF): there’s plenty of room in the middle. J. Solid State Chem. 181, 1695-1700 (2008).
  • Ellis, D.S., Hill, J.P., Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Casa, D., Gog, T., and Kim, Y.-J. Charge-transfer exciton in La2CuO4 probed with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. B 77, 060502 (2008).
  • Ellis, D.S., Hill, J.P., Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Casa, D., Gog, T., and Kim, Y.-J. Comparison of electronic excitatins in single-layer and bi-layer cuprates. Physica B 403, 1053-1055 (2008).
  • Forrest, T.R., Bland, S.R., Wilkins, S.B., Walker, H., Beale, T.A.W., Hatton, P.D., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A.T., Mannix, D., Yakhou, F., McMorrow, D.F. Ordering of localized electronic states in multiferroic TbMnO3: a soft x-ray resonant scattering study. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 422205 (2008).
  • Hill, J.P., Blumberg, G., Kim, Y.-J., Ellis, D., Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Komiya, S., Ando, Y., Liang, B., Greene, R.L., Casa, D., and Gog, T. Observation of a 500meV collective mode in La2-xSrXCuO4 and ND2CuO4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 097001 (2008).
  • Hu, R., Thomas, K.J., Lee, Y., Vogt, T., Choi, E.S., Mitrovic, V.F., Hermann, R.P., Grandjeau, F., Canfield, P.C., Kim, J.W., Goldman, A.I., and Petrovic, C. Colossal positive magnetoresistance in a doped nearly magnetic semiconductor. Phys. Rev. B 77, 085212 (2008).
  • Johnson, R.D., Bland, S.R., Mazzoli, C., Beale, T.A.W., Du, C.-H., Detlefs, C., Wilkins, S.B., and Hatton, P.D. Determination of magnetic order of the rare-earth ions in multiferroic TbMn2O5. Phys. Rev. B 78, 104407 (2008).
  • Turner, J.J., Thomas, K.J., Hill, J.P., Pfeifer, M., Chesnel, K., Tomioka, Y., Tokura, Y., and Devan, S. Orbital domain dynamics in a doped manganite. New J. of Phys. 10(5), 053023 (2008).
  • Turner, J.J., Jordan-Sweet, J.L., Upton, M., Hill, J.P., Tokura, Y., Tomioka, Y., and Kevan. S.D. Domain mapping of a Ca-doped manganite. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 131907 (2008).
  • Upton, M., Klie, R., Hill, J.P., Gog, T., Casa, D., Ku, W., Zhu, Y., Sfeir, M., Misewich, J., Eres, G., and Lowndes, D. Effect of number of walls on plasmon behavior in carbon nanotubes. Carbon 47, 162-168 (2008).


  • Beale, T.A.W., Wilkins, S.B., Hatton. P.D., Abbamonte, P., Stanescu, S., and Paixao, J.S. Resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering from 4f and 3d electrons in DyFe­4Al8. Phys. Rev. B 75, 174432 (2007).
  • Grenier, S., Kiryukhin, V., Cheong, S.-W., Hill, J.P., Thomas, K.J.. Tonnerre, J.M., Joly, Y., Staub, U., and Scagnoli, V. Observation of orbital ordering and Jahn-Teller distortions supporting the Wigner-crystal model in highly doped Bi­1-xCaxMnO3 Phys. Rev. B 75, 085101 (2007).
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  • Casa, D., Kiryukhin,V., Saleh, V., Keimer, B., Hill, J.P., Tomioka, Y., and Tokura, Y. Persistent x-ray photoconductivity and percolation of metallic clusters in charge-ordered manganites. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
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  • Gibbs, D., Hill, J.P., and Vettier, C. New directions in x-ray magnetic scattering. in: Third Generation Hard X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Sources: Source Properties, Optics and Experimental Techniques, D. Mills, Editor, J. Wiley & Sons, Publisher (in press).
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  • Hill, J.P. Magnetic x-ray scattering. in: Methods in Materials Research, John Wiley & Sons. (in press).
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  • Keimer, B., Casa, D., Ivanov, A., Lynn, J.W., v.Zimmermann, M., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Taguchi, Y., and Tokura, Y. Spin dynamics and orbital state in LaTiO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 85(18), 3946-3949 (2000).
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  • Murakami, Y., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Kawada, H., Koyama, I., Tanaka, M., Kawata, H., Arima, T., Moritomo, Y., Tokura, Y., Hirota, K., and Endoh, Y. Direct observation of charge and orbital ordering by resonant x-ray scattering. Japanese J. Appl. Phys. 38(Suppl. 38-1), 360-364 (1999).
  • Markinovic, N.S., Wang, J.X., Zajonz, H., and Adzic, R.R. Unusual stability of carbon monoxide adsorbed on the Ru(0001) electrode surface. Electrochem. Sol. State Lett. (accepted).
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  • Nakao, H., Ohwada, K., Takesue, N., Fujii, Y., Isobe, M., Ueda, Y., von Zimmermann, M., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Woicik, J.C., Koyama, I., and Murakami, Y. X-ray anomalous scattering study of a charge-ordered state in NaV2O5. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
  • Ocko, B.M., Sirota, E.B., Deutsch, M., DiMasi, E., Coburn, S., Strzalka, J., Zheng, S., Tronin, A., Gog, T., and Vendataraman, C. Positional order and thermal explosion of surface crystalline n-alkaline monolayers. Phys. Rev. E (submitted).
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  • Sarthour, R.S., Goff, J.P., McMorrow, D.F., Stunault, A., Lidstrom, E., Vigliante, A., Ward, R.C.C., and Wells, M.R. Induced magnetic order in Nd/Pr superlattices. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 288, 198-199 (1999).
  • Strzalka, J., Chen, X., Moser, C.C., Dutton, P.L., Ocko, B.M., and Blasie, J.K. X-ray studies of Maquette peptide monolayers: reflectivity and GID at the air/water interface. Langmuir (accepted).
  • Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Shpyrko, O.G., Pershan, P.S., Ocko, B.M., and Deutsch, M. Microscopic structure of the wetting film at the surface of liquid Ga-Bi alloys. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4385 (2000).
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  • Vaknin, D., Kelley, M.S., and Ocko, B.M. The structure of D-erythro-C18 ceramide at the air-water interface. Biophys. J. (submitted).
  • von Zimmermann, M., Hill, J.P., Kao, C.-C., Gog, T., Venkataraman, C., Bommannavar, A., Tsukada, I., Masuda, T., and Uchinokura, K. Resonant and non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in CuGeO3. Informal Report, Advanced Photon Source (APS) Activity Report.
  • von Zimmermann, M., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Casa, D., Keimer, B., Murakami, Y., Tomioka, Y., and Tokura, Y. Interplay of charge, orbital and magnetic order in Pr1-xCaxMnO3. Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, Vol. 590, “Application of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science V”, S.R. Stock, D.L. Perry, and S.M. Mini, Eds., ISBN: 1-55899-498-X.
  • Von Zimmermann, Nelson, C.S., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Casa, D., Keimer, B., Murakami, Y., Kao, C.-C., Venkataraman, C., Gog, T., Tomioka, Y., and Tokura, Y. X-ray resonant scattering studies of orbital and charge ordering in Pr1-xCaxMnO3. Phys. Rev. B (submitted).
  • Von Zimmermann, Nelson, C.S., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Casa, D., Keimer, B., Murakami, Y., Kao, C.-C., Venkataraman, C., Gog, T., Tomioka, Y., and Tokura, Y. X-ray resonant scattering studies of orbital and charge ordering in Pr1-xCaxMnO3. Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Synchrotron Light to Magnetic Materials, Campinas, Brazil, August 14-16, 2000 (to be published).
  • Wang, J.X., Adzic, R.R., and Ocko, B.M. In situ surface x-ray scattering of electroadsorption. in: Interfacial Electrochemistry: Theory, Experiment and Applications, A. Wieckowski, Editor, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Publisher (in press).
  • Wang, J.X., Marinkovic, N.S., Zajonz, H., Ocko, B.M., and Adzic, R.R. In situ x-ray reflectivity study of Ru(0001) surface oxidation in electrolyte solutions.
  • Watson, G.M., Gibbs, D., Lander, G.H., Gaulin, B.D., Berman, L.E., Matzke, Hj., and Ellis, W. Resonant x-ray scattering studies of the magnetic structure near the surface of an antiferromagnet. Phys. Rev. B 61(13), 8966-8975 (2000).
  • Zajonz, H., Gibbs, D., Baddorf, A.P., and Zehner, D.M. Growth of strained epitaxial Cu films on Ru(0001) monitored by surface x-ray diffraction. Proceedings of the Exploration of Subsurface Phenomena by Particle Scattering, pp. 149-154, ed. by N. Lam, S. Sinha, and C.A. Melendres, IASI Press, North East, MD (2000).
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  • Gibbs, D., Hill, J.P., and Vettier, C. New directions in x-ray magnetic scattering. in: Third Generation Hard X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Sources: Source Properties, Optics and Experimental Techniques, D. Mills, Editor, J. Wiley & Sons, Publisher (in press).
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  • H@ m@ l@ inen, K., Hill, Hill, J.P., Huotari, S., Kao, C.-C., Berman, L.E., Kotani, A., Ide, T., Peng, J.L., and Greene, R.L. Polarization and momentum dependence of a charge transfer excitation in Nd2CuO4. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
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  • Hill, J.P. Magnetic x-ray scattering. in: Methods in Materials Research, John Wiley & Sons. (in press).
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  • McMorrow, D.F., Gibbs, Doon, and Bohr, Jakob. X-ray scattering studies of lanthanide magnetism. in: Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of the Rare Earths, Vol. 26, Chapter 169, K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., and L. Eyring, Editors, pp. 1-85, Elsevier Science B.V., Publisher, 1999.
  • Murakami, Y., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Kawada, H., Koyama, I., Tanaka, M., Kawata, H., Arima, T., Moritomo, Y., Tokura, Y., Hirota, K., and Endoh, Y. Direct observation of charge and orbital ordering by resonant x-ray scattering. Japanese J. Appl. Phys. 38(Suppl. 38-1), 360-364 (1999).
  • Ocko, B., Wang, J., Adzic, R., and Wandlowski, T. Surface X-ray Scattering Studies of Electrosorption. Synchrotron Radiation News 11, 23 (1998).
  • Ocko, B.M., Robinson, I.K., Weinert, M., Randler, R.J., and Kolb, D.M. Thickness induced buckling of BCC copper films. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (4), 780-783 (1999).
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  • Randler, R.J., Kolb, D.M., Ocko, B.M., and Robinson, I.K. Electrochemical copper deposition on Au(100): a combined in-situ STM and in-situ surface x-ray diffraction study. Surf. Sci. (submitted).
  • Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Shpyrko, O.G., Pershan, P.S., Ocko, B.M., and Deutsch, M. Surface phases in binary liquid metal alloys: an x-ray study. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft (accepted)
  • Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Shpyrko, O.G., Pershan, P.S., Ocko, B.M., and Deutsch, M. Microscopic structure of the wetting film at the surface of liquid Ga-Bi alloys. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
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  • Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Pershan, P.S., Ocko, B.M., Shpyrko, O., and Deutsch, M. Surface structure of liquid metals and the effect of capillary waves: x-ray studies on liquid indium. Phys. Rev. B 59(2), 1783 (1999).
  • Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Pershan, P.S., Ocko, B.M., Shpyrko, O.G., and Deutsch, M., Microscopic surface structure of liquid alkali metals. Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communication (submitted).
  • von Zimmermann, M., Hill, J.P., Gibbs, D., Blume, M., Casa, D., Keimer, B., Murakami, Y., Tomioka, Y., and Tokura, Y. Interplay between charge, orbital and magnetic order in Pr1-xCaxMnO3. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted).
  • Wang, J.X., Adzic, R.R., and Ocko, B.M. In situ surface x-ray scattering of electroadsorption. in: Interfacial Electrochemistry: Theory, Experiment and Applications, A. Wieckowski, Editor, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Publisher (in press).
  • Watson, G.M., Gibbs, D., Lander, G.H., Gaulin, B.D., Berman, L.E., Matzke, Hj., and Ellis, W. Resonant x-ray scattering studies of the magnetic structure near the surface of an antiferromagnet. Phys. Rev. B (submitted).
  • Watson, G.M., Gibbs, D., and Lander, G. Recent highlights of x-ray magnetic scattering studies from surfaces. Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 38, Suppl. 38-10, 14-17 (1999).
  • Zajonz, H., Gibbs, D., Baddorf, A.P., and Zehner, D.M. Growth of strained epitaxial Cu films on Ru(0001) monitored by surface x-ray diffraction. J. Appl. Phys. (submitted).
  • Zajonz, H., Gibbs, D., Baddorf, A.P., and Zehner, D.M. Structure and growth strained Cu films on Ru(001). Surf. Sci. Lett. (submitted).