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Shawn Serbin

Research Interests

Shawn Serbin is broadly trained in forest ecology, plant physiology, ecosystem science and remote sensing. His research focuses on the exchanges of carbon, water and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere with a focus on scaling and model-data synthesis. Shawn’s research spans several global biomes and leverages a number of tools including spectroscopy and novel quantitative methods, which he uses to effectively scale process knowledge.

Recent Publications

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  • Wu J, Serbin SP, Ely KS, Wolfe BT, Dickman LT, Grossiord C, Michaletz ST, Collins AD, Detto M, McDowell NG, Wright SJ, Rogers A (2019) The response of stomatal conductance to seasonal drought in tropical forests. Global Change Biology. In Press.
  • Serbin SP, Wu, J, Ely, KS, Kruger, EL, Townsend, PA, Meng, R, Wolfe, BT, Chlus, A, Wang, Z, Rogers, A. (2019) From the Arctic to the tropics: multi-biome prediction of leaf mass per area using leaf reflectance. New Phytologist. 224, 1557-1568.
  • Viskari, T, Shiklomanov, A, Dietze, MC, Serbin, SP (2019). The influence of canopy radiation parameter uncertainty on model projections of terrestrial carbon and energy cycling. Plos One, 14(7), e0216512.
  • Wu J, Rogers A, Albert LP, Ely K, Prohaska N, Wolfe BT, Oliveira RC, Saleska SR, Serbin SP (2019) Leaf reflectance spectroscopy captures variation in carboxylation capacity across species, canopy environment, and leaf age in lowland moist tropical forests. New Phytologist. 222(2),663-674.
  • Burnett AC, Davidson K, Serbin SP, Rogers A (2019) The 'one-point method' for estimating maximum carboxylation capacity of photosynthesis: a cautionary tale. Plant, Cell & Environment. 42(8), 2472-2481
  • Shiklomanov A, Bradley BA, Dahlin K, Fox A, Gough C, Hoffman FM, Middleton E, Serbin S, Smallman L,Smith WK (2019) Enhancing gloabl change experiments through integration of remote sensing techniques. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17(4), 215-224. doi 10.1001/fee.2031
  • Rogers A, Serbin SP, Ely KS, Wullschleger SD (2019) Terrestrial biosphere models may overestimate Arctic CO2 assimilation if they do not account for decreased quantum yield and convexity at low temperature. New Phytologist. 223, 167-179
  • Ely KS, Burnett AC, Lieberman-Cribbin W, Serbin SP, Rogers A (2019) Spectroscopy can predict key leaf traits associated with source-sink balance and carbon-nitrogen status. Journal of Experimental Botany
  • Dickman LT, McDowell NG, Grossiord C, Collins AD, Wolfe BT, Detto M, Wright SJ, Medina-Vega JA, Goodsman D, Rogers A, Serbin SP, Wu J, Ely KS, Michaletz ST, Xu C, Kueppers L, Chambers JQ (2019) Homeostatic maintenance of non-structural carbohydrates during the 2015-2016 El Nino drought across a tropical forest precipitation gradient. Plant, Cell & Environment. 42, 1705-1714
  • Kamoske AD, Dahlin KM, Stark SC Serbin SP (2019) leaf area density from airborne LiDAR: Comparing sensors and resolutions in a temperate broadleaf forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management. 433, 364-375.

Recent Invited Talks

  • Serbin, SP and the NGEE-Arctic Team. Enhancing collaborations between NGEE-Arctic and NASA ABoVE. The Fifth ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Scripps Seaside Forum, CA, May 20-23, 2019 (invited talk). [link]
  • Serbin, SP, Yang, D, Meng, R, McMahon, A, Breen, A, Ely, K, Hantson, W, Hayes, D, Rogers, A, Wullschleger, S. Leaf to Landscape Scale Remote Sensing of Arctic Vegetation Structure and Function. US-IALE Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, April 7th-11th, 2019 (invited talk). [pdf]
  • Serbin, SP et al. (2018). Characterizing plant responses to a changing environment, disturbance, and stress using near-surface to airborne reflectance spectroscopy. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana (invited talk). [abstract]
  • Serbin SP. et al. (2018). Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment in the Arctic (NGEE-Arctic). NASA ABoVE Science Team Meeting. Seattle, WA, USA [invited talk]
  • Serbin SP, Meng R, McmAhon A, Liberman-Cribbon, Ely, Rogers A, Wulschleger SD. (2018). Remote sensing of the spatial and temporal patterns of Arctic plant traits and ecosystem function. Department of Energy, Environmental Systems Science Principal Investigator Meeting, Potomac, MD, USA
  • Serbin SP. (2017). Evaluation of multiple mechanistic hypotheses of leaf photosynthesis and stomatal conductance against diurnal and seasonal data from two contrasting Panamanian tropical forests. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA


  • Ph.D. Forest Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • M.Sc. Forest Ecology, & Environmental Monitoring (dual M.Sc.), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • B.A. Telecommunications with a cognate in Geography and Geographic Information Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Shawn Serbin

Associate Scientist, Terrestrial Ecosystem Science & Technology Group
Environmental Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000

phone: +1 (631) 344-3165
twitter: @doctorjackpine, @TESTgroup_BNL
Researcher ID: B-6392-2009