User Guide | Applying for Beam Time
Partner User Agreements
In addition to being reviewed and rated by the Proposal Review Panels (PRP), Partner User (PU) proposals shall also be reviewed by NSLS-II management to assess the potential of the proposed partnership to enhance the utilization or capabilities of the facility or to contribute to its operation and to assess the compatibility of the goals of the proposed partnership with the overall goals of the facility.
Beam time shall be awarded to PU proposals by NSLS-II management via a Partner User Agreement based on the recommendations from the PRPs and the assessment of NSLS-II management.
Up to 35% of the available beam time on each beamline may be awarded to one or more PU proposals for the PU group’s use. A given PU proposal will typically be awarded beam time on only a single beamline. However, in exceptional cases, such as when access to multiple techniques requiring multiple beamlines is clearly required to achieve the aims of the proposal, a PU proposal may be awarded beam time on more than one beamline. In such cases, the only limit on beam time awarded to the PU proposal is that no more than 35% of the beam time on any individual beamline can be awarded to PU proposals.
In addition to awarding beam time, any other rights and obligations of the PU will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and defined in the PU Agreement. The terms of the PU Agreement will typically extend up to three years, although may extend up to five years in exceptional circumstances. PU Agreements may be renewed following submission and review of a renewal PU proposal. Renewal PU Proposals must clearly demonstrate a need for continued beam time to achieve the goals of the PU proposal. Past performance on related previous PU Proposals will be taken into consideration when reviewing and considering renewal PU Proposals.