General Lab Information

Junior Professional Officers

Available Positions

Status Application Deadline Request No. Position Title Task Monitor
Closed 24/CSS-003 NWAL Coordination Associate Steven Amundson
Closed 23/ISF-002 Associate Safeguards Information Analyst (Open Source) (P-2) Steven Amundson
Closed 24/ISI-001 Associate Safeguards Information Analyst (Satellite Imagery) (P-2) Steven Amundson
Closed 24/TME-001 Associate Equipment Data Management Engineer (P-2) Steven Amundson
ISPO receiving applications
Pre-evaluation underway by ISPO
Approved candidates submitted to IAEA for evaluation
IAEA interviews complete and candidate selected
IAEA preparing offer
IAEA offer letter received by selected candidate

How to Apply

If you wish to apply for a Junior Professional Officer position, please complete the JPO Application Checklist and submit it along with a current resume or curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter - both in PDF format - to the assigned Task Monitor. File names should be formatted according to the following convention:

Last Name, First Name, Request Number, CV or cover letter (e.g. Doe_John-16-TUS-001-CV; Doe_John-16-TUS-001-cover_letter)

Please refer to the eligibility requirements on this web page when applying. Please do not indicate any reference to a security clearance in any of your documents. If you need assistance or additional information, contact the listed Task Monitor.

For general inquiries about JPO positions, contact:

Steve Amundson
Brookhaven National Laboratory
30 Bell Avenue
Building 490C
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 740-0105

About Junior Professional Officer Positions

To help ensure the IAEA has adequate high-quality staff, the U.S. Support Program (USSP) reimburses the IAEA for the cost of Junior Professional Officers. Examples of positions likely to be requested by the IAEA include:

Computer Science — Projects include: development of small applications; support of databases; and administration, application, installation, management and troubleshooting of equipment. Graduates in the fields of data and system design, data management, software programmers, and computer hardware design are encouraged to apply.

Open Source Information Collection — Open source information is used in evaluating a State as a whole and contributes to detecting undeclared nuclear activities within a State. JPOs in the Division of Information Management assist with the collection, processing and evaluation of open source information. Graduates in the fields of engineering, physical sciences, or political science, especially students specializing in non-proliferation, arms control or international security with experience in information research are encouraged to apply.

Engineering and Scientific Services — The IAEA uses portable and installed equipment for radiation measurement and monitoring systems, surveillance, and tamper indicating seals. JPOs may assist with the development and management of the equipment, testing of new equipment, troubleshooting and maintaining inspection equipment, performance monitoring, and receipt and preparation of equipment. Opportunities exist for individuals with degrees in mechanical, electrical/electronic, industrial, and nuclear engineering.

Technical Writing — The IAEA Division of Safeguards Technical Services is responsible for management of equipment. Technical writers may prepare procedures, technical specifications, user documentation, and training materials. Individuals should have a technical education in science or engineering and excellent English writing skills.

Other — A limited number of positions may be available at the IAEA in other divisions, depending on a particular project need in that area.