Innovation requires a work environment that promotes diversity of thought and perspective, allowing employees to feel valued and to flourish through an inclusive and respectful work environment. The Laboratory promotes equity to ensure that historically underrepresented or underserved people have the opportunity to grow, contribute, and develop. We do this by ensuring consistency in our employment practices, and by promoting collaboration and fairness.
Diversity is difference in individual attributes like national origin, race, disability,gender, age, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, veteran status, and family structure.
An equitable work environment gives everyone access to the same opportunities. Support for equity acknowledges that people start out with different advantages and seeks to eliminate barriers to success.
Inclusion is the act of connecting employees to our respectful workplace by encouraging collaboration and fairness so that everyone feels they can participate and contribute to their full potential.
Employee Resource Groups
To help attract and retain a diverse workforce, the Lab provides financial and structural support to Employee Resource Groups. These include the African American Advancement Group, the Asian Pacific American Association, the Brookhaven Veterans Association, Brookhaven Women in Science, the Early Career Resource Group, the Hispanic Heritage Group, and the Pride Alliance.
Laboratory Diversity Policies
Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
BSA strictly prohibits harassment and unlawful conduct including any act of sexual harassment towards any other employee, supervisor, non-supervisor, vendor, contractor, subcontractor, user, student, or any other guest or visitor. Conference Anti-harassment Policy Poster
Brookhaven Veterans Policy
As a federal contractor, the Laboratory is required to take affirmative action in employment for qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified veterans.
Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action Policy
Fair treatment and equal opportunity for all employees in an environment free from harassment is regarded as the Laboratory's way of doing business.
Respectful Workplace Policy
Everyone in the Lab community should demonstrate respect through common courtesy and civility, and expect to be treated the same way in return.
Anti-Retaliation Policy
Employees must not be subjected to abuse, derogatory comments, or slurs relating to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, marital or family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or medical condition.
Workplace Lactation Program
The Laboratory provides a supportive environment to enable breastfeeding employees to express their milk during working hours.
DOE Diversity Policies
DOE Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equal employment is not only the law, but a fundamental business practice which helps us to achieve our mission of growing our Nation's economy, and enhancing national security.
DOE Diversity and Inclusion Mission
Our mission is to identify and implement ways of ensuring that everyone is afforded an opportunity to participate fully in the Department's programs, opportunities, and resources.
Protecting Civil Rights at DOE
The Department of Energy is a model employer known for its commitment to equal opportunity for all, its cultivation of a high-performing workforce, its promotion of accountability, and its focus on treating its employees with dignity and respect.