Latest Publications

Even more efficient quantum computations of chemistry through sensor hypercontraction, Joonho Lee, Dominic W. Berry, Craig Gidney, William J. Huggins, Jarrod R. McClean, Nathan Wiebe, Ryan Babbush, arXiv:2011.03494 [quant-ph]. DOI 10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.030305

Implementation of efficient quantum search algorithms on NISQ computers. Kun Zhang, Pooja Rao, Wangmin Yu, Hyunkyung Lim, Vladimir Korepin. Quantum Inf Process 20, 233 (2021).

Probing subwavelength in-plane anisotropy with antenna-assisted infrared nano-spectroscopy, Ziheng Yao, Xinzhong Chen, Lukas Wehmeier, Suheng Xu, Yinming Shao, Zimeng Zeng, Fanwei Liu, Alexander S. Mcleod, Stephanie N. Gilbert Corder, Makoto Tsuneto, Wu Shi, Zihang Wang, Wenjun Zheng, Hans A. Bechtel, G. L. Carr, Michael C. Martin, Alex Zettl, D. N. Basov, Xi Chen, Lukas M. Eng, Susanne C. Kehr & Mengkun Liu, DOI 10.1038/s4141467-021-22844-3

Real-time dynamics of Chern-Simons fluctuations near a critical point, Kazuki Ikeda, Dmitri Kharzeev, Yuta Kikuchi, arXiv:2012.02926 [hep-ph]. D.O.I. 10.1103/Phys RevD.103. L071502

Remarks on nuclear matter: how an ω0 condensate can spike the speed of sound, and a model of Z(3) baryons, Robert D. Pisarski, arXiv:2101.05813.

Single-particle digitization strategy for quantum computation of a ?4 scalar field theory, João Barata, Niklas Mueller, Andrey Tarasov, Raju Venugopalan, arXiv:2012.00020 [hep-th]. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.042410

Publications Guidelines

We are pleased to see preprints and publications from C2QA team members.

As a reminder, the Department of Energy is very strict about delineating different sources of support in the acknowledgments. For peer-reviewed articles and technical papers please use the following exact wording:

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA) under contract number DE-SC0012704.

Note that for work with multiple sources of support, DOE requires explicit acknowledgment of which aspects of the work and which individuals were supported by each source.

For each C2QA preprint, please drop a copy into the Publications Drop Box on our Teams site or forward a copy to Donna Cusa for inclusion in our database.

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